Hi everyone !
I don't really know if it's in the scope of use of gallery, but I've a question regarding the "albums" folder.
Well, it's a bit complex to explain, I'll start with the beginning.
I've a debian server used as a NAS and as a webserver. I store all my pictures on a RAID1 array on it (+ monthly backup on a RAID5 array), manipulate (add/remove/resize/rename, etc.) them using Picasa, through samba.
My whole picture folder has been symlinked to g2data/albums (using g2). So far that works very well.
But I was wondering if it is possible to have the g2data/albums folder somehow automatically updated, to reflect the changes done "manually" (i.e. not using g2).
I hope you'll see what I mean!
By the way, thanks for that incredible app!
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Yes, it seems that that would do the trick
Thanks !