added random photo block on the left by mistake, now I canno

srinivas's picture

Joined: 2003-04-29
Posts: 8
Posted: Sat, 2003-05-03 21:47

I have just added the Random Block block. But on the left side. It works but I only see just
the left side block and nothing in the middle or right side. I also get ....

Fatal error: Cannot redeclare fs_copy() (previously declared in /usr/html/gallery/platform/fs_unix.php:22) in /usr/html/gallery/platform/fs_unix.php on line 22

From what I read on this forum if I change the block to right side. Only way I can see admin login prompt is to remove block-Random_Photo.php. Even after removing the block it kicks back to admin login screen IF I CLICK ON ANY ADMINISTRATION ICONS.

I don't how to get my site backup where it was before I added the Random Photo block.

Any help is greatly appreciated.

-Srinivas :mad:

srinivas's picture

Joined: 2003-04-29
Posts: 8
Posted: Sat, 2003-05-03 23:07

I have fixed the problem after reading some previous posts. Here is what I did...

1) removed 2 entries in nuke_blocks table both for Random_Photo block

this didn't solve the problem. So finally restarted mysql which fixed the problem.



I have just added the Random Block block. But on the left side. It works but I only see just
the left side block and nothing in the middle or right side. I also get ....

Fatal error: Cannot redeclare fs_copy() (previously declared in /usr/html/gallery/platform/fs_unix.php:22) in /usr/html/gallery/platform/fs_unix.php on line 22

From what I read on this forum if I change the block to right side. Only way I can see admin login prompt is to remove block-Random_Photo.php. Even after removing the block it kicks back to admin login screen IF I CLICK ON ANY ADMINISTRATION ICONS.

I don't how to get my site backup where it was before I added the Random Photo block.

Any help is greatly appreciated.

-Srinivas :mad: