No Site Maintenance, unable to delete Albums G1 -> G2
Joined: 2007-02-02
Posts: 4 |
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Unable to get to Site Maintenance so Unable to post that information. Migrated from G1 (1.5) to G2. Install went okay. Followed the instructions to the best of my knowledge. Checked and my file integrity is intact. increased php mem to 128M. I was able to add an album and a picture with no issue. I had some issues with maxing out my storage limit but now I am okay with space and I was able to migrate the remainder of my albums. Upon attempting to delete the test album I created as part of the migration I get a blank screen (I get the left side menu column but nothing to the right). I have tried any measure of the fixes in the forums (moving albums, edit permissions) but I can do none of those things. Upon attempting to access Site Admin I get a blank screen - same with the links to Performance, Quotas, ImageMagick, and NetPbm. Within an album, I cannot 'Move an album' or 'delete a picture', and both 'delete Album' and 'Edit Permissions' give me a blank screen. I turned on debugging but I didn't find any error messages - even on the pages that returned blanks. Gallery 1.5 worked and was stable for a long time. Then it stopped working and I could no longer use the upload applet to load pics. I was getting "Notice: Only variable references should be returned by reference in" errors and I thought finally upgrading to 2 might help. I probably should have continued to work trying to get 1.5 working again. |
Posts: 7994
Check your error logs. I'm guessing that yuo're running out of memory. Try this FAQ:
FAQ: PHP memory_limit - Why do I get the error Allowed memory size of Xxx bytes exhausted?
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Thanks for the response.
I checked with my host, my max value is 32M. I updated my php.ini to reflect the max value.
I put in my error description that I don't have access to the error logs so I don't know how to debug that if I am indeed facing this error. I doublechecked with them again and they are adamant that they are not going to provide the error logs.
But with 32M that shouldn't be an issue, correct?
Posts: 32509
@Notice: Only variable references should be returned by reference
might also be your webhost's fault. see:
FAQ: I get "Notice: Only variable references should be returned by reference in ", what's wrong?
@blank screen:
FAQ: I get only a blank screen when trying to view my Gallery, what's wrong?
(also see: FAQ: Can I change the timezone for dates/times displayed in G2?)
@no error log access:
that's a problem and not that great of your webhost.
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Posts: 4
I enabled the error log per the "I am getting a blank screen FAQ".
[02-Feb-2007 19:47:20] PHP Warning: Cannot modify header information - headers already sent by (output started at /////gallery2/main.php:1) in /////gallery2/modules/core/classes/Gallery.class on line 891
[02-Feb-2007 19:47:20] PHP Warning: Cannot modify header information - headers already sent by (output started at /////gallery2/main.php:1) in /////gallery2/modules/core/classes/Gallery.class on line 892
[02-Feb-2007 19:47:20] PHP Warning: Cannot modify header information - headers already sent by (output started at /////gallery2/main.php:1) in /////gallery2/modules/core/classes/Gallery.class on line 893
[02-Feb-2007 19:47:20] PHP Warning: Cannot modify header information - headers already sent by (output started at /////gallery2/main.php:1) in /////gallery2/modules/core/classes/Gallery.class on line 894
[02-Feb-2007 19:47:20] PHP Warning: Cannot modify header information - headers already sent by (output started at /////gallery2/main.php:1) in /////gallery2/modules/core/classes/Gallery.class on line 895
The rest of the suggestions I believe I have tried or cannot do:
* How to display PHP errors? Done
* How to check / increase the memory limit? Done 32M
* How can I view the error log of the webserver? Cannot
* Always enable the 'buffered' debug mode first if there is a problem. In Debug mode, don't see any issues.
With regard to the variable reference issue, I cannot do the replace called out in the faq, I can only add to my php.ini file, not replace. I added zend_optimizer.optimization_level=14 to php.ini but I see no effect.
As well I did this one: error_reporting(E_ALL &~ (E_NOTICE | E_WARNING)); but it seemed to have no effect either. I was not exactly sure where to put this in the file so I put it at the very end between the } and ?>.
Posts: 4
One little extra tidbit: I seem not to be able to log in to my site admin now.
Posts: 7994
Sorry for the long delay in responding! I was out of town for 5 days (skiing in Tahoe .. woo!). Are you still having this problem? It looks like there's something bogus on line 1 of main.php that's causing all redirects to fail. I'd check your main.php to make sure that it's unmodified. You might want to restore the original main.php from the Gallery distribution.
From looking at this image url:
It definitely looks like line 1 of main.php is the culprit, at least for this particular problem. At any rate, I want to get you back working as quickly as possible so if you want you can private message me your server details and I'll be happy to go in and fix whatever ails your Gallery for you directly.
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dsmythe was kind enough to share his ftp password with me and I figured out why he was seeing blank pages. Actually, they weren't totally blank -- on the Site Admin pages you'd see the header/footer/sidebar, but the main content was blank. It turns out that the files generated by Smarty were empty! I haven't seen this before. At any rate, I fixed it by browsing to lib/support and clearing out the Smarty cache. Now the Site Admin pages all work.
This is pretty weird, though. If we see this happen again, perhaps we should add some code to detect empty templates and delete them.
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