Gallery v.1 and GD


Joined: 2007-01-30
Posts: 6
Posted: Fri, 2007-02-02 14:23


(first of all sorry for my english, it's not my native laguage)

Why don't you use GD in Gallery v.1? GD is actually supporting all what Gallery v.1 needs.
I use Gallery v.1 because it doesn't require database and i can use Gallery Remote to upload pictures. I cannot install NetPBM or ImageMagick on my server but have GD 2.0.28 in it. So i made a simple mod for Gallery v.1 to support GD.

To Gallery v.1 developers: I don't actually understand why doesn't you want to use GD in Gallery v.1... It works great for me. If you want to, you can use my code in Gallery v.1 distribution or put it in "User contributions" section.

Kamil Tunkiewicz

GD_MOD.zip13.72 KB
Tim_j's picture

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Posted: Mon, 2007-02-05 06:51

Hello Kamil,

the simple reason is, that nobody coded it so far. ;-)

I will look at your mod in the next days.
A quick glance showed its in the phpBB2 mod style.

Could you make a unified diff against Gallery 1.5.5 ?
Then add it please as patch in the patch tracker on our sourceforge page.

Last Gallery v1 Developer and v1 translation manager.


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Posts: 6
Posted: Mon, 2007-02-05 13:45

Hi Tim

Funny thing is that, im a programmer for several years, and i have never used CVS before :]. I'll try to do this :)
You are right, it is in phpBB mod style because i have been writing many mods for phpBB :)


Edit: I'm going to write some nice EXIF mod too (for those who have --enable-exif enabled in their PHP instalation).

Tim_j's picture

Joined: 2002-08-15
Posts: 6818
Posted: Mon, 2007-02-05 18:15


CVS ? We use svn.

Last Gallery v1 Developer and v1 translation manager.


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Posted: Mon, 2007-02-05 18:25

Ugh, sorry, my mistake :D
I made a patch using diff. I will upload it as soon as i will get my account on sourceforge running.


Joined: 2007-01-30
Posts: 6
Posted: Mon, 2007-07-23 08:42


I attached

Will you use my code in Gallery 1.6? If the code needs to be updated to Galery 1.6 i can do that for you.

Kamil Tunkiewicz

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Joined: 2002-08-15
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Posted: Mon, 2007-07-23 09:41


i must apology, because i didnt look at your code so far.
I didnt planned to put GD into 1.6 (i planned 1.7)

But if you will adjust your code to 1.6 that would be fantastic!!

We would then have 3 types of ImageManipulation.
Maybe its worth to put this into classes?


Last Gallery v1 Developer.
Tryout the TEST-Version of Gallery 1.6


Joined: 2007-07-09
Posts: 8
Posted: Mon, 2007-07-23 21:15
Tim_j wrote:
Maybe its worth to put this into classes?

Of course it is...

miguel yanez

Joined: 2007-08-02
Posts: 5
Posted: Mon, 2007-08-06 10:34

I installed this mod in version 1.5.6 and is fantastic
Thank you very mach

Please GD for the next version of gallery 1

Tim_j's picture

Joined: 2002-08-15
Posts: 6818
Posted: Mon, 2007-08-06 11:44


GD will not go into the 1.5.x series of G1.
We will have a security audit for Gallery 1.6 in the next days, so i think it wont go into 1.6

Thus GD will go into Gallery 1.7, which will be released ~ next year. (But the developer version are available earlier)

Last Gallery v1 Developer.
Tryout the TEST-Version of Gallery 1.6


Joined: 2007-01-30
Posts: 6
Posted: Sat, 2008-03-01 10:41

Hi! I made this mod just after i installed gallery. I was in hurry so i made it very simple and little buggy (if you turn on debug mode you can see some insignificant warnings). But it works fine for me, and as far as i know it works fine for some other people.
I will take a look at v.1.6 soon. I have some urgent work to do now, and i will need some gallery in it, so i'll use Gallery v.1.6 and i'll make GD mod for v.1.6

Thank you for comments!