Hey, there's a new forum, with some glitches though:
- The images are aliased for a light background, on black they look kinda ugly.
- The text input windows are black and the text colour is dark, making it almost impossible to read what I'm writing here...
Furthermore, I guess it will take a bit of getting used to, but a new version of phpBB is always an improvement 
Posts: 7994
Yep, I've got those two issues on my short list. We'll be changing the site theme to one with a lighter background in the near future so most of these stylistic issues will go away at that point. I was planning on waiting a couple of days for that but I guess I'll do it sooner!
Posts: 8194
This thread also looks very weird in my browser: http://gallery.menalto.com/index.php?name=PNphpBB2&file=viewtopic&t=5733 (looks like a lot of nested tables)
Posts: 314
I noticed that behaviour in another thread too. I think it has something to do with quotes not being closed properly (you can see quotes being opened, but you see the code to close them).
The light theme looks a lot better now! And I love the reply notification, it makes the forums a lot easier to work with
I only have to get used to the bubblegum font of the new logo...
Posts: 7994
I'm working on the quotes issue. I'll have to write a script to trawl through the posts and close the quotes. The phpBB2 upgrade script didn't quite get it right
Posts: 332
:o wow, I leave for a couple days and "poof" everything changes.
Nice, Bright & Sunny!
Posts: 1301
I love it! (especially the addition of being able to subscribe to individual threads - good feature)!
Posts: 7994
Ok, I've fixed this with some judicious use of SQL statements. phpBB2's quoting system is more powerful than phpBB14's so I had to do some mildly clever stuff. The good news is that quotes look a lot better now than they did in the old forums!
Posts: 3474
Dum diddly dum... boop diddly oop.
Posts: 3473
Well, sorry bharat, but I'm not very happy. I relied on the email notification to keep up with the site. That missing, combined with the 8pt (!!!) font that is used all over the place makes me feel quite alienated from the site.
Posts: 7994
I know! I'm working on it. I need to talk to the theme designer and get him to give me a version with larger fonts. Hopefully that will happen very soon.
As for the email notification the problem is that this was a core feature in phpBB1.4, but it went away in phpBB2. I've found a mod that will enable this feature, but it's pretty intrusive and I've got to go through the code carefully to make sure that it's not going to hose other stuff before I apply it. Hopefully I'll get a chance to take care of that tonight. Stick with me, I'll have this resolved before the end of the week!
Posts: 1301
If you are viewing the site with IE a temporary font fix is to go to Tools>Internet Options>Accessibility and check the option "ignore font sizes specified on web pages". Then you can set your own font size in View>Text Size.
With Mozilla browsers, go to View>Text Zoom to set the font size.
In Opera, go to File>Preferences>Page Style. Set the size under Default Zoom.
You might already know most of this, but maybe you don't or maybe it will help someone else who doesn't like the smaller font size.
As to the email notification - it works for individual posts - I like that. What is the other option you're looking into, Bharat?
Posts: 3473
Thanks Pixel,
The browser I am on (Camino) does it on a page by page basis - so I have to do it again everytime I open a new tag. I could fix it in preferences, but as it's the only page I visit that doesn't look fine by default, I don't want to break every other page.
The old site had an option, subscribe, which sent you a copy of every posting in the forum. So I could just click through my email, and see if there was anything I could help on. The new system is better for users with questions: they only want to see the answers. But if you want to monitor a forum to help, it's no good at all.
Posts: 7994
Okay, I've done two things:
1. I've made all the font sizes 2 pts larger, except in the forums which were already at a 10pt font. How does it look? Should I make the forum fonts larger?
2. I've hacked forum monitoring into phpBB2. This was no mean feat so you better be happy with it
I migrated our old subscriptions over so you shouldn't have to do anything. You can control your subscriptions by clicking the new "Watch this forum" link in the top right corner when you're viewing a forum page.
Gimme feedback if there are still issues with the above (or anything else, for that matter).
Posts: 3473
Much better. The email works, and the fonts are much better.
I'm a bit of an em fan myself, but there seems to be consumer resistance to it.
Posts: 7994
What is em?
Posts: 26
EM is a font size command within css, it controls the height of the font. However - I believe there are probs using it with IE6, I prefer PX (pixels) myself. I guess it is impossible to fix anything across all platforms and browsers! :cry:
Posts: 1301
Joan, you're right - people seem to either love em (I'm assuming we're talking font size control) or totally hate the idea. Some *designers* feel it doesn't give them enough control over the site layout, but ... (it can be done, but probably this is the wrong place to start that discussion)!
Bharat, as long as I can still only subscribe to individual posts as opposed to the entire forum I'm a happy camper. I get entirely too much email now (spread out over 4 domains I maintain, my main account and two hotmail accounts for the junk). Subscribing to the ones I've replied to is a nice way for me to know if/when someone had success with a suggestion I made (or not).
This looks quite readable, although I do know that on mac browsers some of the smaller fonts sizes are pretty much unreadable.
Posts: 1301
Guess I wandered away from the computer too long (coffee break in the middle of posting is a bad thing).
em - can cause problems for IE (and Opera) - I tend to use px for font size and em to control line height and padding.
If anyone still uses the dinosaur also known as NS4 version browsers, it has to be absolute font size or nothing.
Putting font-size=100% in the body tag (css) seems to help IE keep fonts from getting so small they are unreadable, although it only renders down so far before it won't go any smaller (about 8px being the smallest I believe).
I read somewhere awhile back that if you specify size for the body (ie 12px) that you can then use em for everything else and it will size up or down from that baseline of 12px.
Anyway, here's a good article with links to further reading, if you are interested, Bharat (or anyone else reading this)!
Using relative font sizes
Posts: 80
emailing replies is still here. Just look in your forum profile(not post nuke) by clicking on "profile" on top of any forum page and choose "email me any replies" and you're all set.
Posts: 8194
I think they were talking about subscribing to whole forums, which wasn't supported until Bharat's hack.
Posts: 80
oh, sorry
..I use phpBB 2.0.4 converted for php-nuke, and forum subscriptions are integrated into the forum automatically. I guess it was stripped down some for the Post Nuke ver.