Need some input on my gallery/store.

Iomega0318's picture

Joined: 2007-02-05
Posts: 35
Posted: Wed, 2007-02-07 14:20

Hey guys I have been working night and day to edit and set up my store using gallery, although it is not finished and I still have to add all the items lol it's coming along great!
Here is a list of changes I have made:
Took out "Add Album to Cart"
Edited "Add Photo(s) to Cart" to "Add Item to Cart"
Took out Album Owner, Album Views, Album Date
Took out Photo Views, Photo Date, Already had show owner turned off
Edited the main album to say Shop Home
Edited the logo.gif on main page, will update later
Am trying to figure out how to add an "Add Item to Cart" beneath the picture once you click on it so you don't have to go to the side bar.

Linked Gallery to my subdomain at

As far as I can remember thats everything I have done.. If some of you guys don't mind taking a look and letting me know what you think and any advice/tips would be greatly appreciated. The items I have on there right now are real and can be ordered using PayPal so if your interested in the few items I currently have on there feel free to make a purchase, be my ginie pig (think that's spelled wrong) as I have only tested PayPal in sandbox mode and it "was" working.

Anyways any advice, help, or critique is appreciated and welcome!

Gallery version = 2.1.2 core
PHP version = 4.3.11 cgi-fcgi
Webserver = Apache/1.3.33 (Unix) FrontPage/ mod_fastcgi/2.4.2
Database = mysql 4.1.14, lock.system=flock
Operating system = FreeBSD