[Solved] $theme.navigator.next.thumbnail - not set in Gallery 2.2 RC1?

Roi Danton

Joined: 2006-06-15
Posts: 46
Posted: Mon, 2007-02-19 10:47

Hello g2_devs,

I've developed my theme with a gallery nightly build from 31.12.2006. I'm using the variable $theme.navigator.next.thumbnail to show the next image in photo.tpl.

Now I'm using Gallery 2.2 RC1 and this variable isn't set, so no thumbnail is shown (the link variable $theme.navigator.next.urlParams still works).

Do you know why it isn't set - Debug mode doesn't show this variable - or do you have a workaround/alternative for this?


Roi Danton

Joined: 2006-06-15
Posts: 46
Posted: Mon, 2007-02-19 12:30

Never mind, I've done it with core.LoadPeers now.


Joined: 2009-09-08
Posts: 2
Posted: Tue, 2009-09-08 17:58

Can You describe how did you solved it?
I solved it same way, but it show wrong navigation thumbnails for first few and last few photos. I get next/prev photo id by $block.core.LoadPeers.peers.3.id/$block.core.LoadPeers.peers.5.id and then use it in core.DownloadItem such like this:
<img src="main.php?g2_view=core.DownloadItem&amp;g2_itemId={$block.core.LoadPeers.peers.3.id}&amp;g2_serialNumber=2" width="150" height="100" class="previous" />
I do not understand why in first few pictures in album is $block.core.LoadPeers.peers.3.id exactly same and in remaining photos its changing as I suppose.


Joined: 2009-09-08
Posts: 2
Posted: Tue, 2009-09-08 19:18

OK nevermind, I finally did it by rewriting modules/core/blocks/navigator.tpl