wish list

ron@adobewerks.com's picture

Joined: 2006-11-09
Posts: 66
Posted: Mon, 2007-02-19 19:27

wish list :)

I would love to be able to run a report of all my users (mainly to extract thier email addresses for my mailing list)

"My Favorites" it would be awesome if users could tag pictures as thier favorites.. in effect, creating thier own "dynamic album". My dad asked for this so he could go to a friends house, log on and show them the pictures he likes most.

My wife asks for an enhancement to the Members Module. She would like to see more info about the members: ie; comments left, last viewed pictures (and favorites if that ever is created)

Thank you to all who have created this AWESOME software. U you all rock !:)

my site is located at www.adobewerks.com