best way of integration ? - please help


Joined: 2007-02-21
Posts: 5
Posted: Wed, 2007-02-21 11:51

hey !

i have been searching around a lot, finding so much different stuff about how to integrate / embedd the gallery.
however, i didn't really figure out what the best way would be for me and my problem:

i have a typo3 site, in which i want the gallery to be displayed. its not a big deal, to stuff it into an i frame. but what i need is, at the time the user clicks something in the gallery, the rest of the typo3 site (outside the ifrae) has to reload, because of banner-ads etc that have to reload, and increase pageviews.

so is there any way i can integrate the gallery into my typo3-site fulfilling my needs ?
i tried the typo3-extention but didnt't really get it to work the way i want. also i think it is too buggy, and i dont need the gallery-backend in typo3.

would be glad if anybody can suggest me what kind of embedding / integrating i should use

thanks alot



Joined: 2003-01-04
Posts: 32509
Posted: Thu, 2007-02-22 12:54

sounds like you actually want to use the typo3 g2 extension. i never tried that one myself, too bad if it's too buggy.
maybe you can fix the bugs that are most important to you yourself.
maybe starting from scratch with GalleryEmbed::init + GalleryEmbed::handleRequest is the way to go for you.

see the notes on visual integration at development -> embedding.

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