WebDAV module, image Upload broken?


Joined: 2007-10-17
Posts: 5
Posted: Tue, 2007-11-13 23:32

Is there a solution in SVN for the .DS_Store issue? I'm having that with my 2.2.3 server, and would love to work around it. I'm perfectly happy making [temporary] changes to the underlying code if needed, just wondered if there is already a solution for the issue.



Joined: 2003-01-04
Posts: 32509
Posted: Wed, 2007-11-14 01:11

there's a check for DW_Store in svn.. why not look before asking? :)

you can get the latest code via site admin -> plugins -> get more plugins -> ...

Documentation: Support / Troubleshooting | Installation, Upgrade, Configuration and Usage


Joined: 2009-08-10
Posts: 1
Posted: Mon, 2009-08-10 13:06

Did this problem become an issue for people again recently? I just started using Gallery in January '09, and the WebDav module this week, but I'm having what appears to be an identical or very similar issue. I'm running Gallery 2.3 (Skidoo) on Dreamhost, and using the Mac OS X 10.5.7 built-in webdav interface to connect to my Gallery install.

* When I upload a file via Mac's built-in WebDav, the file uploads fine, but in my albums the files show no thumbnail, no image, and the size comes up as 92x92.
* When I use Goliath, the file shows up fine in my albums.
* The server lists the uploaded files as "GalleryUnknownItem"
* Non-uploading tasks work fine through the mounted volume and the files themselves are intact on the other side.

This seems to be exactly the problem described here. If other people are having this problem, it may have been reintroduced through some oversight, as this was obviously patched in 2007.

Anyone else having this problem?

Ben Wilson

Joined: 2010-08-06
Posts: 1
Posted: Fri, 2010-08-06 19:43

Finder (in Mac OSX 10.6.4) is still broken, having the 0 byte file size problem. This is definitely a Finder issue (not Gallery), because using command line works fine. I've tried using Cyberduck, but it has the same problem. Goliath works fine, but it's pretty clunky. Apple doesn't seem to have any interest in fixing the well known Webdav problems with Finder, so I'm getting a little frustrated.

Are there any other alternatives or fixes that I could try? I don't mind wading through the webdav plugin if that's required.