gallery upgrade screen after succesful install


Joined: 2007-03-01
Posts: 2
Posted: Thu, 2007-03-01 19:31

My apologies if this has been discussed. I searched the forums but did not find this topic listed. If it has been, just send me the link.
I recently upgraded to Gallery 2.2. I went through the upgrade steps and after some database issues was able to complete the installation.
Upon completion there was a link that took me to my new gallery homepage which appeared to work fine. I closed the browser and as suggested removed the preinstall.php file. I then went to my gallery homepage ( and it still shows the upgrade page instead of the gallery home page.
I then went to the gallery/lib/support/index.php and cleared the cache which did not work either.

Did I forget to remove something in my gallery directory?

I am running maxthon (IE6 clone) and firefox with the same results.
Newbie to php and sql but relatively comfortable in the linux enviroment.
Any suggestions would be appreciated.


Joined: 2003-01-04
Posts: 32509
Posted: Sun, 2007-03-04 14:03

Joined: 2007-03-01
Posts: 2
Posted: Mon, 2007-03-05 02:40

Well, after messing around on and off I think I came up with a solution.
I tried to "reinstall" the application so I could find the original URL I previously mentioned but I began getting permission errors on the g2data folder. After reading the forums I decided to go back to gallery/lib/support/index.php and change the permissions on the folder, deleted the database and started over. The URL was pointing to gallery/gallery2/main.php which appeared to work fine. For some reason the URL that was not working was softlinking to a php script in the update folder. I deleted that file, changed the link to the new URL and it appeared to work fine.
Sorry for all the questions, your forum is a great source of information.
Hopefully my experience will help somebody else. Otherwise, it makes for a good laugh :)