X_treme theme
Joined: 2005-03-28
Posts: 157 |
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******************* X_treme theme (G2.2) ******************** [img]http://www.pedrogilberto.net/gallery2/themes/x_treme/templates/extra/logos/logo.png[/img] Downloads: http://pedrogilberto.net/g2 Information: A discussion page to keep track the things that need to be X_treme requires Gallery 2.2 (downloads) Here is a link to PGTheme Forum: http://gallery.menalto.com/node/33603 Pedro Gilberto
Posts: 49
let me be the first to say - (well probably not but hey)
That this theme is excellent and highly recommended by me, full of excellent features and a job well done pedro.
Posts: 29
Just bookmark this page, I will visit it more often.
Thanks again, Predro. Great job done.
tt from <a href="http://www.camera2z.com">CamerA2Z.com</a><br>
Posts: 29
Like this theme very much, especially the photo display part and xtream frame set up.
Now I need help from your:
For Album, where is place I can adjust the position of the thumnails and the width of album title and desc if put beside thumails. they are too close, I plan to setup a album layout which can be just fit into a 1024x768 screen.
Can any one advise me?
tt from CamerA2Z.com
Gallery: 2.2 RC1
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Posts: 9
Hi everyone
I just installed the latest Gallery and the new X-treme theme. It says the X_treme module is working but I can't find anything where I can choose the colorpacks I like. I've checked and I've installed as was instructed in the readme file. I'm totally a layman to codes etc. I read the forum on the PGtheme to get a view but I don't have any idea what's everyone talking about.
Is there a layman configuration tutorial? I can't find it.
My aim is to just have my own logo up and to choose a colorpack I like for my albums. I can't find the choose colorpack function under X-treme theme in Gallery.
Anyone can help me?
Posts: 29
Just go to Theme in Site admin, you can see the color pack, then you select X_?????, there are some default setting there.
tt from CamerA2Z.com
Gallery: 2.2 RC1
Linux Kernel 2.6.9-42.0.8
Apache: 1.3.37
PHP : 4.4.4
Database:mysql 5.0.27 Standard cPanel :10.9.0
Browser :IE 6.0
Posts: 9
Thanks tt688. My default theme is X-treme but I'm just wondering how to configure to get the colorpacks inside I want like "snow" for instance. Or am I looking at this all wrongly.
Posts: 426
A discussion page to keep track the things that need to be
addressed at: http://codex.gallery2.org/Talk:Gallery2:Themes:x_treme
Here is a link to old PGTheme Forum: http://gallery.menalto.com/node/33603
Pedro Gilberto
Thanks for separating the forums Pedro.
Can you take the "X_treme" out of the PGtheme forum's name so people ask their X_treme questions here, and leave that already huge forum for PG questions.
Also please don;t use the word "old" with the name of PGtheme.
The fact you have made another theme does not change the fact that PGtheme is a great theme.
Also please say that "Some other colorpacks don't work with it" rather than that the colorpacks with "X_treme" in their names are the ONLY ones that work with X_treme theme. In the demo page, a lot of the colorpacks work with it.
Can you explain what ways other packs may not work with it?
I have not fully tested yet, but I think my new Uselect family of colorpacks will work with it, as I tailored them from one of your PG colorpacks.
Also of course, people will continue to build new colorpacks.
Posts: 29
Check the theme tab, and it is at top of the config page.
tt from CamerA2Z.com
Gallery: 2.2 RC1
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Apache: 1.3.37
PHP : 4.4.4
Database:mysql 5.0.27 Standard cPanel :10.9.0
Browser :IE 6.0
Posts: 138
Need help with info under image thumbnails...
There are many options for X-treme, and I'm afraid I get confused sometimes. On my pages that show item thumbnails for images to open, I currently see the item title under the thumbnail, but nothing else. If I click the little info icon in the upper corner of the thumbnail, the floating popup shows me the owner, view count and rating for the image, with the little java-script icons under that. This is fine, I like it. BUT.. here is what I want to see under the image thumbnails without having to click the info icon:
View Count
Probably in that order. Can someone PLEASE tell me EXACTLY what option to select in each area of the theme configuration? For me its like playing roulette, I change things like a merry-go-round each time and get further and further from my goal. I don't want the configuration simplified I just want someone to help me please.
Posts: 157
triangular, I added option to select where to show title and description in or outside floating boxes.
You can download again:
but if you want all that information under each thumbnail is better to uncheck "ALBUM - Items :: Show info selected below floating"
Posts: 138
Thanks for the reply, it helped.
Now the only peice of information I can't seem to get displayed under the image thumbs are the KEYWORDS. Where is that setting? Thanks!
Posts: 157
triangular, this option will display keywords also: "ALBUM - Items :: Show Summaries (number of comments, rating, etc)"
Posts: 138
Thank you, but it looks like I cannot have both keywords and ratings displayed under each thumbnail? Because the ratings selection states it does not work if item summaries are turned on. I only see my ratings for each image (under the thumbnails) if I don't have summaries turned on. Is there a way to get both keywords and ratings? What I want for image thumbs to display underneath is:
View Count
Preferably in that order. I don't see how to have both?
Posts: 157
If you select: "ALBUM - Items :: Show Rating (to use this option "Show summaries" must be set to "No")" you can chose to show rating only for photos, for albums, or both.
If you select: " ALBUM - Items :: Show Summaries (number of comments, rating, etc)" ratings will be displayed at the end of all others summaries (this can not be controlled by the theme), If you chose this option all summaries will be shown and "ALBUM - Items :: Show Rating" will take no effect in order to no display duplicated rating for each item.
Posts: 9
I found an old reply by gaynormcc to someone in the PGtheme and now I found the colorpacks list.
EDIT:Happiness didn't last long. It's actually a Select theme icons. I still can't figure out how to make an album's background grey/black
Posts: 426
Hi Yogii,
YOur happiness wwas well founded.
to make life easier, I have now added the Uselect COLORPACK to my gallerry for download, at
I have to go out for the day, but will streamline things later.
There are two folders at the bottom of that album, one is the Screenshots of colorpacks I have made with Uselect.
The other is the whole Uselect.
I tried to upload a zip but the programme unpacked it.
It will soon be in the User Contributions of Gallery.
Must go.
More later.
Just read the directions and put your chosen colours in the css file etc.
Posts: 9
Wow, gaynormcc!! From the screenshots, they look fantastic. Thank you so much.
Just wondering (I am sorry for being so annoying but this is all so new to me) how I can configure X_treme to have some of my album gallery to look like those screenshots of the PGtheme at http://pgtheme.home.sapo.pt/
I'm in love with the PGBrown and PGsnow look. I see that the X_treme colorpacks have all those names too. Or should I install PGtheme instead?
Posts: 8
I am having problems getting my images to snug up next to one another, it seems like there is padding in there, but I cannot find where to change this in the theme! I had it working before, but I am unsure which options to change to get it back.
Any help?
Using G2.2 and the newest ver. of X_treme
Posts: 29
Any way to adjust or fine tune the album screen? can I adjust the wide of Item or desc, etc other info if i put beside the thumnail, and how to adjust the distance between thumnails, I like to adjust distance between row and columns. and also I hope overall album screen wide can be adjusted too, i want to enlarge to fit the 1024x 768 screen.
I read the album.tpl, there are so many tables there and I cannot find out other set up
tt from CamerA2Z.com
Gallery: 2.2 RC1
Linux Kernel 2.6.9-42.0.8
Apache: 1.3.37
PHP : 4.4.4
Database:mysql 5.0.27 Standard cPanel :10.9.0
Browser :IE 6.0
Posts: 138
I am not sure how to get a separate author/welcome message to display for a given album, because at present I have my welcome/info message on the first page (site home page) of my gallery, and subalbums are set to inherit settings from parent, but the welcome message only appears on that first page. I don't want it on every first album page, but it occurs to me that I should turn that off for each subalbum page if I only wanted it on the home page. But that doesn't seem the case.
Also, this may or may not be a theme related question, but is there any way to edit or add keywords to multiple items at once?
Thank you,
Posts: 1
Having an issue and I've never had this issue before. When I untarball the file, it extracts (Under verbose) as such: (For example)
This results in the files being placed in the root untar folder as
I have never ran into this and have no idea how to correct this issue. Stomped around the net for a while looking, as well as going through man and --help and can't spot anything to help. I'd rather not use the zip as since I've had issues with zip giving me grief in the past.
Thanks for the help!
Posts: 138
yes I had that problem to. I think the zip did not include the themes and modules folder in it, so it puts those things in your root in the wrong orders.
Look all you need to do is get the files in the modules folder into your G2 modules folder, and the files under themes folder go into your G2/themes/x-treme folder. You can repack the zip and add in the right folders, or like me just delete all those files from your root, unpack it locally, and ftp the files into the right folders on your server. Look at the file structure of the zip and you will see where everything is suppose to go. Just move it manually if you dont know how to repack it in the new folder structure.
Posts: 9
I am so stupid!!! No wonder nobody reply to my question if X_treme can be configure to have the same colorpacks as PGtheme. I only now noticed that I didn't activate the colorpacks in the plugin section! DOH!! So, now I have what I want!!!!
Ok - a new thing. (Let's see how stupid I can be). I tried editing the "about me" page which is the default.tpl like what Pedro said. What I did was just deleted his and typed in two lines and add my own picture. I edited and saved this in dreamweaver. When I load the page, nothing comes out except for a gray bar. Does anyone know what I did wrong?
Posts: 72
Let me start off by saying, I love this theme!
Is there any way to have the Menu pop-up on Right-Click, but not have a message (in IE), like the old PGTheme worked.
Also, I'm looking for the setting to adjust the space in-between the thumbnails as well. They are just too close together, but I don't want to use a huge border size.
One last thing... why is the Fading Image and the pop-up Nav not compatible? They worked together in the old PGTheme...
Posts: 72
First off, I hope you put it under a directory named local, so that the original is still intact.
Make sure that the filename did not change when you saved it with Dreamweaver. Also, I would suggest that you edit it using Notepad (or the such) just to make sure no extra code gets stuck in the file when you save it.
Posts: 9
I found the locale directory (not local) but there are so many of them.
Posts: 426
Hi Yogii,
I'm glad you found the colorpacks.
Never think lack of reply is a criticism of you. It just means life has got in people's way. Also, with a new theme, we all need to get used to it and probably most of us leave the field free for the author to answer in the first instance. (I haven;t mastered X_treme theme yet - time issues)
The "local" directory mentioned above is one you create
eg if you want to alter a template file, you put a local file in the templates folder, copy the original template file into it and do the alterations there. This is a gallery wide system ensuring that the original files are still available for any update to work on. Then if our adjusted files don;t work with the updatee, the theme still works, but reverting to the original.
The programme always uses the (user created)local file if there is one. Don;t ask me how it knows... it is one aspect of Gallery magic.
Posts: 397
Pedro. Well done. Very well done.
May I ask..... would you permit two feature questions from me? I know you are busy and certainly need a break from this considerable work, but felt I should ask... may I place two questions?
Posts: 9
I found this http://gallery.menalto.com/node/46398 where they thoroughly explained how the local directory ought to be placed/ I did exactly that. The default.tpl was in g2/themes/x_treme/templates/extra/info. So I made a local directory there --> info/local. I copies and edited the default.tpl there. My main page just show a gray bar. I also empty cache as explained in the link but still nothing. Used IE & FF to check. The same.
Posts: 138
yogil: pedro's theme docs clearly state that the .../info folder is where the theme will look for those files. In this case you don't add a local folder there, but rather you create your own file (or edit the changes from the original) and give it a new name. Then in the theme admin section you enter the name of the file you created. Instead of default.tpl you tell x_treme to load myfile.tpl. Its all set in the theme administration, just change the name and leave the original alone, in case you need it again. You can put as many files in the .../info folder as you want to reference in your admin section.
Posts: 138
Can anybody tell me just exactly HOW we are suppose to get a different author/welcom/info message for a given album? What exactly is a "base" album anyway? I would like to have a different info message for each of my user albums, so each one is like the top of its own photo gallery. But of course they are really subalbums of the top-level front page. My subalbums inherit the settings above them, so I have the same default.tpl file pointed to by default in all my pages, but I only see the welcome message on the front page of my gallery. So how do we get it displayed in different places?
Posts: 9
Christian, thanks. I tried what you suggested and it works.
Posts: 29
you may have different album desc.tpl files and assign them to different albums in album edit screen. it is great idea that you can use it for few photographers instead of a personal site.
tt from CamerA2Z.com
Gallery: 2.2 RC1
Linux Kernel 2.6.9-42.0.8
Apache: 1.3.37
PHP : 4.4.4
Database:mysql 5.0.27 Standard cPanel :10.9.0
Browser :IE 6.0
Posts: 72
The message for each album, is just the Description field, except on the base album (which is the root of Gallery).
For Example:
Base album - http://www.dragonsys.org/gallery2/main.php
The detail on the left is found in this file - {path-to-gallery2}/themes/x_treme/templates/extra/info/local/default.tpl
Sub Album - http://www.dragonsys.org/gallery2/v/CurrentProjects/GTA/
The detail on the left is merely the Album description. Set to display on the side of the thumbnails.
The advantage to doing it this way, is you don't have to edit a file for each album, you just have to edit the album from the website
Posts: 138
Thanks everyone for replies about album info messages. I figured all of that out nicely. However, I am trying to get the 2ndary links active on that info message, those little java-script popups for equipment, portfolio, etc. I think the default are default_link1.tpl, or something like that. So I have my own equipment.tpl but when I link to that file I am still seeing another equipment.tpl which I suppose is Pedro's example. Maybe I am having a cache issue somewhere, but the weird thing is that there is no equipment.tpl that comes with the xtreme theme, so I don't know why its coming up with any other file than the one I uploaded and named equipment.tpl. Has anybody seen something like this or have any ideas?
Posts: 138
Flash in logo area:
I don't know how much of a theme or general G2 issue this is, but I currently have a simple logo utilizing xtreme's two logo.gif's with mouse-over setting, aligned to the top left of all my G2 pages. I have a single .swf flash file created to be the same size and want to use that for my logo instead. Alternatively I thought of utilizing the banner settings for this, but I do want the flash logo to appear in the same place as my current logo.
I really don't have a clue which file I should edit or where/what edits to make on that page. Could somebody please help me with this, I have found no documentation anywhere about this, and no reference I found in the forums really give enough instruction for me. Please help if you can, thanks.
Posts: 1
I have tried installing Gallery 2.2 but I don't seem to have the right version...talking about frustrating. According the theme author (which looks great by the way) it says:
This Theme needs the latest Gallery Version, currently 2.2-SVN with Core 1.1.17 Theme API 2.4 and Core API 7.0 are required to install this theme and to benefit of the Gallery 2.2 features like Virtual Albums!.
Exactly where can I download it and which version do I use?
Sorry, feeling rather blonde of late ;o)
Posts: 138
FotoHijinx: X-treme theme works with the latest 2.2 RC2 version. RC = Release Candidate, so its still kinda beta, but you can install that or from SVN. If you havent used SVN before it might be a little difficult, it was for me. But 2.2 RC2 seems stable to me so just try that. You can find the link for that download on the G2 home page I beieve. I don't know what ver. you installed. Make sure you got RC2.
Posts: 15
Just a minor point, but one that is easy to fix.
The download zip for this theme has instructions (on Pedro's Website) to just unzip into the gallery directory, and everything (the files) will go into the right places.
However, this was wrong. At least for the version I downloaded yesterday.
The files (in the zip) for the theme itself were located in the root theme directory, and should have been in a sub-directory called 'x_treme'
Posts: 27300
please add to the list.
Posts: 157
1- For now the only way to adjust the wide of Item or desc, etc other info is customizing album.tpl file, I'll try to see that.
2- Added options on theme:
ALBUM - Items :: Padding Horizontal for thumbs (px) - you can set the horizontal distance in px between thumbnails
ALBUM - Items :: Padding Vertical for thumbs (px) - you can set the horizontal distance in px between thumbnails
3- The way you can set the album thumbnail table width is setting ALBUM - Items :: Padding Horizontal for thumbs (px) and Columns per album page.
And if ALBUM - Items :: Show info selected below floating is checked the table width will be "thumbs width + horizontal padding" if unchecked thumbnails table width will be 98% of the screen width.
Posts: 157
1- I'm trying to solve that jscript issue but in IE if the message don't display the context menu will show on right click.
2- added this options to last theme revision
3- It seems to be a css/jscript incompatibility for IE that I don't know how to fix right know but if at PHOTO :: Hover photo Navigation - select apearence is selected "Show only Prev and Next (and popup) icons" it will work, just dont work with the next and previous hover thumbnails.
Posts: 157
The files should be at: x_treme\templates\extra\info
Posts: 157
I suggest you to create a small piece of html embedding the swf file and use it as a banner instead and use no image as logo
Create the banner file put it at x_treme\templates\extra\banners and at administration page, if you would like to have your flash logo at left side at GLOBAL - Logo :: Show on top page - select alignment chose right,
check GLOBAL - Banner :: Show on top of the page (costumize banner_top.tpl) and at GLOBAL - Banner :: Enter file name and extension enter the name and extensions you gave to your banner file.
I didn't try that but it should work
Posts: 2
I got these error when I want to insall x_treme:
Incompatible theme!
Core API Required: 7.10 (available: 7.3)
Theme API Required: 2.4 (available: 2.3)
How do I upgrade my Core API and Theme API? Please help. Thanks in advance.
Posts: 32
I have the same problem
PedroGilberto.net Gallery2 theme
Incompatible theme!
Core API Required: 7.10 (available: 7.3)
Theme API Required: 2.4 (available: 2.3)
in the theme section. I've tried reinstalling the latest version of gallery even to no avail.
Posts: 27300
Very virst line in the thread:
Do you have G2.2?
Blog & G2 || floridave - Gallery Team
Posts: 9
Does anyone knows how to turn off the copyright line inside the frame of a picture? I have one displayed with "Copyright 2004". I can't seem to figure out where to turn it off. Thanks. So far so good with Extreme. Figuring my way around and trying not to adjust too many things at one time. Thanks so much, Pedro. You're a gem!
Posts: 32
From his link: http://www.pedrogilberto.net/g2/ the only available download listed was as follows... if there is another one please tell me so I can install that instead.
Full "X_treme pack Version 1.0.0":
Gallery 2.2 X_treme Theme, X_colorpacks, X_frames, X_icons, and Slideshow Module modification:
x_treme_pack_full.zip x_treme_pack_full.tar.gz (Version: '1.0.0')
Posts: 138
Do you mean I should create and use a .html file for the banner, instead of placing the swf code inside the banner.tpl file? Because I did try what you said but I did it by editing the tpl file, and I don't know why it never seemed to work. I only got blank pages with no error output. When I simply added my swf code underneath the google adsense example stuff, the adsense banner still worked but nothing underneath it. So I can just use a .html page for that banner and reference the .html instead of the banner.tpl and everything should work as planned? I was worried I got the code wrong somehow.