another "Unable to make thumbnail(0)" error


Joined: 2007-03-07
Posts: 1
Posted: Wed, 2007-03-07 23:54

Hi all,

I researched everywhere and still getting same error, please help me.

Theres some info:

Gallery version (not just "2"): Gallery 1.5.5-pl1
PHP version (e.g. 4.3.11): PHP Version 4.4.2
PHPInfo Link (see FAQ):
Activated toolkits (e.g. NetPbm, GD): NetPbm
Operating system (e.g. Linux): Windows NT WW05-TVT-SPO 5.2 build 3790
Browser (e.g. Firefox 1.0): Firefox


util.php::988 -> Processing file: C:\WINDOWS\TEMP\php21EB.tmp

******Adding firstone.jpg*****
Album.php::1161 -> Doing the naming
Album.php::1194 -> Image Preprocessing
Album.php::1199 -> Resizing/compressing original image
imageManipulation.php::36 -> Resizing Image: G:/InetPub/Domains/c/
util.php::797 -> extension of file firstone.jpg is jpg
util.php::208 -> Getting Dimension of file: G:/InetPub/Domains/c/
util.php::218 -> Dimensions: x: 1024 y: 744
imageManipulation.php::67 -> No resizing required
imageManipulation.php::584 -> File G:/InetPub/Domains/c/ type 2.
util.php::208 -> Getting Dimension of file: G:/InetPub/Domains/c/
util.php::218 -> Dimensions: x: 1024 y: 744
AlbumItem.php::619 -> Generating thumbnail.
AlbumItem.php::622 -> Saved Dimensions: x:1024 y: 744
AlbumItem.php::686 -> Generating normal thumbs
imageManipulation.php::36 -> Resizing Image: G:/InetPub/Domains/c/
util.php::797 -> extension of file firstone.jpg is jpg
util.php::208 -> Getting Dimension of file: G:/InetPub/Domains/c/
util.php::218 -> Dimensions: x: 1024 y: 744
imageManipulation.php::694 -> Compressing image: G:/InetPub/Domains/c/
util.php::797 -> extension of file firstone.jpg is jpg
util.php::156 -> Executing: G:\InetPub\Domains\c\\www\netpbm\netpbm\jpegtopnm G:\InetPub\Domains\c\\www\gallery\albums\Visionary\firstone.jpg | G:\InetPub\Domains\c\\www\netpbm\netpbm\pnmscale -xysize 150 150 | G:\InetPub\Domains\c\\www\netpbm\netpbm\ppmtojpeg --quality=50 > G:\InetPub\Domains\c\\www\gallery\albums\Visionary\firstone.thumb.jpg



Status: -1 (expected 0)
Error: Unable to make thumbnail (0)

thanks in advance,