I think that I've found a bug in the imagemap code.
If the text I put in for a map entry contains a ' (single quote), then the javascript which is emitted is broken since Gallery writes something like:
<area alt="my nice Map 0" title="my nice Map 0" shape="poly" coords="1,2,3,4" onmouseover="return escape('mouse_over_label_string')">
If the mouse_over_label_string contains a ' then the quoting in the escape() call is broken and you end up with something like escape('aa's') which, not surprisingly, Javascript doesn't like.
What's worse is that the imagemap editor then is also broken and the only way out is to manually edit photos.dat to replace the ' with some other character before the page will load correctly.
Posts: 6818
thanks for reporting this! I will immediately work on this and make a fix.
Last Gallery v1 Developer and v1 translation manager.
Posts: 9
Looks like the problem is in lib/content.php line 1186 (I'm on gallery 1.5.5-pl1).
The output of $area['hover_text'] needs to be protect instances of ' using the preferred method.
Posts: 9
I guess also newlines need to be protected.
Something like
I guess?
Posts: 6818
you can either use Gallery 1.5.6-svn-b21, or use this:
...removed, due to better fix in b22
Thanks !
Last Gallery v1 Developer and v1 translation manager.
Posts: 9
I don't agree with the change in lib/content.php, adding the href="#" to the area element.
With this change in place, I can no longer click on the active areas and be taken to the given hyperlink.
The rest is working fine.
Posts: 6818
Hi Andy,
i agree fully with you.
I made a better fix in b22.
Thanks again,
Last Gallery v1 Developer and v1 translation manager.
Posts: 9
I think that this still might be broken.
I just (accidentally) put a newline in the image map text and I got the broken Javascript again, both for viewing and editing the image map. This required a manual edit of photos.dat to recover![:-(](http://galleryproject.org/files/smiley/frown.gif)
I think that the addslashes and htmlentities do not cover line breaks, which Javascript does not like being embedded in its data!
I think that you may need to look at using addcslashes which covers these extra characters?
PS. I've not yet upgraded to Gallery 1.6 (still on 1.5.5-pl1), so apologies if there is a more robust fix in 1.6.