Thanks again Termit. It worked! the summary option was set "false"
you rock man!
Joined: 2005-06-22
Posts: 28
Posted: Thu, 2007-07-26 13:16
Great plugin, every thing seems to be working nicely...
How ever, what I was looking for was a way to bulk keyword photos in the KEYWORD field. I have 100's of photos uploaded before I started keywording them all in Lightroom, I really do not wish to re-upload them. As you know Gallerys Keyword field also adds keywords to the HTML and this help with search engines.
Would be nice to add an option to allow the Tags to be added as Keywords to galleys field and database.
Right now, although the Tags show up, when you look at photos properties there is nothing in the Keyword field.
Might there be a simple way of doing this only or another mod that will JUST BULK KEYWORD?
As is now 9 photos at a time SUCKS!
My Gallery2 run Website:
Joined: 2005-10-09
Posts: 1894
Posted: Fri, 2007-07-27 13:51
richfavinger wrote:
Great plugin, every thing seems to be working nicely...
How ever, what I was looking for was a way to bulk keyword photos in the KEYWORD field. I have 100's of photos uploaded before I started keywording them all in Lightroom, I really do not wish to re-upload them. As you know Gallerys Keyword field also adds keywords to the HTML and this help with search engines.
Would be nice to add an option to allow the Tags to be added as Keywords to galleys field and database.
Right now, although the Tags show up, when you look at photos properties there is nothing in the Keyword field.
Might there be a simple way of doing this only or another mod that will JUST BULK KEYWORD?
Tags -> keywords should a feature request I guess . Please add this to the codex page (accessible via the help button in the plugins page of gallery)
richfavinger wrote:
As is now 9 photos at a time SUCKS!
Well if you have a better idea, I'm listening. That kind of comment is not very constructive , if you see an issue it's nice to provide some idea for a solution, otherwise I can say the same "You comment suck" ....
I did not mean it that way... I mean for ME editing 9 photos at a time for bulk keywords sucks.
If your plugin or something like it did 100's of photos at a time for keywording it would be exactly what I need!
I could be wrong but I think it could be a simple mater to add an option to copy tags to the keywords field.
Hi, I've been searching for hours, but I can't find it.. Where and how do I bulk edit tags? I don't seem to have a field for that in the 'edit captions' section. Please help!
For some reason the CSS on your site is not being loaded.
It should have <link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="main.php?g2_view=tags.TagCloudCss"/> in the head of the document.
Try to save the settings in Tag Settings -> Cloud Settings tab.
Did you customize the theme at all? Does it work if the default theme is matrix?
if that does not work open a new thread as this one is 4 pages long already.
Can someone tell me were I have to bulk edit tags?
I'm using gallery 2.2.1 and version 1.3.2 of the tag plugin.
Joined: 2006-06-16
Posts: 324
Posted: Fri, 2007-09-28 16:31
Hi there, I am unable to install the plugin using the instructions provided. My install doesn't match any of the instructions for downloading through the plugins panel. My install is 2.2 v. this module compatible? Can I download and install it manually? Thanks
I downloaded the plugin from Termiten's website and after ulpoading it I get this error:
Tag management system
Incompatible plugin!
Plugin API Required: 3.5 (available: 3.2)
Can I upgrade the API alone or does that mean a complete install upgrade? Thanks!
Joined: 2005-10-09
Posts: 1894
Posted: Sat, 2007-09-29 02:15
First of all, for calrity purposes, please create a new thread for each new issues, it's much easier for people to search for solution and avoid us having to answer the same thing many times ^^
Now that this is said:
Can someone tell me were I have to bulk edit tags?
I'm using gallery 2.2.1 and version 1.3.2 of the tag plugin.
On the sidebar, there should be a "Bulk Edit Tags" link that will allow for editing the items in the current album 9 at once. Maybe later would be an option to make that 100 or more ^^
I downloaded the plugin from Termiten's website and after ulpoading it I get this error:
Tag management system
Incompatible plugin!
Plugin API Required: 3.5 (available: 3.2)
Can I upgrade the API alone or does that mean a complete install upgrade? Thanks!
You need to upgrade Gallery to the latest , there is actually a bug with older version of gallery so better safe than sorry ^^
I'd love to try this module, it sounds great. However, when I try to install it, it fails. This was reported by someone earlier in this thread, and no-one responded. I am using the latest version (1.3.2) and Gallery 2.2.3.
If I try to run the SQL statement that is giving the error (below) in PHP myadmin, I get this error:
MySQL said: Documentation
#1171 - All parts of a PRIMARY KEY must be NOT NULL; If you need NULL in a key, use UNIQUE instead
Any suggestions?
Thanks, Tom
Error (ERROR_STORAGE_FAILURE) : Error trying to run query: CREATE TABLE g2_TagItemMap( g_itemId int(11), g_tagId int(11), PRIMARY KEY(g_itemId, g_tagId), INDEX g2_TagItemMap_57276(g_tagId) ) TYPE=InnoDB /*!40100 DEFAULT CHARACTER SET utf8 */
* in modules/core/classes/GalleryStorage/GalleryStorageExtras.class at line 1723 (gallerycoreapi::error)
* in modules/core/classes/GalleryStorage/GalleryStorageExtras.class at line 1312 (gallerystorageextras::_executesql)
* in modules/core/classes/GalleryStorage.class at line 740 (gallerystorageextras::configurestore)
* in modules/core/classes/GalleryModule.class at line 146 (mysqlstorage::configurestore)
* in modules/core/ at line 236 (tagsmodule::installorupgrade)
* in modules/core/ at line 73 (plugincallbackview::handlecallback)
* in main.php at line 433 (plugincallbackview::renderimmediate)
* in main.php at line 94
* in main.php at line 83
System Information
Gallery version 2.2.3
PHP version 4.3.2 apache2filter
Webserver Apache/2.0.46 (Red Hat)
Database mysqlt 3.23.58
Toolkits Thumbnail, SquareThumb, NetPBM, Gd
Operating system Linux 2.4.21-27.ELsmp #1 SMP Wed Dec 1 21:59:02 EST 2004 i686
Browser Mozilla/5.0 (Windows; U; Windows NT 5.1; en-GB; rv: Gecko/20071025 Firefox/
i'm integrating G2 last version with Drupal. The Tag module is a great feature but (only) in the embedded version i get this error:
* warning: Division by zero in /web/htdocs/ on line 419.
* warning: Division by zero in /web/htdocs/ on line 419.
* warning: Division by zero in /web/htdocs/ on line 419.
I'mm not into coding at all but i was wondering if someone could help me fix this out.
Thanks in advance
I Have the same problems here !
It seems that since july 2007 the bug is still present =(
Are the Users of Emebedded Gallery for Drupal forgot ?
An other thing : How to bulk edit tags ? I didn't found how can i do it =(
Thanks in advance
Joined: 2006-10-22
Posts: 22
Posted: Wed, 2007-12-05 16:05
Please, how to add edit tags in to admin pages "Edit Photo" ?
Joined: 2005-10-06
Posts: 41
Posted: Sun, 2007-12-16 13:57
The Tags Module is fantastic. It really changes the feel and navigation of my site for the better.
I was wondering if specific descriptions can be added to a "tag" so information regarding the "tag" can be displayed in the virtual album. If not- I hope to see descriptions in the next release.
Joined: 2005-10-09
Posts: 1894
Posted: Thu, 2007-12-27 20:27
Apsy and lightpainter,
Please start a new thread with this sspecific problem, it's a lot harder to keep track of this when it's all in one bundle !
I chose not to do this for obvisous security reasons. One may want to give user's the right to add tags without giving them the right to Edit the photo/album. In a future release of Gallery, when Edit Plugin will have independent rights what you're asking will be done then ^^ (hope this is not too confusing)
Yes this can be added and I'll plan for this in the next release.
I'm using the latest version of both Gallery and the Tags module. I have the module implemented and running perfectly. I see the option to add tags, but this only appears under my thumbnails in the main album view. Is there any way to add the ability to insert tags at the photo (photo.tpl) level? Thanks!
Joined: 2007-10-29
Posts: 6
Posted: Fri, 2008-02-08 01:11
Could me put the tagname in title or description?
Joined: 2006-10-26
Posts: 3
Posted: Sat, 2008-02-23 17:36
I had posted already a message related with tags in other thread one month ago ( , but maybe I was mistaken with the right place so I'll try again here!
We have found really useful the tag module in the NGO where I work, but we have missed a little bit a multi tags search functionality (to make quickly a choice of only a few photos among thousands of them, mixing different criterions)
What I would like to ask you are two questions: when would you estimate that functionality will be available?. And... do you think it would be easy to upgrade from our actual version of gallery2 to the new one (I mean, without loosing information associated with the photos), considering that we already have a really big amount of photos, already clasified?
I feel sorry, I'm not an expert of gallery. But I'm really interested in knowing better the product, so I thanks beforehand any help.
Thanks so much! Carol
Joined: 2003-12-22
Posts: 27300
Posted: Sat, 2008-02-23 18:58
There has been no development on this module for some time.
Perhaps a developer will come out of the woodwork and try to progress this great module.
It is in the plans to make it a stock module replacing the keywords module but that is off in the distance.
@upgrading: start a new thread with specific details.
- I have setup my linux box to create the MANIFEST (the windows one wouldn't cooperate, got fed-up :D:D)
- I have fixed the small warnings that Floridave found and I'll be uploading v 1.0.2 tonight to the gallery-contrib.
Changes - next release:
- 2 bocks, "Item Tags" & "Tag Cloud"
- "Item Tags" allow to display the tags for the current item and links to the respective virtual album
- "Tag Cloud" is a Tag cloud as a block that can be limited (# of tags) and displayed any place
- Maintenance task to copy the keywords into tags for each item, will not overwrite existing tags and will not duplicate
- album propagation functional
Few more tests and I'll upload v 1.1.0 with these new features
I ran into the "division by zero" issue, and hacked a quick workaround:
Change modules/tags/classes/TagsHelper.class foreach starting in line 418 to implement an if to validate if $tagCount - $minCount is larger than 0, i.e.:
There has been no development on this module for some time.
Perhaps a developer will come out of the woodwork and try to progress this great module.
Unfortunately that is true!! Termitenshort seems busy. No development for quite some time and hardly any progress on otherr projects as well.
I hope someone jumps in and takes over Tags module development. i would really need this module with integration for multilingual module so I can translate tags on multilungual websites...
PLeeeesa anyone?
!!!!!! Vote for tags to become multilingual: VOTE NOW!!!
Breath in love...--------------
------------...breath out peace
My website
Joined: 2008-03-28
Posts: 5
Posted: Fri, 2008-03-28 21:58
I can see that Termitenshort is elsewhere, but was hoping that someone more expert than I could help out with an issue I'm seeing, one that I think was spotted here That user fixed it by moving to a later version of MySQL, but I can't do that as I have to stick with 3.23.58 to debug another application. There is a hint in the post that there is a real problem in the Tag code that could be fixed:
the error is actually correct. we should have add <required/> to the two <member> elements in Maps.xml. all columns that are part of a PK should have <required/> which adds the NOT NULL in the SQL. this is a table version bump to major = 1, minor = 1 and it needs the alter code too for the upgrade.
So, does anyone know if there is a fix I can make to Maps.xml to get this working?
Error page attached, in case I've interpreted it wrongly.
Joined: 2006-12-27
Posts: 508
Posted: Wed, 2008-04-02 16:01
As a quick hack, you'll need to edit classes/GalleryStorage/schema.tpl and add NOT NULL to the two columns like this:
CREATE TABLE g2_TagItemMap( g_itemId int(11) NOT NULL, g_tagId int(11) NOT NULL, PRIMARY KEY ...
Then you should be able to install. (Maps.xml is a source file which gets transformed into schema.tpl. You can skip that step and just edit schema.tpl.)
Joined: 2005-02-04
Posts: 344
Posted: Fri, 2008-04-25 02:26
Termitenshort wrote:
This dynamic tags adding is designed to used in the album view to ease the addition of tags (not a must have), if you want to edit the tags for a specific item only, you need to use the item action -> Edit tags which will bring up the interface to add/remove tags for that item
Termite, is it possible to get that dynamic tag box to appear on a photo page? It makes more sense, I think, to have it on the photo page so my visitors can add tags as they view the picture. This is also how flickr does it. thanks.
Joined: 2009-02-11
Posts: 29
Posted: Fri, 2009-11-13 06:21
is it possible to only show tags for the current album and lower?
for example when i am viewing Album_A/Album_B it wont show tags for Album_A?
Posts: 45
Thanks again Termit. It worked! the summary option was set "false"
you rock man!
Posts: 28
Great plugin, every thing seems to be working nicely...
How ever, what I was looking for was a way to bulk keyword photos in the KEYWORD field. I have 100's of photos uploaded before I started keywording them all in Lightroom, I really do not wish to re-upload them. As you know Gallerys Keyword field also adds keywords to the HTML and this help with search engines.
Would be nice to add an option to allow the Tags to be added as Keywords to galleys field and database.
Right now, although the Tags show up, when you look at photos properties there is nothing in the Keyword field.
Might there be a simple way of doing this only or another mod that will JUST BULK KEYWORD?
As is now 9 photos at a time SUCKS!
My Gallery2 run Website:
Posts: 1894
Tags -> keywords should a feature request I guess
. Please add this to the codex page (accessible via the help button in the plugins page of gallery)
Well if you have a better idea, I'm listening. That kind of comment is not very constructive , if you see an issue it's nice to provide some idea for a solution, otherwise I can say the same "You comment suck" ....
The Termite -
Posts: 28
I did not mean it that way... I mean for ME editing 9 photos at a time for bulk keywords sucks.
If your plugin or something like it did 100's of photos at a time for keywording it would be exactly what I need!
I could be wrong but I think it could be a simple mater to add an option to copy tags to the keywords field.
I'm not a programmer, thats why I'm pointing this out.
My Gallery2 run Website:
Posts: 3
Hi, I've been searching for hours, but I can't find it.. Where and how do I bulk edit tags? I don't seem to have a field for that in the 'edit captions' section. Please help!
Posts: 47
Termit` how do you get a tag cloud like this
Mine is like this
Posts: 27300
For some reason the CSS on your site is not being loaded.
It should have
<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="main.php?g2_view=tags.TagCloudCss"/>
in the head of the document.Try to save the settings in Tag Settings -> Cloud Settings tab.
Did you customize the theme at all? Does it work if the default theme is matrix?
if that does not work open a new thread as this one is 4 pages long already.
Blog & G2 || floridave - Gallery Team
Posts: 3
Can someone tell me were I have to bulk edit tags?
I'm using gallery 2.2.1 and version 1.3.2 of the tag plugin.
Posts: 324
Hi there, I am unable to install the plugin using the instructions provided. My install doesn't match any of the instructions for downloading through the plugins panel. My install is 2.2 v. this module compatible? Can I download and install it manually? Thanks
Gallery version = 2.2-svn core 1.1.16
PHP version = 4.4.4 apache
Webserver = Apache/1.3.37 (Unix) mod_auth_passthrough/1.8 mod_log_bytes/1.2 mod_bwlimited/1.4 PHP/4.4.4 FrontPage/ mod_ssl/2.8.28 OpenSSL/0.9.7a
Database = mysqlt 5.0.27-standard-log, lock.system=flock
Toolkits = LinkItemToolkit, Thumbnail, Gd, ImageMagick
Acceleration = none/86400, none/86400
Posts: 324
I downloaded the plugin from Termiten's website and after ulpoading it I get this error:
Tag management system
Incompatible plugin!
Plugin API Required: 3.5 (available: 3.2)
Can I upgrade the API alone or does that mean a complete install upgrade? Thanks!
Posts: 1894
First of all, for calrity purposes, please create a new thread for each new issues, it's much easier for people to search for solution and avoid us having to answer the same thing many times ^^
Now that this is said:
On the sidebar, there should be a "Bulk Edit Tags" link that will allow for editing the items in the current album 9 at once. Maybe later would be an option to make that 100 or more ^^
You need to upgrade Gallery to the latest
, there is actually a bug with older version of gallery so better safe than sorry ^^
The Termite -
Posts: 64
I'd love to try this module, it sounds great. However, when I try to install it, it fails. This was reported by someone earlier in this thread, and no-one responded. I am using the latest version (1.3.2) and Gallery 2.2.3.
If I try to run the SQL statement that is giving the error (below) in PHP myadmin, I get this error:
MySQL said: Documentation
#1171 - All parts of a PRIMARY KEY must be NOT NULL; If you need NULL in a key, use UNIQUE instead
Any suggestions?
Thanks, Tom
Error (ERROR_STORAGE_FAILURE) : Error trying to run query: CREATE TABLE g2_TagItemMap( g_itemId int(11), g_tagId int(11), PRIMARY KEY(g_itemId, g_tagId), INDEX g2_TagItemMap_57276(g_tagId) ) TYPE=InnoDB /*!40100 DEFAULT CHARACTER SET utf8 */
* in modules/core/classes/GalleryStorage/GalleryStorageExtras.class at line 1723 (gallerycoreapi::error)
* in modules/core/classes/GalleryStorage/GalleryStorageExtras.class at line 1312 (gallerystorageextras::_executesql)
* in modules/core/classes/GalleryStorage.class at line 740 (gallerystorageextras::configurestore)
* in modules/core/classes/GalleryModule.class at line 146 (mysqlstorage::configurestore)
* in modules/core/ at line 236 (tagsmodule::installorupgrade)
* in modules/core/ at line 73 (plugincallbackview::handlecallback)
* in main.php at line 433 (plugincallbackview::renderimmediate)
* in main.php at line 94
* in main.php at line 83
System Information
Gallery version 2.2.3
PHP version 4.3.2 apache2filter
Webserver Apache/2.0.46 (Red Hat)
Database mysqlt 3.23.58
Toolkits Thumbnail, SquareThumb, NetPBM, Gd
Operating system Linux 2.4.21-27.ELsmp #1 SMP Wed Dec 1 21:59:02 EST 2004 i686
Browser Mozilla/5.0 (Windows; U; Windows NT 5.1; en-GB; rv: Gecko/20071025 Firefox/
Posts: 27300
Did you download/install it with downloadable plugins?
Blog & G2 || floridave - Gallery Team
Posts: 64
Yes, I did. Should I download and install it manually?
Posts: 27300
This thread is 4 pages long, I suggest you start a new one and give as much info as you can:
FAQ: What information is required when I ask for help in the forums?
turn debug on: and try again:
FAQ: How to set/use Gallery in debug mode?
Blog & G2 || floridave - Gallery Team
Posts: 1
I Have the same problems here !
It seems that since july 2007 the bug is still present =(
Are the Users of Emebedded Gallery for Drupal forgot ?
An other thing : How to bulk edit tags ? I didn't found how can i do it =(
Thanks in advance
Posts: 22
Please, how to add edit tags in to admin pages "Edit Photo" ?
Posts: 41
The Tags Module is fantastic. It really changes the feel and navigation of my site for the better.
I was wondering if specific descriptions can be added to a "tag" so information regarding the "tag" can be displayed in the virtual album. If not- I hope to see descriptions in the next release.
Posts: 1894
Apsy and lightpainter,
Please start a new thread with this sspecific problem, it's a lot harder to keep track of this when it's all in one bundle !
I chose not to do this for obvisous security reasons. One may want to give user's the right to add tags without giving them the right to Edit the photo/album. In a future release of Gallery, when Edit Plugin will have independent rights what you're asking will be done then ^^ (hope this is not too confusing)
Yes this can be added and I'll plan for this in the next release.
Thanks !!
The Termite -
Posts: 22
If possibly, might make next version with multilanguage support?
Posts: 421
I have just install this great module, but have this problem: doesn't show as default theme i'm using:
Posts: 421
I solved theme problem but have new question: How to edit page title
Items Tagged: Name to Name ... something
Exotic Car Wallpaper - Celebrity Wallpaper
Posts: 50
Hi, quick question...
I'm using the latest version of both Gallery and the Tags module. I have the module implemented and running perfectly. I see the option to add tags, but this only appears under my thumbnails in the main album view. Is there any way to add the ability to insert tags at the photo (photo.tpl) level? Thanks!
Posts: 6
Could me put the tagname in title or description?
Posts: 3
I had posted already a message related with tags in other thread one month ago ( , but maybe I was mistaken with the right place so I'll try again here!
We have found really useful the tag module in the NGO where I work, but we have missed a little bit a multi tags search functionality (to make quickly a choice of only a few photos among thousands of them, mixing different criterions)
What I would like to ask you are two questions: when would you estimate that functionality will be available?. And... do you think it would be easy to upgrade from our actual version of gallery2 to the new one (I mean, without loosing information associated with the photos), considering that we already have a really big amount of photos, already clasified?
I feel sorry, I'm not an expert of gallery. But I'm really interested in knowing better the product, so I thanks beforehand any help.
Thanks so much! Carol
Posts: 27300
There has been no development on this module for some time.
Perhaps a developer will come out of the woodwork and try to progress this great module.
It is in the plans to make it a stock module replacing the keywords module but that is off in the distance.
@upgrading: start a new thread with specific details.
Blog & G2 || floridave - Gallery Team
Posts: 1
thanks On me same problem live
travel forum
Posts: 12
Hi all,
I ran into the "division by zero" issue, and hacked a quick workaround:
Change modules/tags/classes/TagsHelper.class foreach starting in line 418 to implement an if to validate if $tagCount - $minCount is larger than 0, i.e.:
(lines added by me are bold and red)
This worked for me ;-)
Hope this helps,
Posts: 171
Unfortunately that is true!! Termitenshort seems busy. No development for quite some time and hardly any progress on otherr projects as well.
I hope someone jumps in and takes over Tags module development. i would really need this module with integration for multilingual module so I can translate tags on multilungual websites...
PLeeeesa anyone?
!!!!!! Vote for tags to become multilingual: VOTE NOW!!!
Breath in love...--------------
------------...breath out peace
My website
Posts: 5
I can see that Termitenshort is elsewhere, but was hoping that someone more expert than I could help out with an issue I'm seeing, one that I think was spotted here That user fixed it by moving to a later version of MySQL, but I can't do that as I have to stick with 3.23.58 to debug another application. There is a hint in the post that there is a real problem in the Tag code that could be fixed:
So, does anyone know if there is a fix I can make to Maps.xml to get this working?
Error page attached, in case I've interpreted it wrongly.
Posts: 508
As a quick hack, you'll need to edit classes/GalleryStorage/schema.tpl and add NOT NULL to the two columns like this:
CREATE TABLE g2_TagItemMap( g_itemId int(11) NOT NULL, g_tagId int(11) NOT NULL, PRIMARY KEY ...
Then you should be able to install. (Maps.xml is a source file which gets transformed into schema.tpl. You can skip that step and just edit schema.tpl.)
Posts: 344
Termite, is it possible to get that dynamic tag box to appear on a photo page? It makes more sense, I think, to have it on the photo page so my visitors can add tags as they view the picture. This is also how flickr does it. thanks.
Posts: 29
is it possible to only show tags for the current album and lower?
for example when i am viewing Album_A/Album_B it wont show tags for Album_A?