Request for digital photo's


Joined: 2002-08-15
Posts: 487
Posted: Fri, 2002-09-06 07:28

I'm considering creating a new patch for inclusion to Gallery that will include
support for php built-in exif handling. My problem is I don't have a digital camera
to stuff photos with exif info for me to experiment with parsing on. So it would be
great if someone could send a few exif-stuffed digital photos my way for me to
play with (testing purposes only, I won't keep them). Basically, it appears that
you need at least 4.2.0 to have proper exif supprt, and it needs to be compiled in
which it isn't by default at this time, but if you match the criteria, exif parsing should
be quicker. It also only handles jpeg and tiff files that I'm aware of.

I'm not even sure this is a worthwhile investiture of time but we'll see how things pan out.

If you have something for me, send me a PM with the url so I can get to them.
And like I said, the more exif info in them the better :wink:

Joined: 2002-08-20
Posts: 101
Posted: Sun, 2002-09-08 15:13

with pleasure, just dont go putting them all over the place :smile:

all have EXIF headers intact (and gallery 1.3.1 seems to be getting the EXIF data perfectly well already ???)



Joined: 2002-08-15
Posts: 487
Posted: Sun, 2002-09-08 19:36

Thanks for the reply. Jhead does a pretty good job, what I'm thinking about
doing is setting up an alternative that use native php exif functions so you
aren't required to have jhead installed. This only works on newer php
installations though.

To all others, I have a couple submissions now so I shouldn't need anymore,
thanks to those offering me pictures to test with. Currently involved in something
of a higher priority at the moment, but should start working on this again soonish.