I've been itching to try out the Google Maps module but was waiting for Gallery 2.2 to come out before investing the time.
Now that Gallery 2.2 is out, any word on when the Google Maps module will be ready? Will it use the new 2.2 based plug in manager?
Posts: 1894
Hello and welcome
The map module current release really is made for gallery 2.1, there is a newer version in SVN and some day I'll find the time to finish it up to release it and it will be for both g2.1 & g2.2 with emphasis on g2.1 still (it will be the last release for g2.1)
See you soon !!
- http://www.termitenshort.com/
The Termite -
Posts: 45
Thanks for letting me know. I'm very much looking forward to it. I'm tempted now to roll back to g2.1!
Well done on such a valuable contrib.
Posts: 508
I'm developing for the Map module with a Gallery2-SVN code base (currently 2.2+) I had to make one or two tweaks to get it to install, but otherwise it works fine. Specifically, if you're using MySQL, you'll need to make a small change to one of the database template files. The change only needs to be made if you're installing for the first time, otherwise if you leave the Map module installed while you upgrade Gallery everything should be okay.
And yes, the Map module will be included in the Downloadable Plugins once we release a version for 2.2 (shortly after the next 2.1 release).
Posts: 45
Excellent news SiliconFiend and thanks for the update.
Being in Product Dev myself and involved with Open Source, I'm loath to ask this question (I know very well it is best effort and good will). Do you have rough timeframe you guys are shooting for? I'll pad my expectations appropriately.
Posts: 1894
Hello !
I think it's a good idea to commit to some date otherwise it will never happen as we all have very busy schedules (even if we slip at the end, we need some target).
So I'd say this, Let's shoot to release the next version of map module with SiliconFiend on May 7th.
Hopefully we can stick to it :D:D
- http://www.termitenshort.com/
The Termite -
Posts: 508
I think we can commit to that. There are a few things I want to finish before this release: Update and clean up the translations (in progress) so the translators can do their work (I'm trying to shrink the number of strings to translate by making similar text identical and eliminating unused text); Finish the "Mini Map" block to optionally show album subitems; Change the database storage format for routes and other properties that get corrupted when more than 9 elements exist (serialize() and unserialize() are great built-in PHP functions)
Posts: 107
Something I've found when I updated (and moved to a new server at the same time) is that I don't get an error about the map module existing, nor does it appear in any listing but sometimes, when I try to configure, install or remove certain modules it will give me an error about /modules/map.
I'm not sure what I should do (I have 2.2 now). I'm thinking of copying the "map/" directory just to see if it appears and be able to disable it.
Posts: 1894
Hello eduo,
If you had the map module before and ported over your database without disabling the map module prior, it's normal ...
What you need to do is to put the map/ folder back on your instance and then uninstall the module to ensure that it is all removed properly and the errors should go away.
Thanks !
- http://www.termitenshort.com/
The Termite -
Posts: 107
Yeah. I managed to come up with this same solution.
The big problem I had had was that the presence of the map module didn't allow G2 to upgrade from 2.1 to 2.2. It would get stuck for hours upgrading some sort of AccessMap (I can't recall the name by memory). It took some digging to figure out what was happeniing here.
Posts: 1894
it worked for me, I should do another test. which version did you have installed when you upgraded ?
- http://www.termitenshort.com/
The Termite -
Posts: 4
Is the map module ready for 2.2 yet? I'm leaving on a trip in two weeks and was hoping ot have it up and running so I could post pics associated with the map while I was away.
Posts: 508
You can use the SVN version with 2.2 with one small change. See this post for details.
Posts: 1894
With the current SVN, this modification in the schema.tpl isn't needed anymore. The current version works for both Gallery 2.1 and Gallery 2.2
Enjoy !
- http://www.termitenshort.com/
The Termite -
Posts: 45
Sounds like this is almost ready! I don't have SVN installed on my server, is there a way to get this in another way? Or perhaps I should be patient ;-)
Posts: 27300
Install a svn client on your client. I use:
Then just add:
As the url to the repository.
Perhaps you can add/expand some direction to the codex?:
Blog & G2 || floridave - Gallery Team
Posts: 1894
That sounds good too ;-)
- http://www.termitenshort.com/
The Termite -
Posts: 4
Termite, can you do me a favor and have a look at my post on a related issue with 0.5.2a http://gallery.menalto.com/node/63942
Thanks for your time.
Posts: 45
Wasn't quite patient and I'm glad I implemented it. Followed Floridave's suggestion which was a doddle. Thanks too for pointing out the wiki, I should have clicked.
Very very nice work! I've been adding stuff to my map all afternoon.
BTW, is there an easy way to add co-ords that are not pictures in an album? For example, I have a list of items I would simply like to mark on the map. The work around I suppose to create some fake items and then give them co-ords. But thought there might be a more elegant way.
also I was hoping to customize the legend to define what I mean by each colour. I read through the wiki and couldn't find this info but it leads me to believe that it is possible (e.g. your developer, tester, user example; how did you do this?).
Posts: 1894
NHo elegent way yet, there is a feature request but it won't be done in this release
1. Activate the legend feature in the general tab of the admin panel
2. Go to the legend tab check the legend you want (photo or album or both, groups isn't finished yet)
3. Save, the colors will appear
4. Enter the description for each color you want to appear in the legend
5. On your map ther should be the legend on the right side.
You can also move the legend around the map if you like
Good luck !
- http://www.termitenshort.com/
The Termite -
Posts: 45
that worked great. thanks! I saw this but misunderstood the intent of "activate xxx Legend"
A weird thing happened with this. I activated the legend then set it to be on the left. Nothing appeared so I put it at the top and then the bottom where I ultimately left it. I noticed after this that my left "side bar" which is part of the matrix theme then disappeared! I've reconstructed it from scratch but it was strange that it was eliminated. A bug I suspect.
Next thing I'm going to have to learn is how to have the sidebar google map show up for children of an album. I tend to mark the album itself with the co-ords and the photos in the album are in the vicinity of that co-ord but I don't want to have to cut and paste all the position info into each photo or sub-album. For example, I have an album of Limoux, France where I lived. In that album I have sub-album categories of activities or occasions while I was there. Currently when I go into one of these sub-albums the "mini-map" in the side bar disappears because I haven't tagged that sub-album.
I'll have to play around and see if this can be done.
Posts: 45
I think Group management might do the trick though it wasn't the way I was thinking. I can create a group and then include all the albums I want into that group. I assume this will then show the map for each of these albums. I will try this later.
Posts: 508
Yes, the code directly manipulates the sidebar block settings when you set it to show on the left (bad, bad). In Gallery 2.2, the storage format for the blocks changed, so this code is invalid and destroys your sidebar. You're lucky it works at all--when I played with the filters block location, it broke my Gallery installation completely and I had to go into the database to remove the bad setting. Since there's no API function to manipulate block settings (as far as I can tell), we'll probably have to remove this code and direct the user to the themes page to add it themselves.
Posts: 508
The Mini Google Map block does not (yet) support groups, routes, filters, etc. I'm not sure if it ever will, unless the storage format is changed to assign groups, routes, etc. to albums instead of globally.
I could probably add an option and some logic to show the coordinates of the parent (keep going up the tree until you find coordinates set) if there are no coordinates assigned to the item. Probably not for this release, though.
Posts: 1894
I think one thing we could do is to fetch the parent sequence and display the map for the closest parent with GPS coordinates. This should probably be a setting as oposed to a default behavior but it seems like something useful to have.
- http://www.termitenshort.com/
The Termite -
Posts: 45
This seems reasonable anyway. Likely define the widgets and insert them into the list available for constructing the side bar (just like the mini-map for the side bar). It may not be symmetric but a lot easier to maintain I would think.
I must admit, this module is really comprehensive. I am surprised how sophisticated it is. Well done and thanks for maintaining it.
Posts: 1894
Just an FYI, the next release is still geared toward Gallery 2.1 users hence the small bugs here and there for gallery 2.2 users.
The next release up will be only for Gallery 2.2 and I'll get that resolved then ;-)
I know there is an API for theme management for Gallery 2.3 but that's still in the works so until then, it'll be a bit bogus
- http://www.termitenshort.com/
The Termite -
Posts: 45
Think I found another bug. I was happily adding more co-ords to my albums and then at one point when I displayed the GoogleMap, nothing appeared. It was essentially a blank screen. I tried a number of things including: disable/enable; cleaned caches in G2 and browser; restarted my server. The thumb nail in the left hand G2 side bar was still working properly as well as the map that I turned on to be at the botto of an album display.
The only thing not working (as per above was) the "Show a Google Map" option; blank screen.
Eventually had to clear it up by uninstalling and installing again. It works again but I lost all my map co-ord data
. Oh well. Now that I understand it better I can think better about how I will organize the map data.
Posts: 1894
I think what happen is one of the coordinate entered was causing a fatal error that you couldn't see because php.ini has error disabled or the config file in gallery was display_error = 0.
It's too bad you had to uninstall / reinstall coz now we won't know what happenned
The one thing I can tell you though is that we will put more effort into preventing bogus coordinates from being entered or process the all way through. This will be on the top list of priorities once this release is achieved (very soon now)
Thanks for the report !
- http://www.termitenshort.com/
The Termite -
Posts: 11
I use
Gallery version = 2.2.1 core
and get the message:
"GPS coordinates were detected but do not seem to have a valid format, use at your own risk or correct"
When I import it, it works. But I don't want to import all gps-data manually.
Gallery-Version = 2.1.2 Kern, PHP-Version = 5.1.2 apache
Web Album - Blog
Posts: 508
A new version of the Google Map module will be released "soon" (was supposed to be today). I would recommend waiting for the new version and then using the maintenance task to import the coordinates from EXIF.
Posts: 45
I know. I wasn't expecting uninstall to be quite as severe as this. It obviously removes the data from the sql database which ultimately is a good thing. Of course I did this before my coffee
Posts: 5
Hi to all,
SiliconFiend mentioned that the new Google Map module for Gallery 2.2 should be published on Monday, 7th of May. I think it has not been published yet. Is there any new anouncment, when the module will be available. I am going to a marine biology congress soon and would like to present the feature during my talk. Is there any chance to get it before?
Greetings Dirk
Posts: 508
Wow, way to put us on the spot! We postponed the "official" release because I'm drowning in work this week and would not be available for much support for bugfixes, etc. Maybe next Monday? You can still use it today if you want to download from SVN--the version that's there now is largely going to be what's in the release. There may be a few additions to the help, some cleanup of translations, version numbers, etc. but basically that's the code we'll be using.
Posts: 5
Dear SiliconFiend,
You mentioned that it is possible to download the pre-version of google map 2.2 from SVN. I used the following link to download it: https://gmap-module.svn.sourceforge.net/svnroot/gmap-module/Gallery2.2/modules/map . However, I was not able to realize the download because it is password protected. Do you have any suggestion, what to do next?
Greetings Dirk
Posts: 508
There is no Gallery2.2 directory in the repository (yet). It's mostly compatible with Gallery 2.2, just don't mess with the filter or thumbnail block locations or you could corrupt your Gallery installation. Change the https to http and 2.2 to 2.1 (i.e., http://gmap-module.svn.sourceforge.net/svnroot/gmap-module/Gallery2.1/modules/map) and you should be in good shape. By the way, you'll want to use an SVN client (command line or TortiseSVN) to check out the repository, then you can keep up with changes, etc. Otherwise you'll have to painfully download each file individually, and you don't want to do that.
Posts: 12
Weird, I installed from svn on 7-23, and I just noticed that it no longer works in my embedded galley setup. (WPG2, Gallery embedded in WordPress). For the time being I'm redirecting folks from the embedded, but this seems weird, hopefully it'll disappear as easily as it appeared in a next version. (The map shows up, but it's empty. No points at all.) Oh yeah, I'm on g2 v2.2.1, if anyone was wondering.. ta! -@
Posts: 27300
A url of the page that does not work would be helpfull in troubleshooting.
Blog & G2 || floridave - Gallery Team
Posts: 12
will take you to it. (In the meantime, I have /Map/ configured to go to G2 stand-alone's Map. That should help for debugging/troubleshooting too I hope!)
THANKS! ta, -@
Posts: 508
Well, I don't see anything obvious right away. The page source looks okay. Check to make sure you have it embedded correctly, because (for example) the "Show a Map" link breaks out of your Wordpress App and shows the map as if it is a standalone Gallery.
On a side note, I see you have photos from my old stomping grounds (Humboldt County). My mom still works at Humboldt State.
Posts: 27300
http://atothet.org/photos?g2_view=map.ShowMap seems to work. While:
http://atothet.org/map/ has a javascript error.
Can you turn off the rewrite rule in WP and see if it helps.
Have you considered using the WPG2 plugin?
Blog & G2 || floridave - Gallery Team
Posts: 508
Hmm... Strange. The http://atothet.org/map/ javascript error appears in the Google map code (i.e., from Google), not in the map module javascript. I'd say double-check your embedding, turn off rewrite, etc. I can't tell right now that it's a problem with the map module.
Posts: 1
Any estimate on a date for a release for the 2.2 version?
Posts: 508
Umm... last May?
Sorry, work's been busier than I thought. I have a few uncommitted changes that I need to test, then commit. There's not much more that I have planned to do after that. (We're not going to be able to fix all outstanding bugs for this release.)
Posts: 4
I'm trying out the new google map module in SVN, revision 271 with gallery 2.2. Everything seems working fine except, when [/i]I click "Group Management", it just shows a blank page, and the error log says "PHP Fatal error: Call to a member function on a non-object in /var/snap/modules/map/MapGroupAdmin.inc on line 608, referer: http://xxxx/main.php?g2_view=core.SiteAdmin&g2_subView=map.MapMarkersAdmin&g2_statusId=xd78fafb9&g2_navId=xdebd21ad
Any ideas? Thanks in advance.
Posts: 508
Nothing off the top of my head. I'll have to look at the unmodified file (I have some uncommitted changes in mine) to see what's going on.
Posts: 47
Siliconfriend, Any ETA on the an update to Maps? Thanks
Posts: 508
unpossible, what exactly is it you are looking for? Was there a certain bug you wanted fixed? Or were you waiting for an officially-sanctioned release? Because it will be very close to what's in SVN now. I have lots of excuses why it's not done--work, vacation, other projects, life in general... but that doesn't help you at all. Sorry, I'll try to focus some more time on this so we can at least kick out this release and move on to fixing some architectural problems.
Posts: 508
air2sirrus, it looks like it's puking on thumbnails for some reason (empty list, probably). The first thing to try, especially if you've recently upgraded, is to clear the template cache. If that doesn't work, try clearing your database cache, and rebuild all thumbnails/resizes (all of these are in the "maintenance" admin screen). Let me know what you find out.
Posts: 4
Deleting template cache did the trick. Thanks a lot SiliconFiend for making this wonderful thing, and all these free support
Posts: 508
Glad you like it, but I can't take credit for creating it. I've just come on recently to add a few things and help with support. Termitenshort is the project admin.