[map / gps] EXIF GPS info not working?
Joined: 2007-01-30
Posts: 82 |
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Hello -- I am trying to geotag all my photos in Gallery2.2 with google maps. I have used WWMX to add GPS coordinates to the EXIF headers of my test set of photos. When I upload them to my gallery, the coordinates are displayed totally wrong, eg GPS: Latitude 2.5491666666667, GPS: Longitude 56.5775 --- the real location is 33°24'2.14"N, 111°52'55.68"W (33.400594, -111.882133). I know the EXIF data is indeed correct because the <i>Geotag</i> feature in Picasa recognized the EXIF data and it returned the correct location. I have attached the GoogleEarth placemark as proof, however I had to change the extension to .txt to allow uploading here. The link to my gallery with these photos is here: http://corneveaux.com/gallery2/v/GPS_TEST/WWMX/ I also have the same photos on Picasa, by chance this is useful: http://picasaweb.google.com/caddymob/GEOTAGTEST This does not seem to be an error due to WWMX. I tried to populate my EXIF data with OziPhoto Tool, RoboGEO, and GPS Photo Link -- ALL resulted in totally erroneous coordinates in the EXIF header <i>within</i> Gallery2. And again, Picasa recognized the coordinates immediatley. The EXIF data was correct when done with any of these programs. Have I done something wrong here or is this a bug? Any help would be much appreciated!!! J
Posts: 1894
hello !
This is a known bug and it seems to be related to the EXIF module itself, there is no perfect EXIF toolkit but I believe I found a nicer one that I have put in 0.5.2a (not yet available). if you hang on tight you can experiment with it unless you'd like to use SVN to download it
- http://www.termitenshort.com/
The Termite -
Posts: 82
Termiten-- Thanks!! When will the new version be available? I checked the SVN and it appears only the Gallery version2.1 Maps module is available. That leads me to 2 questions. Will it work with Gallery2.2 or 2.2.1 ? Also, I am using the the API version of the maps module, does that matter?
Posts: 1894
tricky question -> dunno
it should work, you may have to tweak a file, let me know if you get an error while upgrading
I don't understand this question. sorry
- http://www.termitenshort.com/
The Termite -
Posts: 82
I answered my own question by downloading the SVN-- guess it does use the Google API. Great. Dumb question, I apologize.
The SVN is great!! It auto recognizes my EXIF tags and automatically makes the maps!!! YAHHOOOO!!!
...However, the EXIF coordinate are still displayed wrong
--- This really isn't a big deal as long as the maps are correct, which they are
Obviously the EXIF tags are correct if the map is work though~~
Thanks for all your help!!!
Posts: 20
Sorry for being a total dumbass, but I can't figure out how to get the SVN version. I'm usually pretty good with things like this...
Greatly appricate it if you could give me a quick explanation, as I am re-uploading all the images in my gallery with updated gps exif info, and when I click on the auto populate all exif info, it messes it up and puts in 0,0
Posts: 82
ccjensen-- I too am a simpleton, and it took me a while to figure this out. I am on a windows machine with remote hosting, so I use TortiseSVN (http://tortoisesvn.net/). Really easy. From there, create a folder on your computer for the SVN version, and give Tortise the SVN link for the Maps Module:
There is a wiki page about this in Gallery, but its not called SVN, its Subversion-- took me a while to figure this out, so no worries. The general page is:
and the windows page I used to find TortiseSVN is:
There is a similar page for Macs, just search Subversion. Hope that helps!
Posts: 20
That helped tons, thanks
This SVN stuff is brilliant! I'm sure I could use this for lots, but there seems to be a bit of a learning curve.
I usually use a mac, but my site is hosted by a webhost.
How do people go about using this? Have a mirror site on their own computer where they test updates before manually updating it to their server?
Posts: 508
It depends on your tolerance for data loss. As a matter of principle (at least for the Google Map Module) we try to keep the SVN version psuedo-stable so that you could download a snapshot on any given day and it should work. However, things do break (even in "release" versions), so it's best to keep a database backup of your production system, and possibly test new code out on a separate server.
As a little background, revision-control systems such as SVN are commonly used by teams of programmers to allow many people to work on the same codebase simultaneously. Instead of a exclusive locking method where only one person can edit a file at a time, SVN allows any number of people to work on their own copy of a file. Once one person "commits" (uploads) their changes to the server, everyone else can "update" (download from the server) and the changes will be merged into their copy seamlessly (assuming they didn't both change the same part of the file).
SVN was designed as a replacement for CVS (Concurrent Versioning System). CVS grew out of RCS (Revision Control System), which was originally designed for local version control of text files. Well, CVS had growing pains and ended up being used for things it was never intended for, so Subversion (SVN) was designed with the goal of reproducing CVS functionality as well as fixing the things about CVS that bugged people (such as versioning directories and tracking moved/renamed files, better support for binary files, etc.). It was designed from the ground-up as a client-server architecture, and is well-modularized.
Sorry for the long aside, I just thought some people might find it interesting.
Posts: 20
no no, that was brilliant
I downloaded the newest google maps, uninstalled my version of google maps, uploaded the files I got from SVN, but it's telling me it's incompatible.
I must have done something wrong....
downloaded from here:
revision 981
is this an old one?
Posts: 82
I am probably not the one to answer this, but here I did it differently than you, without a hitch-- I did not delete my previous version on Maps, I just downloaded the SVN, and ftp'd the files to my gallery folder. When they were uploaded I went to the admin page, then to the plugins. It notified me that a new version was ready, so I clicked the button to update. It was off and running from there~
Also, I am not on the computer with the SVN hookup, but revision 981 does not ring a bell, but it may have been updated since then...
Posts: 508
Yes, that's an old version. A while ago, Termitenshort migrated primary development from the gallery-contrib SF.net project to it's own SF.net project (gmap-module). The SVN location for the most recent version is http://gmap-module.svn.sourceforge.net/svnroot/gmap-module/Gallery2.1/modules/map/ Note that even though the URL says Gallery2.1 it is (mostly) compatible with Gallery 2.2+. It only has issues for a new install, and those are easy to fix. We will be publishing released versions to gallery-contrib so they show up in the downloadable plugins in G2.2.
Posts: 20
Ah, yes. When you mention it, I can remember reading somewhere that the google maps project had been moved to sourceforge
Ok, downloaded and uploaded to server and running nicely!
Though the whole reason I wanted the svn was to get the "auto populate entire library" to work, and now it seems the button is gone?! Have you skaliwags hidden it away somewhere else? :P
Posts: 82
Well, I have nothing to do with the development of this module, but when I installed it, it auto recognized the EXIF headers and made the maps for me
No need to do anything
Posts: 20
mmm... doesn't seem to be doing that for me. Could be because I haven't uploaded any new images since I installed the SVN version, and prior to that I ran the old versions "populate all exif", so now they are all set to "0,0" in gallery2, which naturally would override anything in the EXIF headers.
Anyone know of a way to reset them?
Figured I would try uninstalling the map module and reinstalling, thought that might delete the tables and re-make them. Unfortunatly, the install is not working.
This is the error I am getting with debug turned on
Posts: 508
Ah. You've encountered the Gallery 2.2 install bug that I was talking about. See where it says "ENGINE = ENGINE=MyISAM"? The double "ENGINE=" is tripping it up. It's an easy fix--just go to map\classes\GalleryStorage\Schema.tpl and delete "ENGINE = " on line 10 so it only shows ") DB_TABLE_TYPE ;" on that line.
The EXIF->GPS field function is a Maintenance Task (under Site Admin). Looking at the code, it looks like it will overwrite existing field data, so it should work for you.
Posts: 20
Cool beans about the gps field in maintenance, but still having trouble installing it. Removed the Engine bit so line 10 is now: " DB_TABLE_TYPE ;"
but still getting an error
Let me know if you need all the debug data as well
Thanks so much for helping me out with this, mate.
Posts: 508
You forgot the closing parenthesis at the beginning of the line. Just copy and paste the next line:
Posts: 20
worked like a charm ;)
You are THA man, thanks once again.
Quite funny about that parentheses, because I DID notice it but discarded it as a typo from your side. Guess next time I will just copy/paste ;)
Oh, and sorry caddymob for totally hijacking your thread
Posts: 82
haha, no not at all~ I am learning a lot!!
Posts: 508
Oops, sorry for the apparent repost. The obsessive-compulsive in me had to fix the typo in "commit" but the edit function posted it at the bottom of the thread instead of in its original location.
Posts: 20
Are all the "extra functions" working now? I was playing around a bit, and I seem to be having some trouble with the group and filters...
Also, I now have a scroll-bar inside my map-frame which serves no function (htLp://www.itismylife.net -> photomap)
Posts: 1894
Hello Chris,
The scrollbar on the left side is part of the thumbnail bar that you must have activated and it's not showing up properly because of the size of your map overlapping it
if you're using the percentage it's normal, there isn't an easy solution for % size of the map (the height is always a problem) hence some of the issues like this one.
filters & group should work (I use filters on my instances) but they may be some bugs ... still trying to work through some of those
Let us know what is your experience and what bugs you find
- http://www.termitenshort.com/
The Termite -
Posts: 1894
Out of curiosity how many tagged item do you have ?
- http://www.termitenshort.com/
The Termite -
Posts: 20
Hey T
You were right about the scrollbar, it was turned on and I was using size in %. Changed that to px, and it's all good now!
Right now I have about 200 tagged items, before I did the update I think I had about 150.
Why? It's not going to crash on me if I hit 1000? cause I probably will....
Edit: been testing out some of the different "extra functionality". As you said, filters work fine. As does the Gzoom and markers. After activating routes, the link to configure it pops up, but when clicking that link I just come to an empty page. No 404, just completely empty (checked the source, contains nothing)
edit 2: is there any way to get the map to display images nested within three albums or deeper? Also got a "bug" in the markers config page. It's not displaying the icons for regrouped markers
Edit 3: I am manually geotagging my images, to save time I am doing them in groups, pictures taken approx the same place get the same coordinates. This is obviously causing a problem, as only one of the "group" is displayed. Figured I would see how much the coordinates need to differ for it to be displayed, and it seems decimal number 5 is the magic one (66.815287134065,13.524932171817). This causes the images to move position quite drastically... Is there any way included that can display both/several who have positions that are within close proximity?
Posts: 1894
It shouldn't, this is pure curiosity
cool !
I think I know why, I'll take a look at this tonight.
Dunno what you mean, by default the map displays everything, the maps limited onto an album display all the sub-items by default unless you use the feature
Interesting, probably some bogus path ... maybe due to the embedded, I'll check on that tonight as well.
Not yet. I have in the works a revamp of the infowindow page and I wanted to include that as a functionality where items on the same spot (too close to be told appart) would appear on the same infowindow like a mini-slideshow. But that's not in yet and due to the amount of work required may not make it into the next release
- http://www.termitenshort.com/
The Termite -
Posts: 20
hmmm... as this is something you obviously haven't encountered before, it made me thing that perhaps I am doing something wrong. So I dugg a bit deeper, turned on the "show tumbnails thing" so I could see if the "missing" images were showing up there, and sure thing, they were in the thumbnails view. So when I click on it, I get the infowindow and click on zoomin, and get this:
As you can see the image is added to the map, but it's not displaying pin for it. Figured this might have something to do with the "markers extension", so I turned it off and sure enough, the markers are back. Is this the way it's supposed to work?
Posts: 1894
Certainly not
Which "marker" extension are you referring too ? I'll look into this issue as well ;-)
As for the "bug" with the marker not showing up I have 2 servers that are "identical" (obviously not) running the same code version, 1 has the issue the other one doesn't .... interesting one at any rate
I'll dig a bit deeper on this.
- http://www.termitenshort.com/
The Termite -
Posts: 20
The one called "markers settings". To be specific, I turned off "automatic item regroup" and the marker appeared for that image.
Wish I knew more about this stuff so I could help you out, feel like I'm just being a pain pointing out all the "flaws" and not really coming with any solutions
Posts: 508
Trust me, your testing is very valuable. As developers, we don't have every option in use in every configuration, so we rely on the people that actually use it tell us if it's working or not. (A lot of this could be fixed or prevented if we started using PHP unit tests). Especially the fact that you're testing the SVN version--it helps us fix the bugs before they get into a release.
Posts: 1894
Nope this is good, it is related to your other issue about the icon not showing in the admin page, weird thing is, it seemed to work fine for me when automatic-regroup was enabled.
I'll let you know about the other bug.
- http://www.termitenshort.com/
The Termite -
Posts: 1894
Are you volunteering ?
- http://www.termitenshort.com/
The Termite -
Posts: 508
Well... it needs to be done eventually, so I suppose I'll get around to it. But for now, there are bigger fish to fry (I know, that makes the XP people squirm). Maybe once the features stabilize a bit...
Posts: 1894
2. Finish & Release this version (I'm working on some of it now)
3. think about the next steps
- http://www.termitenshort.com/
The Termite -
Posts: 1894
That was my thought as well, but there is only a real need if we intend for this module to be in gallery built-in and there is still ways to go before that happens
- http://www.termitenshort.com/
The Termite -
Posts: 20
Hey guys,
Don't know if you've already seen this, but this dude has the "info window" stuff that you want to do:
here is the source for his gallery and map plugin
Which he basically has released to the entire digg community. Not sure if this will help you any, as he has made it all himself and it might not be even remotely compatible with the google maps module, but figured it might
I'm headed on vacation for the next few months, so I probably won't be in here as much (if at all).
All the best, and I hope to see V3 ready when I get back home :P
Posts: 1894
Thanks for the link !
What I wanted to do was quite a bit more complex (ajax based slideshow) but maybe that'll do for this release
- http://www.termitenshort.com/
The Termite -
Posts: 35
This issue (automatic regroup not showing pin icon (but shadow does seem to be visible) is biting me now. Latest svn (r244) on G2.1 - I've been away from the maps for a while, but they sure have come along way! Great work!!
Posts: 40
I am having the same issue.
- image EXIF data (incl. GPS) correct per Exiftools
- G2 EXIF data - totally incorrect
- maps module doesn't import it correctly
I have read this thread and frankly I am lost! Can someone simplify this? Do I have to download the SVN version? I am using 0.5.1d with 2.2.2 ... or is this a problem with the EXIF module alone?
Posts: 508
Yes, you need to download the SVN map module for now. The map module is not using the EXIF module to read the coordinates--it has its own EXIF library. There is a bug in the map module version 0.5.1d, so use the SVN version.
Posts: 10
I updated last version with actual SVN-version due because I encountered problems with wrong locations also.
But my test-image is still displayed in Africa instead of Italy. ;-)
Is it necessary to re-import the GPS-data from images after updating the module? Where can I find this re-import-function?
Kind regards, Jens
Posts: 508
Yes, you should re-import the GPS data from the EXIF headers. This has been moved to a maintenance task (Site Admin->Maintenance Tasks).
Posts: 10
Aaah - found it.
Works fine for me now.
Thank you all for your great work on this module!
Kind regards, Jens