[Map] SVN bug?
Joined: 2007-01-30
Posts: 82 |
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I know the SVN version of the google maps is prerelease, but I have a bug to report. Two of my albums give a 'Error 500 Internal server error' when this module is activated. When I deactivate the maps, they show up fine. I think it may be the size of the albums, one has 254 items, the other has 188. However, another album with 155 albums seems to work fine. The albums in question are at: http://corneveaux.com/gallery2/v/Escalante/ The top two albums 'Missing Canyon' and 'Slot Canyons' display fine, but the bottom two do not when the module is activated. Let me know what else you might need to troubleshoot this problem. I must say the 0.5.2a version of Maps is AWESOME!! I love it! Auto-recognizes my EXIF coordinates and auto-populates the maps. YES!!Also have the ability to show a map on each photo page, something I was going to request I have the maps active for now...
Posts: 82
... Oh, and the 'Album Location Map' doesn't show in IE7. Unfortunately, I still have visitors who use this browser
Posts: 82
Ok, I found a 'back-door' into my pics by exporting the album to google earth. From there, I can click on the placemark thumbnail and see a picture--
one example in the 'Coyote Gulch' album:
Does this help at all?
Posts: 1894
Hello !
Sorry I didn't answer for some reason I didn't get notified of this message
. Anyways, I'm not sure what that is
, I think i would need to see if there is anything relevant in the log file (apache & mysql) to see if something being done isn't working right.
Can you first try to de-activate the "album location map" on the sidebar and/or on the album pages ? there may be something funky going on with the PGTheme
, for information I have albums with 300 pics and they still work ok so I'm trying to think what it can be but it shouldn't be the size 
- http://www.termitenshort.com/
The Termite -
Posts: 1894
oo OO, 1 more thing you can try before de-activating the album location map is defaulting the "Google Map Link Behavior" to "Show the Default Map"
The one you're currently using has REALLY BAD query I wrote and I'm not entirely sure how to improve it yet :D:D
- http://www.termitenshort.com/
The Termite -
Posts: 82
Termiten-- you ROCK
I did your 2nd suggestion first: set the Map Link Behavior to Default Map, and everything seems to be working!! Thanks a million, as always!
Oh, I have one possible suggestion for the module, not sure if its possible, but here goes: Minimaps, would it be possible to give the user the ability to zoom and/or pan the map? In the current state, they cannot - and looking at a 150X150 (or smaller map) it either has to be zoomed way out, loosing the fine detail, or zoomed way in thus loosing 'the big picture'.... just a thought. As you might have guessed, I am obsessed with maps :D
Posts: 508
As for the Mini Google Map block not working with IE, when was the last time you updated your SVN? 'cause I added some IE workaround code to the MiniMap.tpl file last weekend. It now works fine when I tested it with IE7, and now you can have a map block in both the sidebar and the photo or album page and both maps will work (previously one would show up blank).
The Mini Google Map block is intended to be a simple, preconfigured static display of a map (i.e., no pan or zoom controls). The main map display has those controls and is intended for "exploring" purposes. The Mini Map block takes its center and zoom from the parameters entered for the item. I did add block settings where you can change the height and width of the map, though. (Note that the width can be in pixels or a percentage of the container, but you have to add "px" or "%" to the number for it to work).
One note: I haven't implemented the two "Album: ..." block settings yet so they don't currently have any effect.
Let me know how it works for you.
Posts: 82
I downloaded the SVN three days ago, the 26th - I noticed the changelog with the added IE function. I have attached a screen shot of my page side by side in IE and FF -- the minimap is not displaying in IE (version 7). It is still not working~
I understand the idea of the mini maps and how to use them. I have them up on my site-- however was making a suggestions for further options. Most people in my opinion will not view the main map - it might be nice if I as admin could give the user the ability to pan/zoom the minimap. Just thinking out loud.
Again, love maps and love the integration into gallery -- you guys have done amazing work!!
Posts: 508
Well, that sucks. I can see the problem in IE when I visit your site, but I can't duplicate it on my system here using your settings. I'm guessing it's a DIV/theme issue. Can you try changing your Map width to something in pixels (like 300px) and see if it shows up then? I'm somewhat new to web development and I haven't worked with DIVs and stylesheets much.
Also, is that the Matrix theme you're using to display it (your diagnostic dump indicates that's your default)? Did you modify it? Great photos, by the way.
Posts: 508
Aha. I see it's a theme issue. I tested it with the Carbon theme (which yours looks closest to) and the 100% doesn't work. At least now I can reproduce it, maybe I can fix it. Because of the different behavior on FF and IE, I'm guessing it's a web standards thing that I'm doing wrong.
Posts: 508
Okay, I wrapped the map div inside a table, and that seems to have fixed it for IE. Download the SVN version and let me know if it works for you.
Posts: 82
BINGO!!! Looks great in Firefox and IE. Thanks! And thanks for the kudos on the pics
I also changed my 'defaults' to show I am using the Carbon theme-- I didn't realize I needed to do that~
Keep up the good work! I'll keep messing around and see if I can't find some more head scratchers for you guys!!
Posts: 82
SiliconFiend-- It seems that the SVN update has now screwed up the "Show a Google Map" for my albums. When I click this at the album level on the sidebar, it takes forever to load then returns the dreaded Error 500 - Internal server error. Its happening on all my geotagged albums. This is true for individual pictures as well.
Here is a link to my smallest geotagged album for you to check out:
Posts: 508
Hmm... That's strange. The Mini Map block has code in it to prevent it from being displayed when the main map is shown. I didn't mess with any of that part. Can you roll back to revision 162 to undo my two most recent commits and see if the problem still exists (just do an "svn up -r 162")? Termitenshort has made a couple changes to the map header file. You can roll back to revision 160 to undo those changes as well and see if the problem is still there.
By the way, I can load your map up using the "Geotagged Map" link (no Error 500) but it does take forever--several minutes. That's not acceptable, and I'm assuming it's not your server. The "Show a Google Map" link in the sidebar does give me an Error 500 after a couple minutes.
Posts: 1894
The changes I made to the mapheader.tpl are only related to the legend and non-photo item display on the map. So if you're not using the legend and/or geotagged non-photo item (movies, animations, ...) there should be no impact.
Just to be sure, you can disable the legend and see if that helps.
Otherwise, maybe the log file (mysql & apache) have any information ?
- http://www.termitenshort.com/
The Termite -
Posts: 82
Ok, I have been messing around trying to get to the bottom of this. I rolled back to the SVN version SiliconFiend suggested, that did not work. Then I noticed what you said Termitenshort about having geotagged non-photo items. I did have some .flvs that I geotagged, so I removed the tags, still not working.
I just noticed something interesting--- in my "Fish Creek" album, I put a link to that says "See the photos on a Geotagged Map" -- this points to the link
This will open the google map. It is really slow, but it does open. I got this link from the sidebar link that says "Show a google map" -- however, now when I go to this same "Show a google map", it points to this link, giving a 500 error:
Also, I did not have the legend feature enabled at any point since moving to the SVN version. Any ideas why the Show Google Map is pointing to a different (wrong) link now?
Posts: 508
I presume you had the Google Map link behavior set to "Filter on current album" previously. Well, the reason your link changed is that Termitenshort asked you to change the link behavior to the "Show the default map". That will show all the photos with GPS coordinates in your gallery.
Because of the symptoms you've described, it really sounds like a performance problem. I see your entire gallery has 1160 items in it. In the first post in this thread you described how the new version recognized the coordinates in the EXIF headers, so I'm guessing you recently added many more photos to the map. If all (or many) of your photos have coordinates attached, that could be what's causing the timeout. We'll have to look at the SQL and either add indexes to improve performance or otherwise tweak the queries.
Posts: 1894
Oooooo. 1 question for you. Do you have the automatic regroup feature enable ? (I can't get to your map so I can't tell), I have been working on it (offline, not in the google map module code) and I found out it's REALLY slow. it crushes one of my servers at work (dual Xeon 4G of memory that does nothing but serve the web ... I know overkill) and I only have 600 items.
I have been trying to optimize but it's still a tad slow (I'm getting there though). Eventually we may move to a better approach but for the time being that's that
If you have that feature enabled, please disabled it and see if it works better for you
Otherwise, would you be able to give access to the ftp ? I can setup timing all over the code to analyze what's causing that ridiculous and unacceptable slowness ;-)
Thanks for your help
- http://www.termitenshort.com/
The Termite -
Posts: 1894
Oh and I'm gonna second Siliconfiend, your picture are awesome !
- http://www.termitenshort.com/
The Termite -
Posts: 82
Silicon, Termiten: You'll be happy to know I was out collecting more photos, GPS in hand to add to my gallery, hence the delay in response
Anyway, ok, lets work through your questions...
Yes, it was on Dynamic Link, and now as per Termiten's request is on Show the Default map. That makes sense then, and I guess it has nothing to do with the 500 errors.
Yes, since installing the SVN, I have been replacing pictures that I have geotagged. I have geotagged with both WWMX and the Geotagg feature in Picasa, which uses GoogleEarth. The method shouldn't matter, or so I think, as they both just write the coordinates to the EXIF header. The SVN Map module auto recognizes these headers, and makes the maps for me (which is freaking brilliant, BTW). There are a few photos I tagged from within the gallery, and I have also tagged the albums from within the gallery module.
As far as the size of my gallery, I would hope it wouldn't matter-- I take a lot of pictures, and always have my GPS with me... I would hate to have to limit my geotagging
Again, I realize this is a work in progress, so I am happy to help troubleshoot and give feedback 
Oh man, I have no idea what you mean. I looked for this feature, and I cannot seem to find it?? What is it, and where do I look? Is it specific to the Maps module? The only feature I have running within the Maps module is the Theme Features.
If it comes down to it, sure I could give you access to the ftp -- i suppose you would need the login and password?
Thanks guys!!
Posts: 1894
Nice !
That's not for sure in fact ;-)
Size shouldn't matter in that regards
but I know that lots of optimization could be done, I have seen gallery with 100s of tagged items before and they were working fine so some timing of the code may help troubleshooting and pinpoint this issue specifically.
If you don't know what it is you probably don't have it enabled (it defaults to disabled) as for the FTP, maybe it will be good to enter some microtime() to see how long things are taking overall.
I can take care of this this week-end if you're available
See you !
- http://www.termitenshort.com/
The Termite -
Posts: 27
Could some one please direct me to the right place to ask this question:
On my Galery 2.2 installation's Site Admin > Gallery > Google Map > General Settings page, what is the difference between setting the Google Map Link Behavior setting to "Dynamic Link" and to "Show Map filtered on current album"? (Either way, next to pictures I've marked on a map, I get "Show Album on a Map" which, either way, links to a map titled "Filtered on Album X" - "X" being the name of the album to which the picture belongs).
Posts: 1894
Hello Gripper,
You could have started a new discussion but otherwise it's the right place ("forum") to ask this question
Default Map: Will always show the google Map with ALL the item
Show Map filtered on current album: Will show an album always filtered on the current album (even if the current album contains no GPS tagged item)
Dynamic Link: The link adapt between the two solution above. If there are no item tagged in the current album then the link will say "Show default map" otherwise it will filter on the current album. This link makes the gallery much slower (for now) but never show and error "no item to display on this map"
See you !
- http://www.termitenshort.com/
The Termite -
Posts: 27
Thanks Termitenshort - that clears it up for me.
Might I suggest (or is this already possible in some built-in way?) that there be a "Filtered on current picture" option, which, if selected, would mean that the link next to a picture, if that picture has been marked on a map, would read something like "Show this picture on a map" and bring the user to map centred on the co-ordinates and zoomed into the level set for that picture.
I was sort of hoping for a link next to any given map-marked picture which would clearly answer the question: "Where was this picture taken?" Ie, upon clicking on the "Show . . . a map " next to a picture, the user would be presented not with a map zoomed out to see all the markers of the relevant album (and be left to guess which marker belongs to the picture he or she was just looking at), but rather with a map zoomed in to just that picture's marker - or maybe with all/some of the album's markers, but just that one picture's marker's "picture-bubble-thingy" already open to indicate which marker is that of picture whose "Show this picture on a map" link has just been clicked.
Anyway, if such a feature is not already included or in the works, I'll have a go at creating it . . . and contributing it!
That said, the module as it is already rocks. Thanks.
Posts: 508
I would suggest you download the SVN version and try the "Mini Map" block. You could use the Themes control panel to add the block to the Photo page. I think that would accomplish what you're looking for. Or you could wait for the release of the next version, which should arrive within a month.
Posts: 154
Where I can find svn 0.5.2a version of Maps?
Posts: 1894
If you know how to checkout and SVN module head out to here: http://sourceforge.net/svn/?group_id=152389 to get the address.
See you !
- http://www.termitenshort.com/
The Termite -
Posts: 508
caddymob, I just committed the full implementation of the Mini Map block. Since you have a lot of geotagged photos, would you be willing to give it a try for me and see if you have any performance problems? Specifically I'm interested if the "Show all album subitems" setting will work correctly with a large number of items. I don't expect any problems, just want to make sure.
Posts: 82
Absolutely!! So, I just need to update via SVN and ftp the files onto my server?
Posts: 82
Yep!! Updating now
Posts: 82
SiliconFiend -- BAD ASS. Looks sweet. I think I have it showing what you mean--- On my "Great Escape" Album I have the minimap with "Show all album subitems". This is what you mean, right?
Looks great! Doesn't seem to slow it down, however I did have a minimap showing in the sidebar. So, when I clicked the button to expand the sidebar it came out very slowly. Not a big deal, I really don't need a map there-- this was the only performance hit I noticed. Anyway, looks good -- the minimap is displaying 600 items here, so I would say that is great!
However-- The "Show a Google Map" link is still not working. I get a Error 500 every time... The next project??
Posts: 82
Oh Wow! I just noticed that now the map will show on the main album!! Thats awesome, and something I was going to suggest! Anyway, here I have 2 maps both showing all sub items -- so ~1,200 geotagged photos. It does seem to load a little slower, but my internet sucks. Check it out and see what you think:
Posts: 508
Thanks. The idea to implement the MiniMap block settings was simple, but the logistics of putting all the pieces together to get there was more than I anticipated.
Hmm... It is a bit slow, both on the server side and in the browser, at least on the first load. It probably needs some optimization like filtering out duplicate or nearby markers. The problem is that there are nice functions to assist in that in the Google Maps API in JavaScript, but I need to do the filtering before it ever even hits the browser, so I can't get an assist from Google. I'll have to re-create that functionality in PHP I guess. Maybe Termitenshort's automatic regroup code can help me out.
I guess the ultimate solution would be to make the markers load dynamically from an AJAX source. That would let the page load quickly and then populate the map later, and it could filter the markers on the visible map. That would be really cool, but there's a lot of stuff to do before tackling something like that.
Posts: 82
Anything I can do to help let me know--- I couldn't code my way out of a wet paper bag, but I'm happy to test on my site.
As for my two cents: I'm not so concerned with showing every picture on the minimap if it has to be static. The minimap has to be zoomed out far enough to make sense-- I like to show the hybrid map, but if I it is zoomed in enough to resolve the markers for each photo, it tends to look like some random place - could be Utah, could be Brazil. So, with that, I have the minimap zoomed out enough so a visitor to my site can get an idea of the general location. Because pictures are usually taken within a fairly close distance, it tends to look like only a few markers when in my case it can be hundreds.
If the user had the ability to pan and zoom the map, I would be more inclined to show everything-- but this would end up just being the regular map, and in that case it would seem better to be in full screen mode.
Am I making sense? Basically I am thinking it should be like how Panoramio is setup. I assume you have seen it before, but here is a link to a few of my photos I loaded:
http://www.panoramio.com/photo/1727216 -- single photo
http://www.panoramio.com/map/?user=96309#lt=40.403346333334&ln=-116.6624125&z=13 -- full map
Again, great work, and let me know what I can do to help~
Posts: 508
I actually hadn't looked at the Panoramio website itself; I'd just seen the placemarks and photos in Google Earth. It's cool, very nice map integration. I give in. I added a block option to allow pan and zoom on the Mini Map. It was a simple change. You can check it out from SVN.
Posts: 82
BRILLIANT!! Thanks Silicon!
So then, for now I am going to disable the "Show all album subitems" so things don't take long to load. If you want me to turn them back on for testing, just let me know~
Posts: 27
Looks good, but I still think there's a couple of things missing.
Just to give you my user experience, in case it's worth something to you . . .
A: Install.
Downloaded and installed svn, ran this command
svn co https://gmap-module.svn.sourceforge.net/svnroot/gmap-module gmap-module
(as per instructions at http://sourceforge.net/svn/?group_id=152389)
Uploaded to my hosted gallery2/modules directory the map directory that was in the gmap-module/Gallery2.1/modules directory that I got from the svn command.
B. Set Up.
Logged into my Gallery 2.2 installation as admin, clicked on Site Admin > Plugins. Located the Google Map Module, clicked install, got ERROR_STORAGE_FAILURE error message (as described at http://gallery.menalto.com/node/58824), applied suggested solution (opened modules/map/classes/GalleryStorage/schema.tpl and removed the "ENGINE=" from in front of "DB_TABLE_TYPE"), went back to plugins page, next to Google Map Module again clicked install, then configure, then entered my Google API key, returned to Site Admin > Plugins, clicked on activate next to Google Map Module.
Now under Admin Options on the Site Admin pages I see Google Map, clicked on it. Don't think I changed anything on the General Setting page/tab (although, it may have been I who set Map type to Hybrid and Google Map Link Behavior to Show the Default Map - can't remember).
Back under Admin Options, clicked on Themes. With the Matrix tab selected, next to Blocks to show on photo pages, in the Available select field, I selected Mini Google Map. Clicked Add. After much investigation, later discovered: I could now, in the Selected list, click on Mini Google Map to reveal a small Parameter-Value table. Left the values as they were, I think. Clicked on Save Theme Settings.
C. Use.
Opened my gallery, selected an album selected a picture. Below the picture is a map, which wasn't there before. Seems to be a map of the Atlantic Ocean with a bit of West Africa (Gabon etc). (Why have I already got a map of some seemingly arbitrary location beneath every picture in my gallery?)
Clicked on Edit Photo, selected Google Map tab. Was presented with a map saying We are sorry . . . Try zooming out. Used the controls on the map to zoom out until I could see some recognizable land masses (Africa), and then moved the map around, zoomed back in to the location depicted in my picture. Clicked on the location (a marker appears on the location), clicked Save these coordinates. Back at Google Map tab, clicked Save. Clicked on the picture's title in the crumb trail and there, below the picture, is the map again but now centered and zoomed into the location I had just clicked and saved.
Too cool! Job well done by the developers! Thank you so much! But where's the marker?
D. Things missing?
So there's now just two little effects I'm still looking for - and I have since played with the various settings to try to get these effects, with no luck:
1. For any photo for which I have not saved any coordinates, there should by default be no map displayed under the picture.
(Having turned on the Google Mini Map block, I don't then want to have to save a set of coordinates for every picture in my gallery just so the map that shows up anyway below every picture doesn't show some seemingly arbitrary location.)
2. When I click on the picture's coordinates to set them up, I got a marker. When I then viewed the map beneath the picture, the map was centered and zoomed in as I saved it, but there's no marker. Where's the marker?
I appreciate these effects may already be possible, and I just haven't found them yet it. But I just thought I'd share my experience in case it could be helpful to somebody.
Thanks again for the really great work.
On more thing: if you could give me a field in which I could enter the direction in which the camera was pointing when the picture was taken (eg SSW or 210 degrees), then put on the map a marker that is rotated to the indicate that direction - that would be cool.
Posts: 1894
A pretty decent experience it seems, nice ! and thanks for the feedback for sure
+1 for this idea, we'll get that in ;-)
Hmmm .. if this is not a setting then it's a bug, are you using embedded or multi-install by any chance ?
That's coming up soon ;-)
Glad you like it overall, thanks for the report !
- http://www.termitenshort.com/
The Termite -
Posts: 27
Hmmmm. I remember, when I installed Gallery 2.2, choosing something which I think was called "multi-site", so I guess you could call my installation a multi-site installation. Is that what you mean by multi-install? Or: how could I discern whether using embedded or multi-install?
Posts: 27
I've continued my interruption to this topic at http://gallery.menalto.com/node/63648
Posts: 1894
On embedded and multi-install, it's possible the image url for the marker isn't correctly setup to pick it up in the correct spot. I'll look at this also in a few with the other problem described on your second post
- http://www.termitenshort.com/
The Termite -
Posts: 82
Guys, I'm still not getting a map when I click "Show a google map" properly. I just updated to revision 200. I have changed the default map to show a 'map' (as opposed to hybrid or satellite) and can sometimes get a map to show before a 500 error. It takes a couple minutes to load and does not seem to depend on album size. I tried it with one album with 15 pictures, and the one linked below with 170 pictures -- both take a very long time to load. I noticed once I did have a map showing, I could easily switch to a hybrid map -- so yea, something is weird here.
Anyway, here is a link to one of my mapped albums. See if you can get it to load. Let me know if you need me to do anything~~
The minimaps are working great, BTW!!
Posts: 508
Have you run the "Optimize database" task in the Admin panel->Maintenance Tasks? That could help.
I was looking at the main map code today. There's clearly a lot of room for optimization. I'll see what I can do to trim it down so that your map will show up.
Posts: 82
Yes -- I run Delete database cache, delete template cache, and optimize database after every time I make a major change like SVN update...
AWESOME!! Can't wait!
Posts: 82
Well, just thought I'd check back in and let you know I am now getting a map of all 3,000+ images in my gallery. I think this has to do more with changing from terrible 1and1 hosting to Dreamhost. Anyway, AWESOME! Still really slow to load a map with that many items, not sure if that is due to the module or just large amounts of data. But I'm happy.
This is the coolest module for Gallery, awesome work to everyone!!
Here is the full map, all 3,000 images in my gallery:
Entire Gallery
and here is a smaller album (~40 items) - still slow to load, but at least it loads!
Hunt's Mesa Album
Highly Dynamic Photography | Jason Corneveaux
Posts: 508
Yeah, sorry I haven't been able to spend more time on this project. Family, new job, etc. Plus the amount of work needed is just so overwhelming it gets discouraging... I've heard bad things about 1and1 hosting, too (at least as far as Gallery2 goes). Glad you got yours working, though.