New module required - paid work opportunity


Joined: 2003-11-25
Posts: 35
Posted: Sat, 2007-03-31 22:25


I'm looking for someone who can build a new module for me that will allow the site admin to define what the default permissions are for new albums created so that they are not inherited from the parent album.

If you're interested please drop me a pm

Aaron Brockhurst

mindless's picture

Joined: 2004-01-04
Posts: 8601
Posted: Sun, 2007-04-01 04:44

the basic code is here.. just need to modify the item type it works on (GalleryAlbumItem vs GalleryDataItem) and what permission operations are performed.


Joined: 2003-11-25
Posts: 35
Posted: Sun, 2007-04-01 18:46

Thanks very much for the info, I'll have a good look through and see if I can do it myself.

Thanks again


Joined: 2003-11-25
Posts: 35
Posted: Sun, 2007-04-01 22:51

Hi Mindless

I've tried following the instructions here and it doesn't appear to be working with the latest version. Having done some reading my understanding is that if I set the flag to false on addGroupPermission then that wont apply to subalbums. Is there a way to set this flag in the database on the root album and/or install scripts?

Thanks in advance



Joined: 2003-11-25
Posts: 35
Posted: Mon, 2007-04-02 22:46

Just in case anyone else is looking at this thanks to Mindless for pointing me in the right direction and to this post that helped me complete what I needed to do