How other photographers sell through G2


Joined: 2007-04-06
Posts: 11
Posted: Tue, 2007-04-10 16:12

Hi folks, I am a newly declared pro photographer. I have lots of photos that people have asked if they could purchase. I am pulling my hair out trying to understand the issues, and choose a solution. I am trilled to have found gallery2. Before that I was designing my site with a template machine and hand tweaking the changes. It got to be overwhelming as I can do enough coding to be dangerous but there are still large holes I can fall into. Therefore simpler is generally better. I want to take more pictures and sell more pictures. I don't want to continually update my web code except for the uploading of pictures and the customers order information.

I was considering a site ( that pretty much does it all, takes credit card data, parks my pictures on their site, prints the order and ships to my customer. They take a percentage but it might be worth it to me to not have the hassle of managing it day by day.

So what I want to know is, how do others actually sell their pictures? Gallry2 comes with shopping cart options and they are already hooked to shutterfly and a couple of other sites. But how does this actually work (from someone doing it please). I am trying to understand my options and see if I am missing a point not mentioned in going that route. The sales person I have contacted at also says they do have a way of using an api interface and showed me a couple of examples. I Liked the examples but she has been strongly trying to get me off of using that option.

Her examples:

If I use it looks like I can 1) use a account url and just direct my customers over to my site on their servers. 2) Keep my site and customize my page on their servers to look like my site and blend it that way 3) learn from others what she is talking about with api and why this is a headache for them and if this is a way that gallery2 can do this?

Frankly I am saddened that I just discovered gallery2 and if I go this way, unless someone here can really help me understand my options, I will probably have to go back to vanilla html.

Can anyone please offer help with tis? Is an api the same thing as a module to use Google checkout and then, can anyone write one to use with for me? Or, is this laid out clearly enough that I could write one? (not a php scriptor through).

Sigh ...



Joined: 2007-02-11
Posts: 47
Posted: Sat, 2008-12-13 19:05

I run the website for a pro photographer using a mixture between html pages and Gallery (in multisite mode). Basically I have the main pages on html, but when it comes to showing the images the user gets directed to one of the sites where they can view their photos.

This allows me to have different prices for different types of photography (i.e. weddings and portraits). Also, each new album has a password which the user only knows (and me, since I set it up). This way you don't have to worry about displaying images of underage people and getting their parent's permision etc.

I use the Checkout module, along with the checkout by email and checkout by paypal modules. This gives the user the option of paying by cheque or paying by paypal/credit card in advance. You can also put a posting charge on top of the order.

In the shopping cart, they can choose what size they want the picture (each size will have different prices), and whether they'd like in matt or gloss. Once they have ordered, the photographer receives an email with the order details and the buyer's details (i.e. delivery address etc). There is also an option for downloading the full size image but I don't use it.

The general feel of the gallery side of the website is very similar to the main html pages, this is done by customizing the templates etc to your own needs. I'm no expert in coding, so the site is not perfect, but it is similar enough.

Gallery works great for me, and it is free apart from the percentage that paypal gets when transferring the funds out (if you are transferring over £50 to your bank account they don't charge you I think).
And what's more, if you ever have any problems with it the support on Gallery is fantastic.

Also, you can put watermarks on the pictures if you want.

In case you'd like to have a look at the site, it is the bits where I use Gallery are:

I hope this helps!