g2 database and changing catogeries


Joined: 2004-02-12
Posts: 65
Posted: Wed, 2007-04-11 06:40


So we have 6000 slides which we had scanned at costo.

OK so I have this access dbase which im going to import into g2 database in a different table. temp table...which I would than use some data in its column to insert into particular g2 tables....ie eg the captions...

The access dbase contains comments (captions) column and a catogery column and a unique number where it is stored in its filing system.

I should be ok to relate the unique reference of the slide to the comments colum in g2 dbase...

Though im not sure how im going to do it as such... that I want to also mass manipulate or relate the catogeries so when i match (insert) the right catogery into each photo.... would it change its sub folder?

Off couse first thing i will do is to load all the photos so it already exist. I will load them on just one big album.

Than I will create empty albums (catogeries to match the access dbase) and I hope when I insert the right catogeries , this photos would auto shift to the right sub albums.....

Can this be done at all?

Which part in the dbase tells where the photo is located as far as sub albums is concerned?

I looked through the g2 dabase and found comments etc but not where it is referencing the sub album any particular photos is being store.

Any ideas , comments, help on this is much appreciated. :)