xt:commerce / generic integration


Joined: 2002-08-20
Posts: 20
Posted: Thu, 2007-04-12 14:19


I run an xt:commerce shop. On my product details pages, I want to integrate a small video which should be embedded directly into the page.

I already have all the product videos as .flv files in my gallery. Inside the gallery everything works perfectly (FLV Player and so on).

How can I easily integrate the player into these pages?

I would love something like this:

<?php include('gallery2/embed.php?permalink=filename.flv'); ?>

Is something similar possible?

Thank you guys

PS: I know the slider theme, but I dont want to use it in a popup, because the rest of the gallery isnt completed so I want to "hide" the whole gallery. The sliders theme doesnt support hiding its thumbnail-bar at the bottom :-(

PHP: 5.0.4
Apache: 2.0.54
MySQL: 4.1.20
Fedora Linux


Joined: 2002-08-20
Posts: 20
Posted: Thu, 2007-04-12 15:28

okay, i found that VERY SIMPLE way.
and simple is always beautiful:

i just open this url (in another window or via readfile):


This does basically everything I want. The only improvement would be, if I could use the permalink instead of the ID. Is this possible anyhow??

PHP: 5.0.4
Apache: 2.0.54
MySQL: 4.1.20
Fedora Linux