Book theme.


Joined: 2003-05-29
Posts: 115
Posted: Tue, 2007-04-17 01:02

I just finished organizing a book in iPhoto to order one of those hardbound photo books - and it dawned on me: A lot of photos I upload to my gallery have less importance than others.

In a book view it's easy to represent this because highlight photos take up the whole page. And trivial photos take up a fifth or less of the page.

Soooo, I got to thinking, it would be nice to have a theme that let me specify the "importance" of a given photo and it would adjust the default size based on that.

For now, I guess I can pick a matrix theme and set the thumbnails larger on specific items. But it might be nice to have a more cohesive "book" theme.

Just an idea,
Joseph Elwell.