i cannot figure out what gallery wants for my path to my albums folder. my website is 98websites.com. i created a gallery folder under that with an album folder in gallery. i have tried everything i can think of for hours . the closest i can get is this.
Error: albumDir: /hsphere/local/home/delphiin/98websites.com/gallery/netpbm exists, but is not writeable by the webserver user. Try: chown -R httpd /hsphere/local/home/delphiin/98websites.com/gallery/netpbm or if that doesn't work: chmod -R 777 /hsphere/local/home/delphiin/98websites.com/gallery/netpbm. Also make sure that if you have an open_basedir restriction then this tmp directory should be under the open_basedir path
my album folder is set to 777
any help would sure be appreciated i hate to
give up after all this time i have spent on it. and does anyone know of a simple gallery type software out there? it should not be this complcated.
Posts: 3
I just worked through this problem on my godaddy host.
I used the php script
print getcwd();
This outputs the current working directory (cwd), so if you place this script in the directory in question, then navigate to it with your browser, it will tell you the path name that the server uses for that directory.
Posts: 2
Kamlapati, where would I run this piece of code? I live in the world of SQL/SAS so am not too sure what to do with it?