g1 query-style URLs redirected in g2?


Joined: 2007-04-20
Posts: 42
Posted: Fri, 2007-04-20 16:19


I followed all of the directions in the migration instructions for g1 -> g2. I have the migration plugin enabled and I have selected g1 -> g2 mapping in the URL rewrite module. I installed g2 in the same directory as my original g1 installation.

For g1 URLs that were originally mod-rewritten (e.g., http://test.baue.org/images/galleries/Orcas-on-Parade for the Orcas-on-Parade album), it seems to properly redirect to the new g2 location. However if I use the "query-style" URL (e.g., http://test.baue.org/images/galleries/view_album.php?setAlbumName=Orcas-on-Parade) then I end up on a blank page.

Is this supposed to work? If so, any ideas on what I might've done wrong? I've migrated 4 websites so far and have the same problem with all of them. BTW, I'm running 2.2.1.



Joined: 2003-01-04
Posts: 32509
Posted: Fri, 2007-04-20 19:14

correct. query-style G1 urls are not redirected to g2.

you can add that by adding some mod_rewrite magic in your .htaccess, but i don't think it's necessary.

Documentation: Support / Troubleshooting | Installation, Upgrade, Configuration and Usage


Joined: 2007-04-20
Posts: 42
Posted: Fri, 2007-04-20 20:17

OK, that's what I figured. But in my case I *do* consider it necessary. My site has been up for over 6 years now and for the first 5 of those years I didn't have mod_rewrite configured, so there are a lot of sites that have links to our site using the query-style url. There's actually also a lot of content just on my own site that has the query-style, some in web-pages and some in database entries.

I'm not so good with "mod_rewrite magic" - any suggestions on how to figure out how to set that up to work? I'm surprised nobody else has had to deal with this ....