I recently had to format and restore my box, and got to installing Apache 1.3.27, PHP 4.3.1 and Gallery. I compiled apache with --enable-module=so and --enable-module=rewrite but gallery still complains about rewrite not being enabled and also the .htacces file. I added the following lines to my httpd.conf file like gallery requested:
<Directory /var/www/gallery>
AllowOverride Options FileInfo
I even recompiled apache twice, I even tried using LoadModule to add mod_rewrite, but i was told during config test that rewrite as already loaded. I tried to be as specific as I can, if you wish for the the url I will gladly email it, just dont feel like posting it when it is in config mode.
Posts: 3474
If you're sure it's working properly, you can force Gallery to use mod_rewrite either by:
1) Editing config.php and setting $gallery->app->feature["rewrite"] to 1
2) Re-running the Config. Wizard like this:
-Beckett (
Posts: 2
I forced gallery to accept mod rewrite http://icefantum.net/gallery/ as you can see when you click the link it errors out, gallery was still complaining about the htacces section still even after i added the directory lines. and rewrite worls because httpd starts with rewriteengine on so that works. any ideas?
redhat 9
apache 1.3.27
PHP v4.3.2RC4-dev
gallery 1.3.3
Posts: 3474
You stopped and then restarted Apache after changing httpd.conf, right? If you e-mail me your httpd.conf file, I'll take a look through and make sure everything looks all right.
Fixing the .htaccess issue will almost certainly resolve the mod_rewrite problem (since you need .htaccess permissions to apply the rewrite rules).