I try to build a bridge between my site and gallery2 but at the moment i have a problem mapping the users. my site has events to create the gallery users and map them in one way but I also want to map manualy from the admin pannel and there's the problem. Can i remove a map or just change it? and when how to do this?
I tried to add it with new internal ID's but it allways faild.
can someone help me?
Posts: 11
the next problem.......
First of all i decided to switch my project to joomla 1.5B2.
Last night i got the bridge working and began building the plugin for the user sync, login, logout events.
Now my problem is, that the bridge should support more than one instance. So my plugin has to load
more than one galleries. The code looks something like this:
foreach($gallerys as $gallery)
// create the user and map it
The second time the initG2 function failes.
Is it posible to solve this easily??
Best regards