Can't login to Gallery Remote
Joined: 2004-12-14
Posts: 30 |
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This the message I get when I try to login to Gallery Remote: Error: Server contacted, but Gallery not found at this URL ( This is the correct URL for the gallery - so I don't know what the problem is. I run Mac OS X 10.4.9 - I just installed the latest version of Gallery Remote today - and I have Gallery 2 beta running. Any ideas? Cloustalot |
Posts: 2
The URL should typically point to the directory and not the main file.
/Pontus Berg
Posts: 30
I"ve tried that and every other configuration before posting this question. Nothing seems to work - I definitely have Gallery installed, but Gallery Remote can't see it anywhere.
Posts: 4
I'm having the same problem.
I'm running on Windows, and have tried several variants of the URL, with no success:
The example in the application (and above) say that the first one should work... but nope. Just a grouchy error message about "no protocol implementation at the URL..."
I'm not sure what it's looking for, but that's exactly where Gallery is.
Posts: 5
I found that this helped me at least get a connection. I now have another problem now that I am able to connect though.
Connecting to a G2 installation: Server contacted, but Gallery not found at this URL
If you are running Gallery 2, make sure that you have installed the 'Remote' module. It contains the 'Implementation for the remote control protocol' and enables the remote applet. This module is not included in the (current) 'Typical' installation package.
You will usually get this message when your web server is set up to return a nice-looking page to tell you when a page is missing rather than the 404 error message GR expects. The first thing to do is:
create a fake gallery_remote2.php page in your gallery2 directory, with this content:
header("HTTP/1.0 404 Not Found");
this will make sure that URL does return a 404 error, which GR will be able to use. Your new fake gallery_remote2.php file should be uploaded to the main gallery remote folder which is the same location as the main.php file.
The second thing to do is:
force GR to connect to G2 without first trying to check if the Gallery is a G1 installation: in your file, add this line:
where n is the number that matches your Gallery URL in the file. (I changed my number to 0 [i]forceGalleryVersion.0=2
You can fine the gallery file in C:\Documents and Settings\your name\.GalleryRemote folder. The file should be opened in notepad and the line should be added to the bottom of the document. One point to note is the file will not exist in this location if you have not run Gallery Remote. You should also not modify the file if you have Gallery remote open as your changes will be disregarded.
As I say, this has worked for me and I can now browse my gallery and add and create new albums. I would be interested to hear if this solves your connection problem and if you now experience the next issues I am experiencing which is an Upload Complete - Server Processing issue. When I try to upload pictures the firs file is uploaded and the application sits there with a blue bar going back and forward saying Upload Complete - Server Processing. arrrgg, I thought it was all looking good for a while
Many thanks
Posts: 4
I actually got it working: I hadn't installed the Remote plugin.
Maybe that's documented somewhere, but it's not something that popped out to me, and I'm apparently not the only person to have this problem.
Maybe the error message should be updated to include a "Are you sure the Remote plugin has been installed on the target Gallery instance?" or something.
Posts: 5
I found the problem to be that I had not installed the remote plugin. When I selected Plugins from the admin menu I got a blank screen and I thought that this was the way it was suppose to be.
After a lot of searching I found the if I edited the main.php file and added the following:
FAQ: I get only a blank screen when trying to view my Gallery, what's wrong?
This should be added after <?php in the file
I can now see all the plugins and I was able to activate the gallery remote plugin.
I also had to make a change to Gallery file which is detailed in my post above this one.
Hope this helps cut out some of the frustration I have had
Posts: 1
I have problems when I install both remote module and Gallery remote on Windows and your explanation help me very much. Now I can upload pictures with program.. Super help
Posts: 112
I've read the FAQ on this ( I'm on a mac OSX 10.4 and I want to add the line "forceGalleryVersion.0=2" to the file but can't find it in my home folder ( Where is it within the home folder? I've run the Gallery Remote app a couple of times and I'm getting "Error: HTTP POST failed (HTTP 404 Not Found)". The "" file isn't found by a search.
Any ideas?
Posts: 1
I have found solution to your prob and updated FAQ accordingly. See new instructions here:
Mac users you will have to go into the Terminal (shock horror) becuase this directory is hidden. Make sure you have run Gallery Remote at least once but that the application is closed before you start. Then open up Terminal app and type the following:
pico .GalleryRemote/
You will be confronted with the file in the PICO text editor. Use the arrow keys on keyboard to scroll down to bottom of file then paste the code from above. Change the letter n to the number of your url (mine was 0 as I only added one url).
Then save your changes by using the key combination [ctrl] - O
Then exit PICO by using the key combination [ctrl] - X
Now close Terminal app and relaunch Gallery Remote. This worked for me
Posts: 112
Now why didn't I think of doing that!
I'll tell you why, because it's the last thing I'd think of doing - being a designer with a reasonable amount of HTML/CSS knowledge.
It worked first time though, so many thanks for your response.
(Fetch images already on server doesn't appear to be functioning, I'll look into that tomorrow as it's probably somewhere else on the forum!)
You The Man!
Posts: 1
I don't understand the mean of "n". Can you better explain to me?
Posts: 5
I just wanted to say thanks to Reesy for the post above. I have been having this issue off and on for quite some time and read through quite a few similar posts and even posted my own and still was not able to find a fix until now. I run Gallery 2 for two different sites on GoDaddy, Linux servers. I have GR on both my home workstation as well as my laptop. I have always been able to connect to both sites without problems from my laptop, but all of my website stuff is on my workstation. On it, I have had intermittent problems connecting to at least one of the sites almost continuously. It has been VERY frustrating. I did not make both of the changes Reesy mentions above, just the added line to the GalleryRemote.Properties file. (forceGalleryVersion.n=2) It worked first time flawlessly and I haven't had a problem since.
As for the "n" confusion, when you open the file you will see that it identifies any sites you have entered url's for in order 0,1,2,3...etc. So in my case I needed to modify the second website I had in my list so the "n" was changed to "1" (i.e. forceGalleryVersion.1=2) If you only have a single website in GR then yours would probably be forceGalleryVersion.0=2. Open the file in Notepad and look at the first couple of lines and it will make sense.
Thanks again and good luck to those that follow. Hopefully the Gallery gang will figure out why this happens in the first place and patch the problem once and for all. Cheers!