Inserting php into my album.tpl - Its breaking my template.
Joined: 2005-09-09
Posts: 21 |
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I'm trying to include this php code into my site. while understanding how the smarty engine works I've changed the code to the below. {php} $start = "June 6, 2007"; $now = strtotime ("now"); $then = strtotime ("$start"); $difference = $now - $then ; $num = $difference/86400; $num1 = $num/7; $weeks = intval($num1); $num1a = $difference/86400 - $weeks*7; $days = intval($num1a); $num2 = ($difference/86400 - intval($difference/86400))*24; $hours = intval($num2); $num3 = ($num2 - $hours)*60; $mins = intval($num3); $num4 = ($num3 - $mins)*60; $secs = intval($num4); ?> <p> <? echo $weeks ?> weeks, <? echo $days ?> days. </p> {/php} the end result causes some kind of issue with the echo tags. When this php code is inserted it results in killing my customfields. If I remove the above code my template looks just fine and the customfields work again. Any suggestions because I'm new to the smarty crap. its a work in progress and I need your help. here yah go... all help is appreciated, |
Posts: 27300
I bet there is a way to do all that with a build in smarty function.
I would look through:
Blog & G2 || floridave - Gallery Team
Posts: 21
unfortunately that code didn't work. I was over at phpinsider earlier trying to search down the echo tags in smarty but I'm really thrown for a loop on what to ask or to even what to search over there. I'm not familiar at all with what you mean a build in smarty function.
thanks dave for your help.
Posts: 27300
Looks funny so you might have to do some spaces and it still says days if the value is one day.
If you find similar code in the smarty forum then I can help you get it working.
Blog & G2 || floridave - Gallery Team
Posts: 21
that worked great Dave until I placed a customfield for the $start. Would you happen to know how I could insert a customfield within php tags because now when I replace the date with a custom field it won't accept it. see below.
thanks Dave for all your help. it means so much.
Posts: 27300
When you add
does the text show?I tried somthing like:
and it seems to work.
Blog & G2 || floridave - Gallery Team
Posts: 21
it breaks the whole page and doesn't generate the albums at all when I just simply insert the customfield inside the php tags.
I tried every combination to make that sample code you posted work but appears the customfield is not penetrating the php tags.
any other suggestions?
Posts: 21
Okay, to anyone who can either build a gallery module to do what I need or make this php script work with custom fields I will paypal them $100 buckaroos. Please anyone.
Posts: 27300
save this:
As gallery2/lib/smarty/plugins/modifier.date_lapse.php
Then you can use it like:
Blog & G2 || floridave - Gallery Team
Posts: 21
still getting 0 weeks 0 days? Is it possible I need extra quotations somewhere in that code because the start date does carry quotations in the original php script?
Posts: 27300
In album.tpl I have
I set a custom field for the album as:
born:June 29, 2005
works on my test album:
perhaps you di not load the custom fields to the template?
Blog & G2 || floridave - Gallery Team
Posts: 21
it does work on photos within albums but doesn't work for the main albums. any fix for that and whats your paypal address by the way. :D
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Posts: 27300
Then you have to add a custom field to the album as well as the photo.
It would be good the wrap it all in a
{if isset($block.customfield.LoadCustomFields.fields.born)}........{/if}
so nothing is displayed if the field is not set.Dave
Blog & G2 || floridave - Gallery Team
Posts: 21
the born field is in the album fields. You can see it listed down the list of that album on my page but its not generating the script.
Posts: 21
I figured it out. had to change itemId=$ to itemId=$ and now it works.
thanks Dave for your help.
Posts: 27300
Glad you got it sorted.
Blog & G2 || floridave - Gallery Team
Posts: 63
Hi floridave. could you help me with another script? I want to do really the same thing with this one making it a modifier named modifier.add_weeks.php to call from a customfield. I tried to read between the lines of what you did to convert the script above but I'm just not getting anywhere doing this one myself
I need this script to work with the date format of "F j, Y" calling from a customfield. Also need it to use weeks instead of months to generate the future date.
I'll even dish out $50 bucks to whoever can help me get it going.
You've been such a great help.
thanks again,
Posts: 27300
Have you tested the above code by itself with values you will give it?
What values do you give it and what is expected? Need this before I start to make a new modifier.
Blog & G2 || floridave - Gallery Team
Posts: 63
Hey Dave, I just figured it out. I found another script and following along the lines of what you did in the date_lapse modifier I was able to get it. Thanks for getting back with me. This probably won't be the last time you hear from me ;)
Posts: 27300
Glad you sorted it out. Please post your results for others to benefit.
Blog & G2 || floridave - Gallery Team
Posts: 63
okay, here it is.
create php file named: modifier.add_lapse.php
example use...
Posts: 1
i am newies, i am deaf too...
i trying hard find for code in .tpl from html or php,
which i use javascripts count up from any date...
that i found your scripts nearly right for me...
i dont need weeks on it..
i only just days.
like my age is "days" old
i try hard find about remove weeks and just in days
i been try find eg march 30 2008
that show 0 weeks 3 days old
so i change is march 30 2007 (1 year ago)
i find that look bug is 52 weeks 5 days...
why 2 days add in 1 years... BUG SMARTY SCRIPTS?
try fix smarty scripts, and find scripts for me just days
thank cheerio
its ok now i got it.....
might anyone want better scripts, let me know...
Posts: 1
I need help with small modifications to the template siriux. I need to add
separator to group the delimiters albums. I know that I can do this by using multilevel directories.
For example, I have such directories:
bus1, bus2, bus3, tram1, tram2, tram3
I can prepare this:
However, I need to do is this:
I thought that used to empty the folder with a special name. If the name of the directory will be normal or "Bus2" is the script will go normally. But if it is "___Bus" will be replaced by a decimal point.
Disinterested code checking the names of the categories. Unfortunately, it can not implement the skin. I need help with that.
Maybe you know a better solution?