Gallery Google Maps?
Joined: 2007-02-03
Posts: 47 |
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Hey guys what is the status of the google maps module for Gallery 2.2? I am waiting in anticipation. I saw a cool feature that would work really well with the module. Markers with thumbnail photo's. I was also wondering how to integrate the map on to an album like this Thanks guys. |
Posts: 1894
Well I have been horribly busy in te past months so it's been hard to finish up for this release, but I see a light at the end of that tunnel so hand in there it's coming ^^
This feature does look cool ! Thanks
The Termite -
Posts: 508
If you want to download the SVN version you can have the mini map block now. Otherwise, as Termitenshort said, there's a light at the end of the tunnel. I've been slowly working away at fixing outstanding bugs but as our "real-life" workload lightens we should be able to publish a release soon.
Posts: 47
Thanks for the response, I have tried the SVN but unfortunately it is much too buggy to use.
I eagerly await the final release :p
Posts: 508
Can you tell me what bugs you encountered? Because the SVN version has far fewer bugs than the 0.5.1d version did. The final release will be very close to what is in SVN now, so if you're having issues with the SVN copy, it's not likely to be fixed in the release unless we know about the bugs.
Posts: 47
Mainly the group markers would be invisible, but show just a shadow. I tried every single group marker and had the same result.
I also could not change marker colours.
Other than that I could not enable route feature without having a security violation.
Posts: 1894
The first two issues are known and were fixed. I don't know about the third issue.
Would you mind giving it another shot and let us know what issues you're encountering with the latest ? This will ultimately help us making this coming release much better and keep more time available for the one after that ^^
Thanks !
The Termite -
Posts: 47
Were those issues fixed recently? I just tried to use the svn last week.
Posts: 508
No, they were fixed a while ago. I haven't seen any of those problems recently. Try clearing your template cache after you install.
Posts: 45
I was wondering if the module could be used as a block like the image block and be embedded into drupal as well. It would be great if this module could behave somewhat like it does in Panoramio showing random maps and pics.
Posts: 508
Well, we did some work to improve the embedding support. I don't know if it's exactly what you're looking for (it doesn't do random). Termitenshort is the embedding expert so I'll let him give you a better answer.
Posts: 1894
I don't think I'm the "expert" in embedded ^^ but at any rate, it's likely to be possible to create and "external map block" but once again not for this release since we're trying to get it out so that SiliconFiend and I can start working on making the module even better after that
See you !
The Termite -
Posts: 47
Hey guys, I tried to upgrade to test the SVN (revision 263) again.
Here is the problem:
The group markers do not show up, and I cannot change marker colour.
Any input would be great.
Posts: 508
Thanks for the link. I see what you're talking about now. You're talking about the dynamic regroup (clustering) markers, not the Group markers. It's a bug in the image path--I'll look into it. What do you mean that you can't change the color, though? You mean if you change it on the Edit Item screen the color is ignored?
Posts: 72
I have the latest SVN code as well, and I can't change the color of the markers either. It will only use the default marker colors. If it edit the Album (or item) the box to select the marker color is not there.
Posts: 47
You are exactly right,
I can change the marker colour as per the album or photo, but it does not change the colour on the map. It seems that it only uses the default colour setting, like dragonsys said.
Posts: 508
Okay, I fixed the missing icon for the dynamic regroup markers. It was a simple template error. For the item colors, however, I'm stumped. I can't even figure out why it's working on my system--I see the setting in the database that allows the color list to appear but I can't find out how it got there! I need to check out an older copy of the map module and see if it's something that was there in the past but got broken later.
Posts: 47
Well If I can be of any help. Just ask.
Thanks for the fast reply.
Posts: 508
Looking at the HTML source of the site link that you sent, it doesn't think that you have set the colors for any items. They're all using the default icon/color. If any of your items had colors set, it would have the text (for example, from my testing):
Double-check your item color settings.
I just re-tested the custom color function for a photo and it works great for me.
Posts: 47
I am at work so I will have to give it a try when I get home :p
Posts: 47
Silicon you can go and play with a test account on the server
login test
password test
Posts: 72
I'm going to try uploading an older version and then overwrite it with the current version
Posts: 508
Don't do that if you have map data on your server that you care about. Installing an old version may not work, and if it does, it could corrupt your data. If you do an uninstall of the map module (which will delete all your map data!) then copy the old version in, then upgrade to the newest, that might work.
Posts: 508
Hmm... Well, it's not working for me either. Make sure when you copy the new version you clear the template cache. I wonder if it has something to do with a user album or something like that. I haven't tested the Map module together with the User Albums module.
Posts: 47
Silicon` I cleared template cache and still no luck.
Last time I upgraded my map to the SVN tested but couldn't change colour.
Uninstalled, re-installed. Lost all my markers. Still no luck.
Downgraded to the previous release, the colour marker setting worked.
Upgraded back to the SVN last night, Still had no luck with changing colour.
Yet I can change the default marker colour and it will change.
Posts: 72
is there a way I can tell which SVN revision I have installed? My old gallery works just fine, but rev 265 doesn't.
I'm trying this on a new gallery install, so there is no data lost if I uninstall/reinstall...
Posts: 508
Somehow it's not picking up the color setting for the item. I'm not sure I'll be able to fix it for this next release. The map display code is more complex than it needs to be. I started to rewrite it but that's going to have to wait until after release.
Posts: 508
svn info
will give you the last changed revision. 265 is the latest right now. I'll try to see what I broke from the last version.Posts: 47
Ah Silicon`, It's a shame that this problem cannot be solved any easier. Perhaps 2 or more heads are better than one. Can we get some help from another person working on maps?
Just a thought.
Posts: 508
I'm not giving up entirely; I'm just warning that if it's not a trivial fix I don't plan to spend a lot of time working on it since I plan on rewriting most of the map code. I will take a look at the old version and see what changed.
Posts: 47
What did you do to fix the group cluster marker bug. I can just modify the php when I have a chance
Posts: 508
This is the relevant line in templates/MapHeader.tpl.
Add the backticks.
Posts: 1894
hello Just a thought,
Did you try disabling the automatic regroup and see if changing the color works for the items ? This would help us troubleshoot this issue
The Termite -
Posts: 47
I tried that earlier and it still makes no difference.
Posts: 508
Okay, I found something. For some reason (SVN comments refer to a bug fix), the "Colors" field from 0.5.1d was changed to "PhotoColor" and "AlbumColor" in this version, but there is no upgrade code to change existing items to the new format (I think I'm the one that stuck the todo in the comments when I discovered it, though). So that would explain why it works for the old version (0.5.1d) but not when you upgrade to the SVN version. However, it still doesn't explain your problem where an item is assigned a color using the SVN code and still doesn't show up on the map (such as the "test" item I tried). It works for me on my development system, so I can't reproduce the problem locally.
Posts: 47
Thanks Silicon` it seems you are getting a bit closer. Dragonsys was also having the same problem.
Posts: 72
My items show up on the map, I just can't select a color per item, it will only use the default album/item marker. The option to change the color in the album/item properties isn't even there...
I am only having part of the problem you are having here.
I tried downgrading my version, then upgrading and it still doesn't work.
I can set you up an account so you can see what I am meaning, if you want/need. This is not my production gallery.
Just let me know.
Posts: 508
Sure, why don't you PM me a test account. I'll take a look but I don't know if it will help much because it's not clear to me why it even works in the first place.
Posts: 508
Well, I poked around on your site but I didn't discover anything new. I can see that it's not working. But like I said, I can't figure out why it ever worked. I'm sorry, but I'm disinclined to spend a lot of time fixing it, until I can fix the underlying foundation of this module and get rid of all the old Custom Field-related cruft and weird, brittle hacks. It's going to be a huge task, but the end result will be a much cleaner, sleeker, hopefully faster module where feature addition can happen in a planned way rather than haphazardly. I have a lot of interesting features for this module that I'd like to implement, but until the framework is sound, it doesn't make sense to spend a lot of time on something that will have to be changed in short order.
Posts: 72
sounds fair to me. I'll just see if I can get the older version working and go from there.
If i find anything out, I'll let you know.
Posts: 72
ok... if I uninstall and delete all the files for this module.
Install v 0.5.1d then upgrade to the latest SVN (271)
The options to choose a color fo the itme is there, but it's ignored.
Gonna try with an older SVN version
Posts: 2
This module's great - thanks for all your work.
The above thread was useful, particularly about the 'invisible' auto regroup icon.
I have 0.5.2a installed and was wondering about the 'Colors', 'ZoomLevel', 'GELookat' & 'PhotoColor' fields on the mapItemEdit page. Where can I turn off certain field choices and change the field description text for the ones I want to keep? I've rooted around, but cann't find the correct file(s).
Your help with this would be appreciated.
Posts: 508
Unfortunately, there's currently no way to accomplish this. The "descriptions" are generally just the field names as they appear in the database. You could try to accomplish this by checking the field name and inserting your own description. Look in mapItemEdit.tpl inside the block starting with:
{foreach from=$form.fields key=field item=value}
Posts: 2
Thanks for replying so promptly.
Currently I have both 'Colors' and 'PhotoColor' fields on the photo mapItemEdit page, with just the 'Colors' field appearing on non-photo media. As 'Colors' is now redundant, would it be possible to:
1) remove the old 'Colors' field completely.
2) add 'Photocolor' to movies, etc.
Also, what is GELookAt? I'm guessing I don't need it for my site, so can I also remove this?
Posts: 508
I wouldn't go overboard on the Colors field. It's sort of screwed up now, because it only needs to have a single field (Color), not screw around with PhotoColor or AlbumColor, etc. I intend to change that.
GELookAt allows you to customize the camera angle for that item in Google Earth (only applies to the "View in Google Earth" option), although I intend to use the "heading" portion of that for other purposes (for example, showing a photo icon on the Mini Map rotated to the heading angle to indicate the direction the photo was taken).