General Module Request/Suggestions


Joined: 2007-08-06
Posts: 2
Posted: Thu, 2007-08-09 12:14

I have installed an instance of Gallery2 (2.2.1) for my personal site - for testing. If we can resolve the following issues, we plan to convert our forum site - from Gallery
to Gallery2. Please note that I am not a programmer and that 'edit the code' or 'cut and paste this hack' is not a solution to my needs. What I'd really like would be official modules to install and activate.

1. I can ceate a Group and add members, but can't find a way to set/edit the Group properties? when I click 'edit' by the Group Name, the only options I see are 'Save' 'Reset' 'Cancel'?

2. We'd like to be able to edit text color, font, and font size within a theme.

3. I'd like to have a way to have added comments generate an eMail to Administrator so all comments can be reviewed as they are added. I know we can review recent comments and delete them as necessary, but between the SpamSlime and other sub-human cretins, the sooner we know about comments, the better.

4. We need to be able to disable 'right click' for all but Administrator and the gallery owner.

5. We need a way for Administrator to see how much disk space each album is using. We've enabled Quotas, but would like to be proactive in letting our customers know when they need more space.

6. We need a way for each user to see how much space he/she is using.

Thank you.