i believe that could be a good idea to make appear a box with the percentage of progress during the upload of the files.
I imagine a little transparent box over the level of the page with the numeric percentage and a backslah (/) that rotates on itself. Something like in DOS 
Unlucky i'm not able to develop it.
What do you think about?
Keep me updated,
Posts: 8601
unfortunately Gallery's PHP code is not run until after the files finish uploading (with add-from-browser method).. current svn has been updated to use a progress bar with all add methods, but for add-from-browser it's only for progress of processing the images once they are received.
Posts: 20
This limit is sad to listen
Can't be possible to update the percentage of progress after EVERY single file is uploaded? I mean something that counts the number of total files or the number of the total kb/mb and then create a bar, and update it after the first, the second, and so on, file is been uploaded? In other way PHP should listen JUST the signal of successful upload, updated the percentage, and give the signal to upload the next file, and so no.
Sorry for my terrible English
Posts: 32509
technically, it was impossible until recently. you could only do it with the help of Perl (http://www.raditha.com/php/progress.php).
we'll be able to provide a php solution once we change the requirements to PHP 5.2.
Documentation: Support / Troubleshooting | Installation, Upgrade, Configuration and Usage
Posts: 20
Hello valiant,
thank you for the tip!
I'm new with the PHP and web server so i suppose that with a hosting on godaddy.com (Enocomic Plan) i can't install the script. Also because i believe that Perl isn't supported.
Can you confirm me?
Posts: 32509
gallery doesn't require perl.
please see: documentation -> gallery 2 installation -> requirements.
as for webhosts, please see: gallery.menalto.com -> certified webhosts.
@godaddy: no idea, please compare gallery's requirements with their hosting plan.
Documentation: Support / Troubleshooting | Installation, Upgrade, Configuration and Usage
Posts: 20
er...i'm speaking about the script for the progression bar when uploading pics..