Bringing it up again, REL=Lightbox not writing


Joined: 2007-09-26
Posts: 12
Posted: Thu, 2007-09-27 05:48

Edit: It started working. No idea why, but it did. Didn't change anything...but...yeah okay. Thanks! You can delete this.

Sorry, I posted in the last forum but you guys moved. Anyway. So I've been having this absolute nightmare with getting lightbox to work with WPG2 (3). In the past 2 days I've completely deleted wordpress and reinstalled 6 times. Anyway, one of those times miraculously it WORKED! I was so happy but then my wordpress broke because I added a url in dashboard and it wouldn't let me log in. So I had to delete everything and do a clean install.

Now, using exactly the same upload method, the same files, same installation, it won't work. I do have a BIT of progress, it works in a g2 image post, but nowhere else (not even in the gallery now).

It's sort of like going to the doctor with incredible knee pain and he looks at you and says "Well, your knee shouldn't hurt, because I can't see anything wrong with it".

I have everything turned on in the prefs. Everything such as theme are at defaults (as they also were when I got it to work).

Can anybody think of a reason why this won't work? It's driving me batty.

ozgreg's picture

Joined: 2003-10-18
Posts: 1378
Posted: Thu, 2007-09-27 06:02

Please PM me a Wordpress admin account into your Wordpress so I can check your settings.. I cannot reproduce your issue, lightbox works fine with me..
Wordpress / Gallery2 (WPG2) Author


Joined: 2007-09-26
Posts: 12
Posted: Thu, 2007-09-27 06:08

It randomly started working without me doing anything..I really can't explain it. Just one of those things I guess. Thanks!

ozgreg's picture

Joined: 2003-10-18
Posts: 1378
Posted: Thu, 2007-09-27 06:15

That is just seriously weird...
Wordpress / Gallery2 (WPG2) Author


Joined: 2007-09-26
Posts: 12
Posted: Sun, 2007-09-30 08:14

Take it back. I found out the problem..

If I add any other widget other than the sidebar grid, it stops working (and it won't start up again)

I think this may be a bug.
Edit: I'll go through each widget, adding and taking it away to see which one causes the problem, they're all standard WP ones. Will report back asap.
Edit2: Did some testing, it seems that the sidebar grid has to go underneath every other widget otherwise the url won't rewrite. Any reason why?

ozgreg's picture

Joined: 2003-10-18
Posts: 1378
Posted: Sun, 2007-09-30 11:41

Sorry I hate saying this to you everytime, but I just do not get this issue regardless of where my widgets are placed.. I can add my widgets in any order and my lightbox images work every time..

I really get the feeling something is a little odd in your Wordpress or Hosting Environment that is causing your issues.. I know this does not help, but I cannot see the connection between the lightbox and the widgets because from a code point of view..

It be something in your environment that is odd, I wish I could put the finger on what it is to help you out..
Wordpress / Gallery2 (WPG2) Author

ozgreg's picture

Joined: 2003-10-18
Posts: 1378
Posted: Sun, 2007-09-30 22:46

Just one point here, which Kirk brought up, Gallery2 Albums DO not have lightbox tags, if you have an album in your sidebar display then it will NOT have a lightbox tag (which is by design)
Wordpress / Gallery2 (WPG2) Author


Joined: 2007-09-26
Posts: 12
Posted: Mon, 2007-10-01 00:47

Well luckily for me I wanted the gallery to be at the bottom anyway...since it's such a weird problem, I didn't think there would be much of a solution for it anyway. Who knows, maybe I'll figure out what's gone wrong at some point in the future. Thanks for all the help :)

ozgreg's picture

Joined: 2003-10-18
Posts: 1378
Posted: Mon, 2007-10-01 01:02

Your welcome, we hate weird problems because they are just soo difficult to resolve..
Wordpress / Gallery2 (WPG2) Author