During the Drupal-Gallery2 integration, I have to update gallery2. Then I got the following failed message.
Storage Directory Permissions Failed
Error: Some files and or directories in your storage directory are not writeable by the webserver user. Run chown -R webserverUser C:\wamp\www\drupal\gallery2\g2data\2501s1204c\ OR run chmod -R 777 C:\wamp\www\drupal\gallery2\g2data\2501s1204c\.
I am using local WAMP. How can I change the file writeable 777?
PHP version (5.2.3):
Webserver (Apache 2.2.4):
Database (MySql 5.0.41-community-nt):
Operating system (WindowXP, WAMP):
Browser (Firefox
Posts: 10
I followed the instruction
to create versions.dat in g2data, however this does nothing to eliminate the failure message.
I think I just need to know how to make the folder writeable in window pc folder.
Or can any one tell me how to fix this problem?
Posts: 9
You need to have an ftp program like smartftp (www.smartftp.com/) Make sure all files on g2data are set to 777.
There are a few files in use I couldn't set to 777.. but actually my issue was I forgot to CHMOD the version.dat file I uploaed...
SO maybe check that
Posts: 16504
Elvis, you're using Windows, you need to edit the folder permissions. http://support.microsoft.com/kb/308419/en-us
That's for XP Pro. If you're using XP Home, you'll need to use the command line command cacls Hit google on the usage. Chmod doesn't work on Windows machines.
Also be sure to read the documentation on installing Gallery on Windows, see the link at the top right of every page on this site.
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