Previously placing the G2 installation outside the Drupal directory your installation was broken by URL rewrite in G2, and you had to turn it of to make the integration work. Having G2 outside make life easier when maintaining Drupal, like when upgrading or if you need to move the Drupal directory and having clean URL on, make everything look nicer 
So my Q are, is this still an issue in the last beta version?
Stein Magne
Posts: 135
Why is it so much easier to maintain Drupal with G2 outside? You usually dont touch G2 maintaining/upgrading Drupal ... Actually talking about 'embedded' G2 you should see G2 as part of your Drupal installation.
In short: YES. In fact its still recommended to install G2 inside the Drupal root directory or to create a symlink to your external G2 at this location. Broken URL Rewrite rules in .htaccess is an issue for G2 not Drupal in the first place. Also multisite installations are not supported by embedded G2 (see The other issue with G2 outside Drupal is JS/CSS. In Drupal 6 we have a JS/CSS aggregator/compressor to speedup page load time and reduce server load. However external paths are not supported by the respective drupal_add_js/css() functions. All in all, it is highly advisable to install G2 inside Drupal root.
Posts: 31
Hi, and sorry that I did not replay to your post (sorry sorry sorry).
Easier to maintain, well my mind work like this: The less folders you have to move between Drupal-versions (that are not a part of Drupal) the better. That is just my way of thinking. If it could live inside sites/all-somewhere I would be more happy. Could I move it to: /sites/all/modules/gallery/gallery2-something/ ? BUT it is not a important issue, and as you point out to me, I should really see G2 as a part of my Drupal installation. is just a great idea! I don't think I'm able to help you out as my English sucks (I'm Norwegian). Keep up the good work! and thanx for the update regarding clean-URL.
Posts: 135
Yes, that should work. You can choose any location in the Drupal root or below.
I have seen people putting the G2 codebase into "/modules/gallery/gallery2" and the multisite data into "/sites/yoursite/gallery" or sth.
Thanks. I'm the last to criticize your English. Its not my native language either (I'm German). However if you think to contribute documentation, I'd be happy to review and clean up the text. If you are experienced with G2/Drupal you can also think to help out otherwise (support?) ...
Posts: 31
Great! But still the official documented way to install is by making a sybolic link from gallery2 to drupal-root or simply to place the entire folder inside. Do you think it is going to stay that way in the feature releases?
:-D I will consider helping out on doc and support issues. I think I have considered making changes to the doc. because when I checked did I have a wiki-acc. but have never made any contributions :-/
I have used Gallery since (don't remember..... 2001 maybe?) and Drupal 1.5 year (dropping PHP-Nuke). I'm currently testing out Beta5 of the gallery module
, looking good, and soon to be RCx 
Posts: 135
Thats difficult to say, but I think installing G2 inside the Drupal tree will stay for a while. Simply because it makes integration easier in various aspects.
Good to see you changed your mind. Its always good to have people helping out ... Thanks.