Javascript for <<Edit Photo>> menus on Album pag


Joined: 2002-09-11
Posts: 11
Posted: Wed, 2002-09-11 02:02

First off, I want to say that I absolutely love the product. I am just getting into php and have been looking for a gallery package to use, and this is a powerful, easy to use package that I have been able to customize very easily.

Ok, on to my question:

On the View Album page, each photo thumbnail has it's own dropdown menu for editing in some manner. However, this menu uses javascript to launch the popup for each option. This works perfectly fine in Netscape 4.79 &amp; Netscape 7, but will not work at all in IE 6! In IE 6, nothing happens, but the menu resets to the <<Edit Photo>> option.

Has anyone else come across this? Better yet, has anyone come up with a solution to this?

Thanks in advance!

- Seth

bharat's picture

Joined: 2002-05-21
Posts: 7994
Posted: Wed, 2002-09-11 03:25

This is the first I've heard of this problem, and I (and many, many others) are using IE6. My guess is that this is an issue with your browser. Are you sure that you have Javascript enabled properly?


Joined: 2002-08-15
Posts: 487
Posted: Wed, 2002-09-11 08:08

It's not loading it up inside another window BENEATH your current gallery
page is it? Also, do you have a popup killer of some kind installed that might
be falsely killing the popup?

I've had no issues with this under IE6, so it has to be something on your end.


Joined: 2002-09-11
Posts: 11
Posted: Thu, 2002-09-12 01:42

I'm an idiot...


I totally forgot I had popup-killer software running...
