Hey All!
Trying to move my content to a new server and in doing so decided to upgrade the WPG2 plugin to 3.0.2.
My problem is that when I install the new plugin I don't get a /wpg2 page in WP. How does one go about creating that page so that I can see embedded content?
Thanks in advance...
Posts: 492
WPG2 *should* automagically create the /wpg2 page for you. (It always does on our dev and test boxes, but there may be some squirrelly server setup where it doesn't work right...)
Please try deactivating and reactivating WPG2. Every time you deactivate and reactivate, the wpg2 page should be deleted and then recreated. If it's not there now, it should be created on reactivation.
After reactivating, check Manage -> Pages to see if it's there.
G2Image Documentation, G2Image Demo Page, My Family Website
Posts: 12
Yeah that doesn't get it done. I even went as far as to deactivate the plugin. Delete the wpg2 directory from the plugins dir and unpack it fresh then re-activate it. No go. The page doesn't get created.
Any ideas?
Posts: 12
BTW: Wp 2.2.2 WPG2 3.0.2
Posts: 492
It won't be there until you've validated WPG2 at least once by clicking on the WPG2 tab. When you click on the WPG2 tab, do you get a validated status?
It also won't be there if "WPG2 Output via Standalone Gallery2 Page" is selected in the WPG2 Output tab. Please check to verify that "WPG2 Output via Wordpress Page" is checked in the WPG2 Output tab.
If both of those are good to go, and you have access to phpmyadmin for your database (or some other way to directly interact with your database), try doing a search for wpg2 in (WordPress Database Name) -> wp_posts -> Browse -> post_name to see if it's there, but not being shown in Manage -> Pages for some reason.
G2Image Documentation, G2Image Demo Page, My Family Website
Posts: 12
Ok...So it was on the wrong setting on WPG2 Output. So I have flipped that and the page appears in the pages list. However when I view the page I get a page not found. My .htaccess file is writable and the time stamp says it was modified...but it's not working. Any ideas on that?
Posts: 492
Do you have G2 URL rewrites on? If so, try turning them off and back on from the "Gallery2 Rewrites" tab. When you switched back to the embedded page, it should have forced the rewrite rules to be rebuilt, but turning them off and back on will definitely force the rebuild.
G2Image Documentation, G2Image Demo Page, My Family Website
Posts: 12
Actually it was my Apache config! I'm using Xampp for the first time to try to ease config of the server, I'm still getting used to its config. .htaccess wasn't being read in. Once I got that configured I'm golden!
Thanks for the help!
Posts: 492
Great! Glad to hear it's working.
I use XAMPP for my dev box, and it does take a little tweaking to get going, but once it's up and running, it's great.
G2Image Documentation, G2Image Demo Page, My Family Website