Trying to install Bridge in Joomla running on WAMP


Joined: 2007-10-12
Posts: 1
Posted: Sat, 2007-10-13 00:10

I'm trying to installed Gallery Bridge in a Joomla installation which is running on WAMP. I've got Gallery up and running, and I've installed the Gallery Bridge component succesfully in Joomla, but I'm running into problems when I have to setup the paths for the component (i.e., so that it can see where my Gallery installation is).

After a lot of messing around I guessed that using in the Wizard would work, which it did. I've ended up with

as the Gallery 2 path and

C:\\Program Files\\wamp\\www\\ACE\\gallery2\\embed.php

as the Gallery 2 URL

This seems to work fine, but when I go into Components>Gallery2>User Management, I get the error message

Please Configure Compoent First.

And I get taken back to the screen where I need to enter the paths.

Anyone got any idea what's going on here?