G2 Filter no work with gallery-5.x-2.x-dev Beta5


Joined: 2007-08-26
Posts: 20
Posted: Wed, 2007-11-07 21:59

Drupal 5.2 + Gallery2 + gallery2-5.x-2.xBeta5 + TinyMCE +G2 Image Chooser 3.0.1.
This environment with version 5.x-1.0 gallery module work fine.
I have updated to the version 5.x.2.x and the G2 filter does not work. Tags [G2:nnn] is not interpreted.

The installation of the module was correct (from step 1 to step 5).

  • In "Gallery Setting"/General the Status is: Overall Status (Installation) [OK].
  • Clean URL in Drupal and embebed Gallery work fine.
  • In "Gallery Setting"/Filter", Filter prefix is: G2 and Gallery2 Image Block plugin (activated) and Gallery2 Image Frame plugin (activated).
  • G2Image Chosser work fine.
  • In "Administer/Site configuration/Input formats" the "Full HTML" input format have configured the G2 filter.
  • The Image Block and Grid Image Block work fine.

Attach the Report Generator File (gallery_report_thidalgo.html)

Please, somebody can help me?

Many thanks for you help and time


gallery_report_thidalgo.html12.63 KB

Joined: 2005-11-08
Posts: 135
Posted: Wed, 2007-11-07 22:11

There was a bug in beta5 for this filter syntax if you have specified a default number of images >1 in the filter settings. Can you please try the latest 5.x-2.x-dev version (http://drupal.org/node/138771)?


Joined: 2007-08-26
Posts: 20
Posted: Wed, 2007-11-07 22:52

Hi profix898,

I have installed the new version module gallery (Last updated: November 3, 2007 - 00:04) but the G2 tag not work :-(

My default number of images = 1, I check with other values (3) but it does not work.

I have created a new Input Format with G2 filter but it does not work.

Attach the info about G2 filter in front Page

Before it did not have configured Clean URL in embebed Gallery. With the new installation i have configured clean URL. the cause of the error can be this configuration?

Thanks profix898

P.D: I continue working in the translation the Spanish. ;-)


Joined: 2005-11-08
Posts: 135
Posted: Wed, 2007-11-07 23:03

I will try to look at this tomorrow. Could you please post the exact [G2:...] tag belonging to filter parameters from your attachement? Clean URL configuration doesnt matter here.


Joined: 2007-08-26
Posts: 20
Posted: Wed, 2007-11-07 23:16


For example, this is a article about Gallery2 and CCK. I used at its moment two filters G2.
<--begin paste-->
[G2:126 class=right]Días atrás publicaba varios artículos sobre la integración de gallery2 y Drupal a través de TinyMCE y el pluging G2 Image Chosser. Superada ya dicha configuración el siguiente pasó fue pensar en la forma de integrar fotos/imágenes de gallery2 en contenidos personalizados creados con CCK (Content Construction Kit). Para ello sería necesario un campo (field type) que insertara una imagen almacenada en algún album de gallery2. Tras varias horas buscando información entre los módulos relacionados con CCK y no encontrar atisbo alguno de que pudiera hacerse dicha configuración posteé en el foro oficial de Gallery2 e integración con Drupal. Resumiendo: Mi gozo en un pozo.

Esta idea de usar CCK me vino a la cabeza para facilitar la publicación de un tipo de contenido (evento_torneo) en mi proyecto padelalmeria.es. CCK aporta flexibilidad en la creación de contenidos en Drupal. Cada vez que deseo insertar un nuevo torneo como evento en el calendario tengo que repetir el mismo código html, que incluye varios campos de texto, fechas de inicio/fin y una imagen con el cartel oficial del torneo. Al ser un proceso repetitivo en cuanto a introducción de datos aplica la creación de un contenido con CKK. Basicamente, los campos necesarios para crear el "Content Type" serían:

* Fecha Inicio - (tipo fecha)
* Fecha Fin - (tipo fecha)
* Nombre del Torneo - (tipo texto)
* Organizador - (tipo texto)
* Lugar - (tipo texto)
* Modalidad - (tipo Selectivo: Federado-Open-Por Invitación)
* Categorias - (tipo Selectivo multiple: Masc, Fem, Mixto, etc...)
* Cartel - (tipo gráfico)

[G2:124 class=g2image_centered exactsize=513]

Para la inserción del gráfico ya existen soluciones CCK como imagefield que aporta un campo básico para la inserción de imágenes. Con dicha solución se pierde una de las premisas de mi proyecto: un repositorio único de imágenes para Drupal, que en mi caso es gallery2. Tras este inciso técnico continúo con el post publicado en el foro de G2 con mi duda metódica. En un inglés que raya el esperpento escribía lo siguiente.
<-- end paste -->

Tomorrow plus :-)

Thanks for you help.


Joined: 2005-11-08
Posts: 135
Posted: Fri, 2007-11-09 18:09

I've just committed a patch to solve this issue. Can please get the latest -dev version and verify it working?

FYI: There now is a group at http://groups.drupal.org/gallery2-integration for discussion about Gallery2 integration in Drupal.


Joined: 2007-08-26
Posts: 20
Posted: Fri, 2007-11-09 20:37


I have installed gallery-5.x-2.x-dev(3) version.
I have configured again the module but not work. Tags [G2:nnn] is not interpreted. I have returned to inspect the following items:

  • Administer/Site configuration/Gallery settings/install, All the steps are ok. (image1)
  • Administer/Site configuration/Gallery settings/General, Status is Ok.(image2)
  • I have created a new Input Format with G2 filter "Filter G2 test" (Administer/Site configuration/Input formats) . (image3)
  • I have check in Administer/User management/Access control the permissions for Roles to gallery module (image4)
  • I have created a new content with image from G2 using G2 Image Chosser and input format "Filter G2 test". (image 5)
  • I have collected info with "Report Generator "
  • Image Block, Grid Image Block and G2 Image Chooser work fine.

I can test some other options?
I'm being mistaken in some thing?
I continue writing in this forum or I write in new site Drupal Groups?

Thanks for your time and patience, profix898.


Joined: 2005-11-08
Posts: 135
Posted: Fri, 2007-11-09 21:58

You are not using the latest version (timestamp of your gallery_filter.inc is Oct27). The packaging script runs every 8 hours only, so I guess you downloaded the older version again. Wait until the package shows an update timestamp of Nov9 or get the latest files from cvs directly. Sorry for confusion.

I continue writing in this forum or I write in new site Drupal Groups?

The new group is NOT for bug reports or support request (more for general discussion and organization). Keep posting here to the forums or the issue tracker.


Joined: 2007-08-26
Posts: 20
Posted: Fri, 2007-11-09 22:48

Hello profix898,

I have downloaded the latest files from cvs and it's work fine.
Now G2 tag is interpreted!!!

I will try to contribute information on drupal+gallery in the new forum. My English is not very good to write documentation. I could little by little make a documentation in Spanish for the new module version.
