Question on Carbon theme regarding sidebar button andgallery displayed


Joined: 2006-07-13
Posts: 32
Posted: Fri, 2007-11-16 15:06

I have embedded gallery2 into my joomla site. Visitors to the site will have no reason to login, register, or view the sidebar, but for obvious reasons, I will. So what I would like, is to put that whole area where you login and show the sidebar, into an area that will not show up when i embed it but will remain on the full gallery. To add images I can always go right to the gallery instead of using joomla. If i remove that entire area from the theme so it doesn't show up in the embed, then it also gets removed from the full gallery and then I cant login nor can i access the site admin area.

In Carbon, when you click on an album, you are taken to a page that displays all of the thumbnails for the album. Then when you click on a thumbnail, you are taken to another page that shows the thumbnails as well as a display box. What i would like to do is when you are at root, and you open an album, that you go right to that page showing the display window and the thumbnails, bypassing the view of just the thumbnails.

Any clues as to how to achieve these things?