Mediatechnology Study trip to Silicon Valley : what companies/universities to visit?

Slayergirl's picture

Joined: 2007-09-12
Posts: 180
Posted: Fri, 2007-11-23 13:55

I am almost graduated (I hope) and with the class we are planning a trip to Silicon Valley. But it needs to be educational (so we will get some refund from school for the trip). So which companies should we visit or university that are intersting for us? We are looking for things about Usability, Broadcast (audio / video) and Game development.

What would be cool are a few smaller companies that just started (like 3 years old). I've tried to Google but came up with, well..., not a lot. You will find the big ones like Ebay, Google, Apple, Adobe. But as students we think that they will just repeat a standard presentation and that we will not learn a lot from it.
Any suggestion?