Lightroom to Gallery Export Plugin
Joined: 2007-11-24
Posts: 5 |
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Hi Folks Following up the published Lightroom to Gallery plugin developed by khans over in this thread: i thought i should present my own work to you people. This is not intended to put down khans work, in fact we are discussing our development efforts over at the adobe forums. Competition is good right? And so here is my implementation of a Lightroom to Gallery Export Plugin: [img][/img] You can find a more detailed description and a download link on the accompanying website: Any Feedback is very welcome. |
Posts: 2258
Thanks! Please add an entry for this to:
So that people can find it more easily!
____ - If you found my help useful, please consider donating to Gallery.
Posts: 5
I have released this project under the GPL as an open source project.
Please feel free to participate in the development of this Gallery Remote client.![:)](
@ ckdake![:)](
I don't have a wiki account, so feel free to add it to the list to your likings.
Posts: 2258
Cool. codex page updated. Is this just for Gallery 2 or do you support Gallery 1 as well with it? And have you tested on Windows and Mac?
____ - If you found my help useful, please consider donating to Gallery.
Posts: 378
I just updated soulreaper's code to be localized in french and to enable the user to chose which LR medata is used to set the image caption.
I've sent the code to soulreaper so I guess he might update the SF project with this new code.
Enjoy !
Posts: 378
Well, I dedicated a page to this plugin which now reached version 1.1.
The page is in french, but you will easily find the download link!
Posts: 2
Hey great work,
I'm having problems uploading to a site on SSL. It's a self signed certificate that is installed in the system keychain. I can't get a log in specifying https but when I leave out the protocol it logs in ok, but fails on upload? Any ideas?
I'm not sure what version of the plugin I'm using. I'm not sure where it is to update it. When I try to install 1.1 LR says there are no updates to apply anyway.
Side note: I can upload using the iPhoto plugin ok.
Posts: 378
I did not test the plugin with HTTP over SSL request. In fact I did not check if the LR toolbox supports HTTPS. I'll check it later on tonight or this week.
For the moment, there are only 2 versions :
- Version 1.0 does not display its version number anywhere
- Version 1.1 displays the version number in the last export section item group.
By the way, LR does not check that the modules are up to date when you check for new releases.
Posts: 6
Firstly, Thank you for spending the time to create this mod, it is the reason I have spent the time to integrate Gallery 2 into my site. I am having some trouble with it and wonder if you might be able to provide some insight:
It worked fine previously, but it now will log in but apparently fail to download the list of albums, as it reports "No Albums Fetched". I'm not sure where the problem is since there isn't much feedback there
The plugin with the same information, same version of lightroom etc works on my laptop, its just not working on my main computer which has the rather large catalogue I need to work with. So I think this rules server problems out. Is there any way of getting more feedback on what the problem is? Or perhaps you have an idea already?
Posts: 6
I'm using version 1.1. The log file has been sent via email, thanks!
Posts: 52
Have you had any success in using this plug in? I also get the message "No albums fetched."
Or have you found another plugin to work with Lightroom and Gallery?
Posts: 6
Unfortunately no progress yet. I have since given up on my Drupal 6 + Gallery 2.3 SVN setup in favour of creating my own gallery from scratch, due to the number of different problems i was having with Gallery (understandable since at this time 2.3 is a development version only. But there are no other options for working with Druapl 6)
Posts: 378
Please check that you are using an account with read rights ove the albums. Some users (but not all) who were facing this problem were using an account without the right permissions.
Posts: 52
Could you be specific what permissions should be set and for which folders and/or files? My \gallery2 folder is set to 755. My data storage folder is set to 700. (I temporarily changed it to 755 and it didn't make any difference.)
Posts: 378
I meant the Gallery user rights !
I've seen the case where the user created a new user dedicated to LR for uploading pictures. However, this new user had no right to view or modify any album when connected. This user just had to add the correct Gallery permissions to this user.
Are you using an account which has all required rights ? (to be sure, install Gallery Remote on the same machine as LR and test it with the same account).
Posts: 52
Ok. I had not used Gallery Remote till now and it also has same issue. I'm not very knowledgeable about these things so here are settings I am using in the Gallery Remote interface. Gallery version is 1.51. b36. I also downloaded "current remote applet" and copied files to mentioned directories.
In login, I assume that the username and password are the ones that I have entered on the Site Administration page of Galery2? For directory, I use which is the address I use to see my gallery. When I try to login, I get a 404 Server not found. Am I supposed to log in to a specific album folder?
In case it matters, I am able to use WebDAV and Upload applet without any problems.
Thank you for your help.
Posts: 52
OK I now have Gallery Remote working as it should by creating a gallery_remote.php in the gallery directory as suggested in Gallery Remote FAQ:
header("HTTP/1.0 404 Not Found");
BUT export plugin still will not fetch albums. Perhaps some similar change needs to be made in the plugin?
Posts: 2
I cannot get this plugin to work with LR2.1 and Winxp. The plugin won't even load up. When I click on it in the Export dialog I get this erorr, "The plug-in had an internal error while opening the export dialog."
In the plugin manager window it lists this in the log file. "GalleryUploadExportDialogSections.lua:39: attempt to index field "?' (a nil value)
Any ideas?
Posts: 5
Hi Folks
Good news for all you Lightroom 2.x users. We have just released a new version of the Lightroom to Gallery plugin which solves several issues with the new Lightroom version. You are now able to upload your images directly into your Gallery2 installation form within Lightroom 2.x.
Thanks goes out to all the people who have raised issues about the last release and helped us to straighten out any glitches.
Also we have a new developer amongst our ranks. Lars Heller has provided valuable contributions to this release and we are very happy to welcome him as a new committer. Way to go Lars!
The download can be found at the usual place:
Posts: 378
Yes, the plugin I published for LR 1.x presents a problem with LR 2.x. There have been a few changes in the API since, and a bug appeared.
Try this prerelease of the plugin for LR 2.x, it solves this problem. I still have to fix two small (and nasty) bugs before I re-release the plugin for LR 2.X
Posts: 3
Does it work with Gallery 1?
Posts: 378
I never tried but it should since G1 and G2 share the same Gallery Remote API.
I let you try and post the result!
Posts: 1
Thanks a lot for your work on that, up till now works fine for me on LR2
Posts: 378
I finally published the new release for my plugin.
New features:
* Fully compliant with Lightroom 2.x SDK.
* Support for Gallery 1.x, Gallery 2.x and Jallery 1.x
* Available in English, French & German.
* Still user defined export of Lightroom metadata to Gallery.
You can find it there:
Posts: 6
Hi - this is a great plugin and certainly simplifies my photo workflow dramatically. Recently I haven't been updating my gallery because I've not been bothered to export, then upload my photos.
Well done!
However, a couple of issues:
1) I have hundreds of albums and scrolling through these to get to the right one is pretty tedious. Is there a way to speed this up? Could we have an expandable tree?
2) I've had (what looks like) a Windows API error appear a couple of times. Sorry - didn't note it down at the time, so no idea what it was, but next time I'll make sure I do.
Using it with LR 1.3, and Gallery 2.2
Posts: 6
Ahh - the API error occured just now!
An internal error has occurred: Win32 API error (unknown error -- FormatMessageW failed) when calling HttpSendRequest from private_AgHttpClient_post_L
Any ideas?
And, I've just checked - I'm actually using Gallery 2.3
Posts: 378
I already know this problem. It affects a lot of plugins. It is related to the way the OS handles the HTTP connection. It seams that the problem occurs if more than 30s are required to upload the picture.
I decided to seek Adobe's help on this one since Jeffrey's plugins (Flickr, Picasa, etc.) seam now immune to it.
Posts: 378
Thanks a lot for the feedback.
I know this solution is not very convenient for Galleries with 100s of albums. However, the Lightroom SDK does not offer a lot of UI elements to play with. I agree an expandable tree would be perfect, however, it does not exist in the LR SDK. Right now, a dropdown list is the best I can do. If you have a better idea, I'm willing to listen ;)
Posts: 9
Hello all,
Just upgraded to LR 2.4 and new Vista desktop. after upgrading to Lapinoo's "lightroom2gallery 2.0.0" plugin I now get "no albums fetched. I have 'all access' rights, any ideas or help??? much appreciated. I also tried Soulreaper's lightroom-to-gallery-0.1.3 plugin with same results???
Posts: 31
Hello Lapinoo:
I've been using your plug-in for some time, and have been delighted with the amount of time it saves me - great work.
Just tried installing the new version, though, and it fails - Lightroom says that it is not installed properly, though it replaced the previous version with the new one. Downgraded back to the old version and all is well, but I wonder what went wrong.
Using it with Lightroom 1.4 on Mac OS 10.4.11.
Posts: 378
This really looks like an access right problem on your Gallery.
Have you tested Gallery Remote on your Gallery with the same credentials?
Posts: 378
I may have done a mistake in the current release of the plugin for LR 1.x.
Can you test this one?
Posts: 6
Hi Lapinoo,
I have just upgraded to 2.0.2 and whenever I try to export I get the below error
Plug-in error log for plug-in at: C:\Program Files\Adobe\Adobe Photoshop Lightroom 2.5\Modules\Gallery.lrplugin
**** Error 1
This plug-in’s post-processing task did not finish successfully.
Expected header 1 'field' sub-item to be a string, not nil
V2.0.1 is working with the same settings
Posts: 378
I'll try to have a look at it next week. I'm just back from vacation and my todo list is very long.
Can you send me the complete log file from the plugin (activate the logging feature from the Plugin Manager in LR)?
Posts: 6
I have enabled Verbose logging and it only gives the below details
Plug-in error log for plug-in at: C:\Program Files\Adobe\Adobe Photoshop Lightroom 2.5\Modules\Gallery.lrplugin
**** Error 1
This plug-in’s post-processing task did not finish successfully.
Expected header 1 'field' sub-item to be a string, not nil.
Posts: 8
Hello, I'm trying to use the 2.0.4 version of this plugin with Lightroom 2.6. The plugin is enabled and allows me to login to Gallery (2.3) and retrieves that albums. However, when I hit export, Lighroom tells me its exporting the images but when it finishes, it just tells me that it fails.
I have Verbose logging enabled in the plugin but have not found a single log file related to Lightroom or this plugin. Can someone please let me know where this file is supposed to be?
I have used the Gallery Remote before and that all works fine.
Thanks for any info.
Posts: 8
Oops, nevermind. The problem was my upload file size limit in php. It got set back to 2M.
Posts: 378
Yes, this is disturbing.
I cannot warm the user in LR since I think, no error message is thrown back so that I can tell the user that the PHP limit size has raised the issue.
Posts: 40
I've got LR 2.5, and when I go to plugin manager, I see Gallery2 Upload "Installed and Running" (and 'Enabled').
However, when I go to export I see nothing, or when I go to "web", or in fact wherever I looked.
I am probably missing something, or something is missing...
Where should I see the plugin?
Posts: 378
If the plugin is "Enabled", and "Up & Running", everything is fine.
Go to export, and choose the plugin in the upper right corner. After, you can create a preset so that your Gallery export is quicker to access to.
Posts: 40
Been using Lightroom for years and never knew about that. Thanks! (You see? I *was* missing something!)
Posts: 6
Has anyone been able to get this to work with Gallery 3.0?
Using LR3 and Gallery 3RC2
Posts: 378
Gallery 3 will be using a different protocol to be manipulated through a third party software.
The plugin is not (yet) compatible with this protocol.
Posts: 40
That's a shame... Do you think it ever will?
(missing it after upgrading lightroom)
Posts: 378
The plugin is working fine with LR 2/3 - Gallery 1/2
It's just G3 that is not supported yet.