Questions and suggestions on Improving performance

trbailey's picture

Joined: 2007-04-16
Posts: 172
Posted: Tue, 2007-11-27 17:33

Is it possible to pre-compile the PHP code and save compile, size, and load time there?
I know eAccelerator and other php caches do this but they still have to compile it and maintain the cache. If the majority of code is static, why not just precompile it into a separate binary structure (short folder names) and execute it from there?

Shorter file names mean less disk I/O

Publish specific disk structure information for gallery (sizes of each file, directory etc) and "Best disk block size" tests to help the professional who has some control over such things. With disk I/O being the slowest part of any computing system...

Is there a possibility one could make use of external RAM based storage for static data to prevent having to access the rps disk at all. On today's systems by far the most costly process is the hard disk. If a compiled version were able to be loaded to a USB 2.0 RAM disk, it might be faster than hard drive. Provided the code was precompiled and symlinked to a RAM disk.

Even better, embed the whole thing in hardware (a generic PCIe processor board?), with it's own processor to drive PHP and a serial bus controller to drive the output to the file system. A PIII 1G or PIV 2g processor is more than fast enough to drive php if it's uninterrupted by OS code and it would provide a private hardware context in which to execute code.

All these things are possible with today's hardware but the business community seems to be stuck; no, Mired in "competitive edge" thinking and anti-social, empty soul "exclude the competition" actions which severely limit the scope of future products. What would happen to microsoft if we had a standard public domain Operating System? Better yet, a public domain data and computing system standard like what ASCII was supposed to be in the beginning before microsoft started killing competition with exclusions, justifications, judges and courts, setting a NEW standard called "dishonesty"! :0
Kill the competition, they aren't part of *us*. Their only our customers.

If there is to be a brave new world, it's our generation that will have the hardest time living in it.

P.S. As a teaser, read about a processor with no fixed registers, meaning all variables are register variables.
Hardware Independent Computing