Videos processing ?


Joined: 2002-09-11
Posts: 1
Posted: Wed, 2002-09-11 22:45


I'm not sure about what happens when we upload a video. I have to do a very basic what's new page with link to new files: so I modified save_photo.php to find a complete embedded (postnuke) url to the picture:

it looks like this -->

$cleanPhpSelf = substr($PHP_SELF, 0, -11);
$id = $gallery->album->getPhotoId($index);
$TheFile = new file_manager();
$TheFile->appendUpload('&amp;nbsp&amp;nbsp&amp;nbsp&amp;nbsp&amp;nbsp<font size=2><strong>·</strong>&amp;nbsp</font><a href='.$cleanPhpSelf.(makeAlbumUrl($gallery->session->albumName, $id)).'><font color=#ffff66>'.$name."</font><i>&amp;nbsp;is now available...</i></a><br>n");

It basically (yeah I know it's dirty) write the link into a text file. But it works only for Pictures and I have an error message kinda "object out of bound blablabla" for the videos...

Anyway, I juste want to know wich function can help me to find the url of an upload video...

Thanks in advance!
