splitting up gallery


Joined: 2002-09-11
Posts: 7
Posted: Thu, 2002-09-12 09:44

i want to spit up my gallery into separate galleries (th eon ei have i have is a bit too big).

what is the easy way of doing this? does anyone know?

- roy

bharat's picture

Joined: 2002-05-21
Posts: 7994
Posted: Sat, 2002-09-14 06:01

Here are some instructions I posted on the mailing list a while back.

The easiest thing to do would be to divide your gallery into
several different ones at the top level. Supposing you have
5 top level albums, and then everything below that falls into
one of them. What you can do is this:

- Make 5 duplicates of the gallery code

- Make 5 separate albums directories

- Into each albums directory move one entire *tree* of
albums (ie, the top level album and everything "below" it).
You can do this by simply moving the albums using the
"mv" command. If you copy them you'll wind up changing
the filesystem permissions, so be warned. It'd be easier
to back 'em all up and then try moving them.

The 5 individual galleries will automatically detect the
new albums. You can specify that all the galleries share
the same user database (via the config wizard), except that
in your case you use your own custom one .. right?

If you accidentally move a sub-album into the wrong
albums directory, it won't show up at all. And its parent
(which lives in some other albums directory) will wind
up with a broken link of some kind. But that's ok, just
move it to the right place when you figure out the mistake.