Dear Gallery Crew and Gallery users,
I am part of a team that is building one of the biggest Dancecommunity sites of The Netherlands (FOR-Nation).
We're considering to use Gallery as our picturemodule in PHPNuke 6.5.
FOR-Nation has it's own Partypictures team that will shoot hundreds of photo's on Houseparties (Raves) in The Netherlands. Is there a hack or script that will let members of the site link theirselves to a picture (with approval of the admin)? So that when someone sees that he or she is on a picture he can click on a link saying for example "This is me!" and that one of our admins validates the request and after that there's a line beneath the picture displaying the name of the member?
And is there also a possibility to let members send a pic as an e-card?
Hope you guys can help me out.
Thanx in advance,