I want to change the appearence of the comment window. I am using a black background and no table borders in my gallery, and as the comment window seems to use the same css information like the main gallery, the window is simply black and you don't see it.
I found this tpl file
... /modules/comment/templates/AddComment.tpl
but changing the information in there only slightly changes the whole comment window.
The only significant CSS reference in AddComment.tpl is to gbBlock, gcBackground1 and gcBorder2, but there must be a bunch of more comment CSS data which is not defined in the theme.css, in the color.css or in the comment.css files.
There must be some other sources in which this floating window is built - can someone please tell me in which file that is?
Thank you
Posts: 27300
Blog & G2 || floridave - Gallery Team
Posts: 70
edit: [link deleted]
Posts: 27300
Use the FF web browser and the firebug plugin.
Blog & G2 || floridave - Gallery Team
Posts: 70
The Firebug Plugin is awesome, could have saved myself hundreds of hours of work on my BLOG with that one
... thank you very much. I'll delete the link in the upper post as the gallery is still in the beta phase.
I still have one question though:
with the CSS module in Firebug I can (a) identify the class I am searching for (for instance I want to know how the class of the border around the comment window is called, I inspect it and get "CLASS_A" as name), and (b) I can see in which CSS file the class "CLASS_A" is defined.
My problem, however, is to find out in which *.tpl file the comment floating window is written (the AddComment.tpl does not supply sufficient information needed and include enough CSS classes to build the window, so there must be another tpl file who "generates" that window).
Thanks again!
Posts: 27300
Try this movie for a short tutorial on firebug:
I am not familiar with the x_treme theme to find the code you are after.
Blog & G2 || floridave - Gallery Team
Posts: 27300
You might have to add a class. "CLASS_A" might not be in the css. It could just be inheriting the css.
Blog & G2 || floridave - Gallery Team
Posts: 70
It's not inherited, as far as I see it. I changed the CLASS_A to a new defined CLASS_C (I put it as new class into the CSS files) the "AddComment" template file, but that only slightly changed the window look. There must be some other tpl files around in which the window is designed, but I'll find it sooner or later.
Thanks for the movie and the plugin again!
EDIT: the classes were just example names, the important ones which define the backgruond of the gallery AND the main parts of the floating comment window are "gcBorder1" and "gcBackground1". If I change them to what I want, the floating window looks great - but it messes up the "main" gallery window as it defines it as well
Posts: 70
After 2 days of trying I still can't solve the problem.
I want to redesign the floating comments window (xtreme theme), without simply changing the CSS class properties (because the classes used in the floating comments window are used all over the gallery, and I only want to change the design of the comments window). Therefor I
(A) need to implement new CSS classes (no problem), and
(B) need to change the classes to my new classes in the tpl files.
Now, I do find some tpl files in which I can do some redesigns (directory: ... /modules/comment/templates/...), but I can't change the OUTER BORDER nor the MAIN BACKGROUND of the comments window.
I know, of course, which classes are used for those (gcBorder2, gcBackground2), but I don't find a tpl file in which I can succesfully alter the outer border by changing the classes in those tpl files to my new CSS classes (e.g. gcBorder4).
There *must* be a file in which the floating window is "constructed" (like the good old "index" files used for framing websites), but I simply can't find it.
Another fact which proves my point is that there is, in the floating window, a "drag" field, with the CSS class "blockmove" - there is no comment tpl file whatsoever in which the class blockmove appears, so there definetely is another tpl file which designs the floating (comment) window.
I'd appreciate your help - or in other words: help!
This gallery was setup only a few days back and is still in the beta testing phase, I'm just posting it in case you need the info in case it helps you to help me with my questions:
revelation-of-silence DOT com SLASH gallery
Posts: 244
Hi Torvon,
I have written your answer here .
Posts: 70
Thanks, all solved.
In case you need the link to my gallery in order to answer my help requests:
revelation-of-silence DOT com SLASH gallery