feedback 1.3.3


Joined: 2003-06-24
Posts: 1
Posted: Tue, 2003-06-24 08:14

I installed Gallery 1.3.3 some times ago and like to send some feedback.

I use a local linux-server with apache *and* samba. So it's not tricky to warp my 4000 photos to the server.
But it's very tricky and time consuming to get these already local available photos into gallery.
It would be very helpful, if gallery would be able to set up on a full prepared directory-structure filled with photos and thumbnails.

My first installation was a desaster, because I installed gallery in apaches cgi-bin directory.
I didn't find any text, where to install gallery.

Gallery is fixed on the directory albums.
But I'd like to have many independet album directories.
I tried to modify the code, where I can give gallery a destination directory.
It was simple and successful for the first call, but I wasn't able to pull this directory-name through the session-handling (my php-knowledge isn't good)
But I think it should be simple and useful to place the code somewhere else and give gallery an album-directory.

these are the bad things of gallery.
I don't post the good things, I think they are well-known.