Is there a way to change the "Page Order" for the "Albums" page the plugin automatically adds. I currently have "Home", then "Welcome!!!", then more....
"Albums" has inconveniently added itself between "Home" and "Welcome". I'ld like to be able to set the page order so I can choose where it goes, just like regular pages.
I'm hunting through code for where this gets added, but it'd be great if I could specify the Albums "page order".
Posts: 1378
I am little confused here, are we talking about the order of the Wordpress Pages or the Order of the Gallery2 Albums? If it is the later, then yes you can control the listing of the Gallery2 Albums via the Site Admin Panel (Themes) However If you are talking about controlling the listing of pages within Wordpress then that is a little more tricky, however this thread talks about how you can do this..
Wordpress / Gallery2 (WPG2) Plugin, , WPG2 Documentation, WPG2 Demo
Posts: 27
I was talking about the "listing of pages within the Wordpress header". I know you can set a page-order number for each "page" defined in WordPress, and wordpress respects those numbers, but the "Albums" "page" doesn't come from that. It appears to come from the WP2G plugin and is inserted as the first page with no way to set "page order".
I'll look into the thread link you sent me.
Posts: 1378
Actually the WPG2 Page is just a another standard WP Page and should behave like any other page in regards to the page-order, you can freely edit this page (WPG2) and set the page-order.
Wordpress / Gallery2 (WPG2) Plugin, , WPG2 Documentation, WPG2 Demo
Posts: 27
Something else must be going on. I actually have two "Album" links in the nav bar. More in a moment. Here's what I have installed:
WordPress 2.3.2
Gallery 2.2.4
WPG2 3.0.2
vSlider3 theme for both Gallery and WordPress
I can "Manage Pages" and set one of the "Albums" to a "Page-Order of 98 (which is the second to the last number in my schema) and it works just fine. I see an Albums tab (page) second to last. But I also see one that is second. But I only see one of these in the "Manage Pages" section. If I set the "page-status" to "draft" (based on a recommendation on the vSlider thread of the developers site), the one that has the page-order of 90 disappears (expected), but the other remains where I don't want it.
I'm not sure why I have two links, which both go to "". The "second one" (which I can turn on and off, and can set page-order) works as "expected". I can't figure out yet where the first one is even coming from...
I'm going to "publish" the second one so you can see both, if you're curious... I'll turn it off in a few days if we can't get anywhere.
Thanks for taking your time to help out. I appreciate it.
Posts: 1378
Hmmm I wonder if vslider has some functionality which is setting the extra albums page, do you have Albums as say a bookmark link. I am not sure how vslider is building that dynamic header menu which makes it a little difficult to help you..
Wordpress / Gallery2 (WPG2) Plugin, , WPG2 Documentation, WPG2 Demo
Posts: 27
Thanks for the additional feedback. I'm in contact with the vSlider3 author about this issue... I'll post whatever I find out.
Posts: 1378
Thanks Steve.. It be interesting what you find out..
Wordpress / Gallery2 (WPG2) Plugin, , WPG2 Documentation, WPG2 Demo
Posts: 27
This was a "known" issue with vSlider 3.0. Version 3.1 was just released a couple days ago, and appears to address this issue. I now have a single link in my "pages" navigation that I can position with page-order.
Just FYI, I'm having a problem with the new vSlider 3.1 theme right now on the Gallery side where it won't display albums (says it needs to be used as embedded, but it is embedded).
This might be due to the fact that I have Wordpress in a sub-directory <public_html>/wp, and a multi-site gallery2 installation (main code in <public_html>/gallery2 and the gallery I'm embedding in <public_html>/Albums.
The resolution was to modify the gallery2 "" file from
Everything is working great now!
Posts: 1378
Thanks Steve..
Wordpress / Gallery2 (WPG2) Plugin, , WPG2 Documentation, WPG2 Demo
Posts: 27
I updated my previous post. Things are working now.....